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Date:20 Mar 1996 Occasion:Ugadi Place:Brindavan

Follow the Master

Anaadi Nidhanam Vishnum Sarva Loka Maheshwaram
Lokaadhyaksham Stuvannithyam Sarva Dukhaati Go Bhavet

Embodiments of Divine Love!

God alone provides divine light in this entire world. He is the ruler. Who is He? He is the Sun God. Time is created by the Sun. Sun is the visible God. Divine effulgence is the Sun God, and He belongs to all countries, to all times and to all religions.

Time is very valuable in the span of life of a man but life is more valuable. Man is craving to achieve a lot of things even at the risk of his own life. Even after achieving, he is not content. An illusion sets in him a desire to achieve something more. Every man has a heart. The heart is filled with compassion. Sharing this compassion with ten others is said to be Bhakthi. Such a heart filled with compassion is rare to find due to pride of nationality, of religion and of status. These overwhelm devotion even though all belong to one caste and one nationality.

Mamaivamso Jiva Loke Bhutaassanathanah
(Everyone is an aspect of God)

It is a pity that the human race forgets this and behaves like demons. Everyone says, `Oh the New Year starts today'. One does not have to wait 12 months to celebrate a new year. 60 seconds for one minute, 60 minutes for one hour, 24 hours for one day, 30 days for one month, and 12 months for one year. See, every second is new. Every second must be spent in a good way and in an ideal way. But man is not able to recognize this Truth.

Normally, everyone thinks that Truth and fact are one and the same. But Truth is different from fact. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Ordinary people think that this is Truth. This is not Truth. This is a fact. We see Sun rising and setting. But Sun stays where He is. He is not going anywhere. This is the Truth. East and west differences are getting created because Earth revolves around Sun. But neither east nor west exist; neither Sun rises nor Sun sets. This is the Truth. Likewise, searching for Truth like this proves Divinity in various ways.

Everyone is apprehensive of what kinds of sorrow and happiness are in store this year. Time is fleeting. Worlds are changing. Men are changing. But, attitudes are not changing. Passage of time does not bring joy and grief. Joy and grief are handed down to us by our own doing of good and bad deeds. Time, always throughout the year, filled with the ongoing sunrise and sunset, does not bring any kind of results. Our own actions bring forth all the results. Good results from good deeds; bad results from bad deeds. Like seed, like tree. Like tree, like fruit. Everyday good and bad, disturbance and peace, come and go. The new year does not bring anything special. Nowadays, many listen to astrology. What is gained by listening to astrology? Astrology does not contain the number of accidents you may have, your grief or death. Astrologers say many different things based on the constellation of stars. Most important of all, no troubles touch us if we have utmost faith in God.

Character is shown in action... Who is God? Where is God? How does He look? There cannot be any room for such doubts, because God is manifest in this entire universe. This whole world is the Form of God. Nature is God. This nature is teaching Man the character of action in many ways. Earth revolves every moment of every hour and does not take rest even for one second. Day and night are created by this movement. Because of this, man is able to get rest after completing his daily chores. Not only that, the earth revolves around our sun at a greater speed per hour. Because of this, seasons are getting created. Through that rains are caused and crops are raised. Enough food is available for the sustenance of all mankind. This Earth is God in visible form. So, our ancients worshipped Mother Earth. This Earth is teaching duty and action to every man. Man must become interested in doing action. One must do good deeds and must receive good rewards. Then one must distribute one's fortune to 10 different people. This is the foremost duty of man. This world will not have any animated controversies if everyone does their allotted duties. This is the teaching of Mother Earth. Nowadays, no one does their allotted duty - not only that, they are spoiling the duty of others also. That is why the world is full of disturbances.

There are 24 hours in a day. 6 hours for sleep, 6 hours for labor, and 6 hours for physical needs. Then what are you doing with the remaining 6 hours? Participate in Seva. Enter the path of divinity.

Nowadays, you think that worldly (loukika), physical (bhautika) and natural(prakrita) pleasures are of more importance than morality, righteousness and spirituality (adhyatimikam). The attainment of these worldly pleasures is not special. By attaining what they offer, will one become greater? Who is the real victor in this world? Shankara asked his disciples this question at one time. "The true victor is he who conquered his enemy in a war", said one disciple. "True victor is he who attains wealth and possessions by boldly facing troubles and losses", said another disciple. Likewise, each disciple gave an answer. None of the answers satisfied Shankara. At last, he himself answered saying "The true victor is he who has conquered his mind". It is useless to do anything without the control of the mind.

Society is shattered into pieces because nowadays man thinks only "I" and "Mine". The name of the New Year is Dhatru. So according to the name, we must have a sense of sacrifice (dhatrutwam).

Na Karmanaa, Na Prajayaa Dhanena
Tyagaineke Amritatwa Manasah

Broad mindedness is needed. Always be ready to give. Then only the attainment according to the name is achieved. God's abode is a compassionate heart. How can God live in a heart devoid of compassion! God will melt and definitely come to us when we share our compassion with even ten others. God is one, Truth is one. No need to change the creation; we must attempt to change our outlook. But nowadays smartness is applauded among those who are propagating diversity amongst Unity. Wisdom is not attributed to those who see Unity in diversity. But to be wise is better than to be smart.

