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Date:14 Jan 2000 (AM) Occasion:Annual Sports Meet Place:Prashanti Nilayam

The Spirit of Sport

You are the pure, unsullied and eternal Atman. You will understand that this Samsara (worldly life) is but a dream, once you wake up from the steep of Moha (attachment).
(Sanskrit Sloka)

You are neither the body, which is nothing but a conglomeration of flesh, blood and bones, nor the mind, a combination of thoughts and vain desires, nor the delusion, born out of attachment, which diverts you away from liberation. You are essentially Divine.
(Poem in Telugu)


Embodiments of Love!

The youth of today are the future leaders of the nation and the architects of an ideal society. The future of the nation depends on the youth. It is only patriotism that confers strength on the youth. The primary duty of youth is to render service to society. The physical and mental strength of youth is the foundation on which a nation is built.

Young Men and Women!

This is not the time to relax. Do not waste time. Wake up from the slumber of selfishness and narrow-mindedness and resolve to serve the nation. Perform your activities keeping the esteem and honor of the nation uppermost in your heart. Understand the reason behind God creating man. Every individual has a goal. It is unbecoming of youth to forget divinity, the goal of life, and to waste time in physical and materialistic pursuits. Youth should express human qualities by rendering service to the society, discharging their duties with sincerity and cultivating noble character. Youth should re-establish the ancient culture of Bharat by practicing and propagating its pristine values. But modern students are neglecting their duty to the nation. They are not giving priority to the progress and prosperity of the nation. First of all students should understand that the well being of the individual lies in the safety and security of the nation.

Understand the truth that in the myriad forms of life, human life is the most sacred. Lead your life in a way so as to uphold Dharma, not merely to eat and sleep like birds and beasts. Birds and beasts are acting according to their innate nature, but man is forgetting his responsibility of fostering righteousness. Modern youth are under the mistaken notion that education is the means for obtaining Udyoga (job). Udyoga without Yoga is futile. Contemplation on God is true Yoga and Udyoga. That is the primary duty of man. Without understanding this truth, some people take pride in their jobs. Ahamkara (ego) is the pest, which attacks the root of the tree of human life. Raaga (attachment) and Dwesha (hatred) foster Ahamkara. Together these three spell doom to the human life. Man's life will shine forth brilliantly only when his mind is filled with divine love. The life of one who forgets God and gets immersed in selfish love is rushing to ruin. The one who has total faith in God and love for God will lead a life of joy and bliss. Man should make an effort to understand his innate divine power, which is unfathomable.

Bharat is the source of the Vedas and the sacred rituals like Yajnaas and Yaagas. How is it that such a sacred land is facing hardship today? The people of yore considered Truth as God, sacrifice as the true human quality, adhered to them and experienced the bliss derived therefrom. But the modern students and the educated consider money as God and think that they can lead a happy life by holding positions of authority. This is not the true human quality. One should aspire for the bliss, which can be experienced by acquiring the knowledge of Brahman (Divinity). Brahman is that which is changeless in all the three-periods of time. Such an eternal principle is referred to in the Vedas as Prajnanam Brahma (Constant Integrated Awareness is Brahman.)

From the principle of Brahman emerged Akasha (ether). From Akasha, Vayu (wind) originated. From Vayu, Jala (water) emerged. From, Jala, Agni (fire) emerged. From Agni came Prithvi (earth). From Prithvi, Oshadhi (vegetation) emerged. Oshadhis gave rise to Annam (food) and man is born out of food. Thus you can see that man and Brahman are intimately related. On this basis, Lord Krishna declared: Mamaivaamsho Jeevaloke Jeevabhutah Sanathanah (the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being). Without the principle of Brahman, nothing can exist, be it ether, wind, fire, earth, vegetation or food. Without food, humanity cannot survive. On this basis, the Vedas declared: Annam Brahma (food is God). What is food? Does it constitute merely the rice and vegetables that we consume? No. The whole world is composed of food. One body is the food for the other body. That which we consume is food and the one who consumes is also made up of food. In fact, everything is made up of food. Therefore, it is said, food is God. You offer the food to God by chanting the Sloka, "Brahmarpanam..." before you partake of it. But where is God? He is very much in you. That is why He responds to your prayer immediately from within: "Aham Vaishvanaro Bhoothva... " meaning, "I am in you in the form of Vaishvanara, digesting the food that you consume."

