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Date:15 Apr 1996 Occasion:Divine Discourse Place:Kodaikanal

Truth and Love

Embodiments of love,

The world is changing. World is changing from time to time, like passing clouds, like the flower that drops from the plant. What sort of changes a human life should undergo, and where and how. The stage of youth is an interval, only an passing stage. Wealth is also like that. Even positions change. Money makes our human qualities unsacred. The more money one has, the more egoistic and arrogance and ego develop. When there is no money, there is not much ego.

All relationships, like husband and wife are temporary. They were not with one in the beginning and soon they will disappear. Time and destiny brought these persons together. But truth and love are permanent. Truth and love are divine. Truth is God. Love expresses in all of us. Love proves the existence of Divinity. Love is God. Live in love. God was there before creation. There was no power earlier. In the beginning, there was only consciousness. Consciousness was responsible for creation. The evidence of this is in the sacred texts of the Vedas. The culture of Bharath was to share this divinity with the entire world. In this sacred land of Bharath forbearance is divinity. Adherence to truth is the highest penance. The sweetest feeling is that of the motherly feeling. Character is more important that life. That is the trait of this land. Unfortunately, we are aping the foreign lands. Just as an elephant does not know its strength, our Bharath has become like that. The culture of Bharath is highly powerful and valuable, but because of modern education and culture, everything is on the decline. In ancient times, the Bharathiyas began the day thinking who is the creator, sustainer and annihilator. In all matters, regarding building of houses, marriage or other ceremonies and customs, first they thought of God. We have now forgotten the primal basis and we are taking this ephemeral world as permanent. We should think of God first in every matter right from the time we get up from bed till we sleep. Unfortunately we are drowned in worldly pleasures. Spiritual life is not solitude. Spirit is designed to express divinity and unity.

Take the example of the Kauravas and Pandavas. The Pandavas considered God as everything. Whatever they did, it was of Dharma and truth. They considered God first, world next and themselves last. Krishna was first in all matters. Arjuna had intense faith in Krishna and He was the refuge. Kauravas were the opposite. They considered themselves first, world next and God last. So they were not victorious.

Every person has to do righteous deeds. The body is gifted for karma. When an iron machine is not in use it gets rusty. Likewise, without work, we too become rusty. Therefore, determine to render service to society. Your happiness depends upon the happiness in society. human life has to be redeemed through work. Sai has advocated worship and wisdom.

S.A.I. - S stands for Service, A stands for Adoration and I stands for Illumination. We must all attain three states. Action is responsible for the pleasure and pain. For this, Bliss is the cause. Unfortunately, man is not discharging his duties properly. Since ancient times Bharathiyas attached importance to service. Your body is only for service. Then you get reaction, resound and reflection. So it is for your own sake you act. If you lead your life like oil on water, it is lifeless, or like a dead life. God is the first cause of creation. The whole universe is the gift of God. All are divine, everything is divine. We should have faith in God. Man has lost faith. When man gets his desires fulfilled he extols God, but when it is not fulfilled, he blames God. God is the witness. He confers bliss as He is Bliss. You only create your own misery, that is the reaction, resound and reflection, but divinity is pure and unsullied. God is ready for anything and performs acts we cannot think of what He is able to do for us. There are so many ideals in Bharath. One devotee was so poor he had such a small house. He was Kumba. God made a house for him. Kabir (poet) was a weaver. As he did his weaving, he sang God's name. God was his support and he overcame poverty. Only experienced devotees know this. If one surrenders, he will not suffer.

True devotees will stay and not retreat. Many obstacles do come when we think of God but we should have faith. Don't leave until your desires are fulfilled. To retreat is not the sign of a devotee. Exert to earn God's grace. Have that much determination. Faith is the cause. Baba says 'Yes' to those who say 'yes'. He says 'No' to those who say 'no'. To Sai, everything is 'yes'. God is love and truth and that is permanent.

Narada prayed, "Krishna, can we know you? You are smaller than the smallest, bigger than the macrocosm." He is present in all matter, and in world. He is all over the universe. Among thieves He is the biggest thief. He is the biggest robber. "Chitachora..." Chit is sacred. Where is Ishwara? In a place called Himachala. 'Hima' means ice. Ice is very cold. It is white and bright. Achala means immovable, stable. Therefore, the human heart should be pure and steady. So purify it and keep it in peace and steady.

When God is so near, you do not receive what He wants to give you. God is now in human form. We doubt Him when He descends in the human form. Why? We compare. What about love? Baba's love is infinite. He is blue. Rama and Krishna were blue. Blue is not from birth. It means it is important to know His power and love. There is the blue sky which is infinite. The ocean is blue because of its depth. If you hold it in your hand that water is white. Once baby Krishna had eaten mud. Balarama complained and Yashoda asked him why he should go on eating mud when there is milk and curds in the home. Krishna replied, "No, I did not eat mud. Am I a child not to understand and eat mud?" Yashoda asked, "Is it a dream? Is it God's will? But is it true? Am I Yashoda or not, is He Krishna, is it illusion. What mystery is all this?"

Immediately, when this thought manifested, she hugged Him. God, when He comes He wears illusion. If Krishna is known as God, the illusion covers Him. Just as ash covers fire, cataract covers eye and the moss covers the lake, so too God covers Himself with illusion. The cataract is a product of the eye, the moss is from the water and clouds of the sun. God has maya as vesture. Consider Brahman has illusion. With the body as illusion, He manifests infinite power. He will make you experience divinity. So have full faith. Rama always said that He was the son of Dasaratha even though He was Sakshatkara Bhagawan. Rama always asked Sita, "Am I God?" When he was alone with Sita, He would say, "Demons have to be killed."

So all this drama has to be enacted. Drama is limited to the stage only. Behind the stage, only the Rishis understood. Sages like Vasistha and Vishwamitra only could understand, because they knew the divinity of Rama. Agasthya said that Rama should live in Panchavati because He knew Rama had incarnated to kill Ravana and the demons. Sages had pure hearts and full faith. Vishwamitra had the spirit of sacrifice. So he took Rama to Mithila and had his marriage performed. This was the master plan. So God is beyond the senses. Divinity is consciousness. We think from body point. We can only understand divinity when we go beyond senses. Devotees will consider God as Mother and Father.

Why should Sai Baba be in action? I have no need to act. But unless I act, everyone follows Me. I have to be an ideal to mankind. When God is in (the) entire universe, is it possible to construct temples? When He is effulgence itself, is a lamp necessary? Even the angels cannot know and understand. It is so difficult to understand divinity. Follow conscience, God, and forget yourself. By doing your duty all your desires will be fulfilled. The main quality of a devotee is following the command immediately and he need not be told and retold.

Love God and once you attain divinity, love merges. Human life is the highest of all in creation. Having taken human birth, and you do not redeem yourself, all is in vain.

[Discourse posted by Tricia Ostrosky on SaiNet - Transcriptions by Madhuri D. Kara]