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Date:15 May 2000 Occasion:Summer Course Place:Brindavan

True Education leads to Divinity

Education is the true beauty of man; it is his bountiful hidden treasure. Education is the means by which man can fulfil all his needs; it is also the source of his fame and prosperity. It is indeed the teacher of teachers. When one is away in a foreign land, education is one's relative and friend; it is one's supreme deity. In the courts of kings, education is honored, not wealth. A man without education is verily an animal. (Sanskrit Verse)

Students - Boys and Girls, Teachers and Patrons of Education!

In the first instance, the students must realize the importance of education. Your parents feel very sad when you lag behind in studies. The pain and agony of Bharat Matha (Mother India) is thousand times more than that of your parents when she finds you lacking in moral and spiritual values. "Janani Janma Bhoomischa Swargadapi Gareeyasi" (mother and motherland are greater than even heaven). The students should resolve not to put mother and motherland to suffering with their conduct and behavior.

Follow the Path of Ancient Sages

What is meant by education? What sort of education is to be acquired by the students? What is the ideal that ensures the progress of mankind? Today the students are not making any effort to understand the sacredness and significance of true knowledge. The prestige of an individual does not depend on education alone. Along with education, culture is also very essential. One will be respected and honored only when one possesses both education and culture. Modern education bestows only information; it does not lead to transformation. Culture alone can bring about transformation. Education without culture can be compared to a field without water supply, an electric wire without power supply, a house without light, a school without teacher and a temple without deity. Modern youth have lost their direction in the absence of cultural values.

In the past, many committees were set up to reform the system of education and many decisions were taken. But they have not been put into practice. It is most essential that modern students follow the ideals set by our ancients. The ancient sages and seers fostered noble thoughts, put them into practice, experienced the bliss derived therefrom and shared it with the society. Mere acquisition of bookish knowledge will not suffice. The students should make an effort to tread the path shown by the ancient sages and seers and acquire the sacred knowledge.

Heart is the Source of Atma Vidya

The word 'education' is derived from the root word 'educare'. Education refers to acquiring information from outside while 'educare' means to bring out or to elicit that which is inside. Man should bring out the sacred qualities latent in his heart and put them into practice. The worldly education that you pursue and the jobs that you undertake are related to the head. They are subject to change. But the human values like compassion, forbearance, truth, which originate from the heart, are changeless. That which is filled with Daya (compassion) is Hridaya (heart). It is the source of bliss. Instead of recognizing his innate potentialities, man is searching them in the external world. All that is seen in the external world is nothing but reflection of the inner being. So, man should direct his vision inward and experience bliss. Today man wastes all his time in the acquisition of secular knowledge. No doubt, secular knowledge is essential, but it should be based on the fundamental principle present within.

Utilize Education to Serve the Society

Consider, for example, this silver tumbler. This may be changed into a spoon or plate. But silver cannot be changed, it remains the same. Just as tumbler, plate and spoon are made out of silver, all names and forms have originated from the fundamental principle. Likewise, heart is the source of fundamental knowledge, which is also known as Atma Vidya (knowledge of the Self). This knowledge is the power of wisdom. One should not be content with the acquisition of physical knowledge alone. There are millions in this world who are well versed in physical education. But are they contributing in any measure to the welfare of the country? Not at all. They are immersed in selfishness and self-interest. "Sarve Loka Hitherata" (work for the welfare of the entire world). "Sarve Jnanopasampanna" (acquire all forms of knowledge). Sarve Samudhita Gunaihi (be a paragon of all virtues). These are the hallmarks of a truly educated person. Man is a part and parcel of the society. His safety depends on the safety of the society. So, man should utilize his education for the benefit of the society and not for commercial purposes. He should work for the welfare and progress of the society. Today the field of education has become business-oriented, a bad business indeed! All that one has acquired from the society must be dedicated to the society in turn. Education is acquired from the society. It is inhuman to use it for monetary gains. Spirit of sacrifice is true humanness. The Vedas teach, "Na Karmana Na Prajaya Dhanena Thyagenaikena Amritatwamanasu" (immortality can be attained only through sacrifice, neither wealth nor progeny nor good deeds can confer it).

The Purusha Sukta says, "Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad" (God has thousands of heads, eyes and feet), which means all heads, eyes and feet are His. The same truth is echoed in the Vedic dictum, "Ekoham Bahusyam" (the One willed to manifest into many). Thus, the Vedas have been expounding the basic unity in a society of individuals. Only One exists, multiplicity is nothing but delusion. That is why the Vedas declare:

Saha Navavatu
Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Veeryam Karavavahai
Tejaswi Navadheethamastu
Ma Vidvisavahai

(May the Lord protect and nourish us! May we grow in intelligence and valor working together! May we live in friendship without any conflict.)