Sathyam (truth) forms the basis for food. What is Sathyam? It is that which creates food. Sathyam comprises of three syllables - Sath, Ye, Yam, which stand for the individual (Jiva), food (Annam) and the sun. Sunlight produces food, which sustains the individual. So, Truth is the basis for all. Our ancients considered Truth and Righteousness as their very life breath. But, people today aspire for food, neglecting Truth. They fail to understand that Truth is the basis for food.

'Brahma' (Divinity) is the basis for everything. Who is 'Brahma'? Expansion is 'Brahma'. 'Brahma' pervades the wind, the sound, the water, the earth and the sky. The five elements are the manifestations of 'Brahma'. That is why people worship earth as Bhudevi, water as Gangadevi, wind as Vayudeva, etc. But they do not realize that the same 'Brahma' permeates all the five elements. All the five elements are present in the human body. So, Divinity is not separate from man. Man is the very form of 'Brahma'. He is the embodiment of Truth. He should make every effort to manifest his latent Divinity. That is true Sadhana.

'Brahma' does not mean the four-faced entity that you see in pictures. 'Brahma' permeates the entire universe. So, every living being is the embodiment of God. All actions of man are spurred by Divinity within. Students participated in various sports and cultural activities and emerged victorious. But they should not pamper their ego thinking that they are responsible for their victory. They should realize that it is the Divinity within that does all. Students, who have never sung earlier in their lives, also sang melodiously. Similarly, those who never participated in any sports earlier emerged victorious. All these prove the fact that it is the Divinity within that brings forth the latent talents and skills. The process of inhalation and exhalation, So-ham, also proves the presence of Divinity within. So-ham means 'I am He'. The process of inhalation and exhalation repeats itself 21,600 times a day, reminding man of his Divinity. This being the case, why should man consider himself mean? In fact, man is the embodiment of all powers and faculties. You are under the false impression that knowledge is acquired through books. In fact, it is the manifestation of that which already exists within. Nothing is possible without Divinity. There are flowers, thread and needle, but they cannot form a garland by themselves. There should be someone to string them together. Similarly, alphabets by themselves do not convey any meaning, unless there, is someone to build words (for example G-O-D) and explain their meaning. You have curd and a churning rod, but can you get butter out of curd without churning? No. Likewise, the infinite power latent in the individual should be manifested through self-effort. It is possible only when you fill your mind with love for God. It is evident that self-effort and grace of God are essential in any human endeavor. The reason for all misery and grief is that your mind is not directed towards Divine love. You will lead a blissful life only when your mind is suffused with Divine love. Divine love is the ultimate goal of life.

Perform your activities with Divine feelings. Do your duties sincerely. Only then the Udyoga that you do will be transformed into Yoga and work will be transformed into worship. But man lacks such noble feelings. He differentiates between his work and others' work without understanding the truth that the same Divinity exists in all. "Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Paath," all the heads, hands and feet are His. The entire universe is His manifestation. Divinity exists in one and all, be it Asthika (theist), or a Nasthika (atheist). Na + Asthi = Naasthi. Asthi stands for Divinity, which means Divinity is the basis even for Nasthika.

Man uses words without understanding their inner meaning. This is the cause of his ignorance. He gets immersed in worldly pleasures and says that he is experiencing Brahmananda (eternal bliss). Worldly pleasures are transient, whereas Brahmananda is eternal. The type of joy that man derives out of worldly comforts and conveniences is Maanavananda (human joy). Hundred times more than Maanavananda is Indrananda. Hundred times more than Indrananda is Devendrananda. Hundred times more than Devendrananda is Devananda. Hundred times more than Devananda is Brihaspathiananda. Hundred times more than Brihaspathiananda is Prajapathiananda. Hundred times more than Prajapathiananda is Brahmananda. This is the true measure of Brahmananda. Such an expression as Brahmananda is used in common parlance to mean worldly happiness. "Brahmanandam Paramasukhadam...," only Brahmananda confers supreme comfort. All the comforts relating to body and mind are like passing clouds. They are related to waking state alone. But Brahmananda can be experienced in all the three states viz., Jaagrat, Swapna and Sushupthi (waking, dream and deep sleep states). It is changeless in all the three periods of time. Man aspires to be blissful always, but he is subjected to misery because of narrow feelings and unsacred thoughts. He can experience the eternal bliss only when he gives up narrow feelings and becomes broad-minded.