How do you see this Unity in diversity? Birth and death are common for all. A millionaire does not drop from heavens. A poor man is not born from dirt. Each is born from the womb of a mother. Likewise, hunger and thirst are common for all. A millionaire has hunger; so does a poor man. However, the millionaire may eat a sixteen course meal; the poor man may eat just porridge. The meal is different, but hunger is the same. There is the unity. Again, thirst is the same for both. The millionaire may drink a cold soft drink; a poor man may drink water from a pot. Go anywhere in the world and you will find that birth and death, hunger and thirst are the same for all.

Aatmaanam Rathinam Viddhi,
Shariram Ratham-eva-cha

The charioteer of Atma and the chariot of Atma is the same for everyone. Differences are created by us. All is the same in the creation of God. So, see Unity in diversity. This is taught by the Upanishads. The root cause of sorrow is "I and Mine." The same life principle is resident in you, me, them, her and him. Only one Atma. Then where are these differences coming from? Differences are created by attachment to one's own body, attachment to one's own feelings and attachment to one's own behavior. But the heart principle is the same for all. Mind is becoming restless by the differences of mine and thine. Many are dying in this world, we are hearing many things, but we are not saddened. What is the reason? We are not related to them. We do not know them. Therefore we are not saddened. The sadness cannot be controlled by any if someone related to us dies. I and Mine are binding the mind in this way. Much happiness will be obtained if these are gradually reduced. You will experience as much happiness as you love God. But no one is loving God nowadays. They are loving creation more. So, sorrow is increasing. Try and pray to God. Your sorrow will decrease and you will experience a lot of happiness. When you exchange your focus on creation with focus on the Creator, the principle of reality can be experienced immeasurably. Do not exchange Creator with creation. Exchange creation with Creator. Then every work you undertake is transformed into worship.

Sufficient is one good man's reputation to affect all. Our Lok Sabha speaker, Shiva Raj Patil, wrote a book titled "Vision of India". He has been visiting me for many years. I know his nature very well. He knows my nature. He keeps his mind pure, flexible and peaceful. You all know the disturbances inside Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. One runs here, one runs there. One thumps on the desk. One overturns the benches. Oh, so much disturbance, and it does not stop there. They rush to the Speaker as if to pick him up and throw him out. Generally, blood pressure increases on such occasions. But our Shiva Raj Patil gives appropriate answers to everyone and behaves in a peaceful manner. So, all parties praise Shiva Raj Patil very much. That kind of singular good reputation is enough.

For only the reason of being born, we must earn good reputation amidst all. The feelings generated in his heart are good. He included his experiences and life in this book. This book provided place for moral, physical, righteous, spiritual and political fields.

I have been asked about the forecast for the Year. Many changes are taking place in the political field this year. Internal struggle increases. There will be no deficit in food crops, but some rivers will cause floods. But man can change even God's will when he enhances the divinity within himself. Foster good thoughts. Do good deeds. Work for the auspiciousness of the world. Discard the small individual feelings and strive for the welfare of the society. Pray to God always. This is the help you can render the nation. No need to doubt how you can be of use to this entire nation. A small prayer is enough. This entire Universe transforms into auspiciousness by a small prayer. Pray not for your selfishness, not for your own needs, but for the Universe. The auspiciousness of the Universe is your own auspiciousness. This is Spirituality. No other venue exists for liberation except for the possession of these three: a heart filled with compassion, speech associated with truth, and hands that participate in service to humanity. The unity of these three is the "purity of the three acts (thought, word and deed)". Jnana is attained by the purity of these three acts. There is no use in just talking about this. Show it by your actions. What is the ornament for the hand, is it bracelets? No, no, Hastasya Bhushanam Daanam, charity is the ornament for the hand. Now what is the ornament for the throat? Not wearing big, big necklaces. Satyam kantasya bhushanam. Truth is the ornament. Similarly, ear rings are not the ornament for the ears. Shrotrancha Bhushanam Sastram. Listening to the holy scriptures is the ornament for the ears. What other ornaments do we need? These three are the main ornaments for man. Our ancient culture also teaches the same thing. But, neglecting this we are getting attracted to mere momentary pleasures.

Embodiments of divine Love! Ordinary people have no need to fear this year. But internal struggles develop amongst those in power and those in the political field. What is the reason for this? All is one's own doing. It is said nowadays "What goes around comes around". So, we should not depend on the year; we should depend on our own ability to will. We should depend on our ability to work. We will achieve victory in every walk of life when we foster good thoughts and good deeds.

Today is the first day of the New year. From today onwards, all devotees must undertake this holy task. Past is passed. Do not think of the future, because it is not in our hands. What is the guarantee that we live until tomorrow! Therefore, this present time is very important. Make good use of it. Do not go against your inner self. That is what I tell my children, the students here, "Follow the master". Who is your master? Your inner self is your master. So, no need for anyone else; follow your own inner self. That is your God. That is your happiness. That is your wealth. That is your peace. That is your everything. Happiness and peace are not outside.

The Governor requested that Swami provide peace to the world. But peace is not to be given or received. This exists in all. You are the embodiments of peace. You are the embodiments of Love. You are the embodiments of God. The whole universe is inside you. So, do not attempt to receive peace from others. Foster peace within yourself. Peace is not outside. Only pieces are outside, pieces, pieces. Peace is within you. However, it will manifest within you only when you foster good thoughts. There is no dearth of peace when you strive to think of God, so obtain His Grace and become eligible for His Love. Therefore, during this New year, do not give room for any fear or illusion. Steeped in good thoughts, participate in good deeds with courage and valor.

[Discourse posted by Bon Giovanni on SaiNet. Translated for Sai-NET by Sangana Rao]