Give up the false notion that education is meant for acquiring jobs and earning money. There is nothing great in earning money. Even beggars do it nowadays.

Wealth is worshipped as God,
Selfishness has become the basis of life,
Pomp and show have become the fashion of the day,
Ego is ruling supreme in everyone,
Ambition makes men ignore righteousness.
There is no humility and no regard for truth,
Education is sought for earning money,
Hypocrisy has become the order of the day.
How can the sons of Bharat Matha hope to progress on the right path ?
Spiritual education is the urgent need of the hour to reform our children
And turn them in the right direction.
(Telugu Poem)

Realize the Fundamental Unity of Mankind


Give up selfishness and foster unity and love. Lead a life of sacrifice. Do not desire for comforts and conveniences. It is the mind that is responsible for desire and disgust, aspiration and frustration. Manah Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandhamokshayo (mind is responsible for both bondage and liberation of man). Where is the mind? You think the mind is in you. But mind is everywhere. Mano Moolam Idam Jagat (mind is the basis for the entire world). Since the mind is all-pervasive, it is present in you too. You find here many bulbs glowing, but the same current flows through all of them. Likewise, the same Atmic current is present in all human bodies. As the Governor, Rama Devi, pointed out (in her speech earlier) God is present in everyone. "Isa Vasyam Idam Jagat" (God pervades the entire world). "Easwara Sarva Bhutanam" (God is immanent in all beings). I have told you many times, "Deho Devalaya Proktho Jeevo Deva Sanathana" (body is the temple and the indwelling eternal Atma is God). All bodies are temples and each individual soul is God Himself. So, consider the entire world as one family and love one and all. Do not hate anybody. Hating others amounts to hating your own self. Love ever, hurt never. There is no divinity other than love. Love is God, live in love.


Eschew all evil qualities like hatred, anger, jealousy, greed, etc. You are punished by your own evil qualities and protected by your own love. Therefore, I say:

Start the day with love,
Spend the day with love,
Fill the day with love,
And end the day with love.
This is the way to God.

Education should transform man into one of compassion. It should not make him stone-hearted. Once a Britisher found Mahatma Gandhi in a very dejected mood and asked him for the reason. Gandhi replied, "The hard-heartedness of the educated makes me feel sad." He was worried about the current education system, which was making man stone-hearted. True education is that which fosters compassion and love and ultimately leads man to divinity. Such education is the need of the hour.

Can one be called educated just because one knows how to read and write?
Does mere acquisition of college degrees make one truly educated?
Can that which has no moral and spiritual values be called education at all?
If education is meant only for a living, don't we find the birds and the beasts living without any education ?
(Telugu Poem)

Education is for life, not for a living. Give up the false notion that Vidya (education) is meant for acquiring Udyoga (job). After all what is Udyoga? Whatever work you do is Udyoga. Help your parents in the household work. Even that is Udyoga. Do all your work with divine feelings. Then work will be transformed into worship. Work is worship. Duty is God. Modern students want to go abroad as soon as they acquire a degree. They do not realize that what is not found in India is not found anywhere else in the world. Bharat is Thyaga Bhoomi (land of sacrifice), Yoga Bhoomi (land of spirituality) and Karma Bhoomi (land of action). But alas! People are trying to convert it into a Bhoga Bhoomi (land of worldly pleasures). Understand that Bhoga leads to Roga (disease). Students should give up the idea of going abroad; they should serve their motherland. One who does not take pride in one's own motherland and mother tongue is no better than a living corpse. Bharat is the noblest and the most sacred country. Since ancient times, Bharat has been occupying the exalted position of a leader to the rest of the world in all fields of life. It is rather strange that Bharatiyas prefer foreign countries to their motherland, which has such great reputation. Have faith in your motherland and work for its welfare and progress.


No doubt, secular education is essential. But along with secular education, one should have moral and spiritual education too. One without moral and spiritual education will never attain peace. Worldly education is negative and spiritual education is positive. Just as positive and negative are essential for the electric current to flow, both worldly education and spiritual education are needed for progress in life. So, students should imbibe both. But modern students have no inclination towards spiritual education. As a result, their hearts are filled with negative feelings. Secular knowledge without spiritual education is useless; it can be compared to a kite with its string snapped.


You are endowed with noble qualities. You are in the prime of youth and are full of purity. Make the best use of this. Never act in haste. Haste makes waste, waste makes worry. So, do not be in a hurry. The moment a thought arises in you, use your power of discrimination to enquire whether it is good or bad, right or wrong. Or else what is the use of being endowed with the power of discrimination? You should not resort to individual discrimination (that which is based on selfish gains). Make use of fundamental discrimination (that which is beneficial to the society at large), entertain noble thoughts and undertake sacred activities. Only then will your life find fulfillment.