Embodiments of Love!

You can experience the eternal bliss only through love. There is no bliss greater than love. Divinity is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. The Vedas declare: Sathyam Jnanam Anantham Brahma (Divinity is Truth, Wisdom and Eternal). This infinite wisdom is latent in man, but he fails to understand this truth. He has become weak-minded due to defects in his food and habits. He is totally entangled in body attachment. All his thoughts, words and deeds are engulfed in body attachment. He should get rid of body attachment and develop attachment towards the Self to realize his innate divinity. Body is not permanent. It is bound to perish one day or the other. None can predict with any degree of certainty when one would leave one's mortal coil. This physical life is but a dream. So, do not develop undue attachment to the body. So long as you are alive, discharge your duties sincerely. Suffuse your thoughts, words and deeds with divine feelings. Then you will verily become God.

Youth should resolve to eradicate poverty, suffering and injustice in this country. This can be accomplished only by developing sacred thoughts, adhering to truth, righteousness and justice and realizing that God is omnipresent.


You are the emancipators of Bharat (India). Take refuge in Divinity, serve the nation and resolve to script a golden chapter in the history of Bharat. That is the essence of true education. Do not take pride in the mere acquisition of bookish knowledge. Bookish knowledge only helps in eking out a livelihood. It will not confer total wisdom. Perform your activities with unflinching faith in God. Then you are bound to be successful. Do not therefore study just for the sake of acquiring degrees.

In spite of his education and intelligence, an ignorant person will not know his true Self and a mean-minded person will not give up his wicked qualities. Modern education leads only to argumentation, not to total wisdom. What is the use of acquiring worldly education if it cannot save you from death? Acquire the knowledge that will make you immortal.(Poem in Telugu)

That is true education. That is Brahma Jnana (knowledge of Brahman). There can be no greater bliss than realizing the truth that God is all pervasive. No doubt, worldly education is also essential, but it should be under a certain limit, otherwise, it will corrupt the mind. When you are thirsty, is it not foolish to desire for the whole of the river Ganga? A glass of water is enough to quench your thirst. Likewise, it is foolish to entertain excessive desires. Na Sreyo Niyamam Vina (virtue cannot be attained without discipline). Everything should be under a certain limit. Proper discipline has to be maintained in eating, earning and spending. Only then your life will be blissful.


Sports and games are essential to keep your body and mind in good shape. There is no point in having a healthy body if it is not used in the service of the society. Likewise, all your intelligence will be a waste if it is not used to discriminate between good and bad. Before undertaking any activity, enquire whether it is good or bad.

Embodiments of Love!

Dedicate your physical, mental and spiritual powers to Divinity. God is the giver and also the receiver. He is the one who experiences and also the one who is experienced. Understand the truth that everything, be it good or bad, happens according to the Divine Will. Do not develop craze for acquiring degrees, going abroad and amassing wealth. The true wealth is within you. Never forsake your motherland. For the simple reason that your mother is not beautiful, can you forsake her and consider another lady who is beautiful as your mother? Preferring a foreign land to one's own motherland amounts to doing the same. Janani Janma Bhoomishcha Swargadapi Gareeyasi (the mother and the motherland are superior even to heaven). So, one should have love for one's motherland. Develop Deshaabhimaanam (love for motherland), not Dehaabhimaanam (attachment to the body).

The physical body, made of five elements, is weak and no one knows when it would perish. Though one hundred years of life span is prescribed, you cannot take it for granted. You may have to leave your body at any point of time - either in childhood or in youth, or in old age, either in town or in forest, or in deep sea. Understand that death is certain and use your intellect to know your true nature while you are alive. (Poem in Telugu)

If you do not know the purpose of your birth, you will become a burden to mother earth. The purpose of human birth is to know the Divinity. Try to understand your true nature. Do not compare yourself with others. Do not imitate others. Imitation is the quality of the weak-minded. For instance, you have come to know that someone found a wallet on the road while passing through a particular locality. If you go to the same locality expecting to find another wallet on the road, your own wallet may be lost! In order to progress in the field of education, imitation is desirable to a certain extent, but in all other fields imitation is deplorable. Imitation is human; creation is Divine. Let your thoughts be sacred and the result will also be sacred.