The Governor gave good counsel to the students based on her rich experience. First of all, one should have faith in oneself. Self-confidence is the foundation of the mansion of life. The walls of self-satisfaction can stand firm only when the foundation of self-confidence is strong. On the walls of self-satisfaction lies the roof of self-sacrifice. Under the roof of self-sacrifice, you can lead the life of self-realization. One cannot live in a house without roof. Roof cannot be laid without the walls. Walls cannot be raised without foundation. So, first of all, you must lay the foundation of self-confidence. What is Self? Self means Divinity.

Everyone uses the word '' while referring to himself or herself. Vedanta explains this principle of 'I' at length. It says, know thyself first. You say, "My hand, my leg, my eyes" etc., then who are you? When you say, "This is my handkerchief, my tumbler," handkerchief and tumbler are separate from you. Likewise, the body is separate from you, since you say, "This is my body." Then who are you? When you enquire on these lines, you will realize that you are the Atma. in this congregation, if I ask who is Ramaiah, someone may say 'I'. If I ask who is Rangaiah, some other may say 'I'. Thus, we see that though names and forms vary, the principle of 'I' (Atma) is one and the same in everybody. So, if you understand the 'I' in you, you will be able to understand the entire creation because the same 'I' is present in everyone. This is the teaching of Vedanta. This is non-dualism. Vedanta teaches non-dualism. Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (truth is one, but scholars refer to it in different ways). When, on seeing someone in pain, you feel the urge to relieve it, when your heart melts at the misery of your fellow beings, then you are a true human being.

Never Use Education for Selfish Gains


You want to study and acquire high academic qualifications. But during the course of all this, never forget the sacred culture of your motherland. The cornerstone of Bharatiya culture is the understanding of unity in diversity. Make use of your education to serve the society. Today, engineering and medical colleges have become business centers. The capitation fee for a medical seat runs into lakhs of rupees. Why do you want to spend so much money to acquire this type of education? If the same money is deposited in a bank, one can lead a comfortable life with the interest accrued therefrom. Never mind if you do not get a seat, but do not spend such huge sums to acquire a seat. If a student is questioned as to what he is doing, he says Chaduvu-kontunnaanu (a pun in Telugu, which means that he is buying education). Even to get a seat in primary school one has to pay thousands of rupees as donation. Right from the level of primary school to Ph.D., everything is linked with money. Since large sums of money are spent on acquiring a medical or an engineering seat, one resorts to unfair means to earn back the money. All this is very wrong; it is neither necessary to spend like that nor it is proper to reap back the investment by dubious means. Such people cannot be called educated in true sense. With whatever education you get, is it not possible to sustain yourself? God has given you two hands and one stomach. Are two hands not sufficient to fill one stomach? Are you born as a human being just to fill the stomach? Don't you find the birds and beasts also doing the same? Instead of worrying all the time about filling your stomach, fill your mind with pure and sacred thoughts.

Modern education has become artificial. True education is that which inculcates in the students the noble qualities like truth, devotion, discipline, compassion and sense of duty. What is the use of possessing high intelligence if one lacks virtues? Mere intelligence is not enough. Is not a fox also intelligent? Intelligence should be coupled with virtues.

As you are aware, in our institution, education is offered totally free, right from K.G. to P.G. What do we expect in return? We expect you to lead your lives as ideal citizens. You should function as models for others in whatever you do in life. It is not proper on your part to sell the education that you have received here totally free. So, do not make use of your education for commercial purposes.

You know the system of education that our institution follows. Emphasis is laid on the all-round development of the students. One should not become a bookworm studying 24 hours a day. Time should be allocated to study, play, service and spiritual activities. Consider the example of Napoleon. He led a life of discipline. He had specific timings for food and sleep and any activity for that matter. He strictly adhered to them. Emulate him in this respect. Modern students become lazy once they return home from college. Laziness is rust and dust, realization is the best and rest: So, abandon laziness and strive for realization. Do not indulge in excessive talk. Excessive talk reduces the memory power and intelligence. Talk softly and sweetly. You cannot always oblige, but you can speak always obligingly. Respect elders, love your parents and serve them. Only then can you be called a truly educated one.

Embodiments of Love!

During the next fifteen days, you will be exposed to many more talks. Listen to all these talks carefully and ruminate on them as a cow chews the cud when you go back to your room. Practice whatever you learn. Then you will be happy and healthy. With this Swami brings His discourse to a close.