This Sports and Cultural Meet has given immense joy to one and all. Do not consider sports and games as merely an annual affair. Your life itself is a game. Each moment that you spend is a part of this game of life. Play this game in the true spirit and emerge victorious. Human life is highly valuable and noble. Do not squander it in mean activities. Don't waste time. Time wasted is life wasted. Undertake righteous actions. Render service to the society. Strive for the welfare of fellowman. The Puranas affirm Paropakaram Punyaya Papaya Parapeedanam (helping others is meritorious, and hurting others is a sin). So, Help ever, Hurt never. This is the essence of the 18 Puranas. Kauravas always indulged in hurting Pandavas. Consequently, not even one out of a hundred brothers survived the Kurukshetra war. Lord Krishna foretold this before the commencement of the war. He told Dharmaraja, "Do not give scope to worry. Follow your Dharma and do your duty sincerely. You will certainly emerge victorious." He infused courage and confidence in Arjuna, saying, "Arise Dhananjaya! No one can escape their destiny. Justice will prevail and selfishness will perish. This has been the case in every Yuga (aeon). You will see for yourself, King Dhritarashtra, father of hundred sons, will not be left with at least one son to perform his last rites."

Kauravas ruined themselves because they neglected God and reposed their faith in the world. I do not advise you to forsake the world, but do not get yourself totally immersed in worldly life. Have faith in God. Respect your parents and make them happy. The Vedas say. Matrudevo Bhava Pitrudevo Bhava (revere the father and mother as God). Do not hurt their feelings. Perform all your, activities as offering to God. Then you will certainly emerge victorious in all your endeavors.

Students! You gave immense joy to thousands of people with your performances. However, pleasing the entire world without pleasing God is of no use. Even if the whole world is opposed to you, so long as God is with you, you need not fear. With God in your possession the entire universe becomes yours. When God is pleased, the whole world is happy. Therefore, let all your efforts be towards pleasing God. Duupaati Tirumalacharya, the author of (Sri Sathya Sai) Suprabhatam used to live here. He had served in the royal court of Venkatagiri. He was a great scholar in Sanskrit and Sastras. He accompanied Bhagavan to Badari at an advanced age of ninety. Bhagavan asked him whether he was fit enough to undertake such an arduous journey. He affirmed that with Swami by his side, he would travel any length of journey without any discomfort. He said, "Sai Matha, if You forsake me, my entire existence is a waste. If You accept me as Yours, it is as if I have everything at my command." This was the state of Bhakti and surrender in which Tirumalacharya spent his life. He was constantly meditating on Sai Matha. He spent all his time in Swami's proximity, whether it was here or in Brindavan. His Bhakti was beyond measure. Consequently, his end was peaceful. He very well knew that his end was approaching and one day expressed his feeling. On being questioned as to how he knew about it, he replied, "Swami is telling me from within." Saying so, he went for his bath, brought some water, washed Swami's feet and sipped a few drops of the sanctified water and said, "Swami, my life has found fulfillment. Now the time has come for me to merge in You." Thereafter he cast off his mortal coil and merged in Swami. There is no shortage of men filled with Bhakti of this kind in the world. It is only because of the presence of such persons, the world is able to sustain itself.

Students, wherever you may go, never forget truth. The only form of gratitude that you can express towards this university is adherence to truth. Earn a good name to the Institute through your good conduct. That is all I expect from you.

Recently Swami sent few students to Bangalore for training in horse riding and driving of go-carts. Lt. Gen. Mehta gave them all help and facilities. He brought the horses and also arranged for trainers. The trainers were very happy with the performance of our boys. They were astonished at the skills and dexterity displayed by the boys, who learnt the art of horse riding within a short span of time. They extolled the character of the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, saying they are knowledgeable, smart and intelligent. Such a good name is what Swami expects you to earn for yourself and the Institute.

There are lot of people in the outside world who wear white dress, but their minds are polluted. Students of our Institute are 'white' (pure) both internally and externally. They not only wear white dress, but are also pure in their minds and heart.

Swami is always near you, with you, in you and around you. You should all become men of character and propagate spiritual values. You know the state of the country now. There is strife, misery and pain everywhere. Strive to alleviate this misery. This is what Swami expects from you. Do not wait until the next sports event. Perform your daily activities with diligence and constantly contemplate on God. Sanctify your life with Divine love.

[Bhagavan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Prema Mudhita Manase Kaho..."]