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Date:19 Nov 1999 Occasion:Womens Day Place:Prashanti Nilayam

The Universal Mother

More fragrant than the sweet-smelling flowers like the Jasmine and the Champak, softer than the cheese and the butter, more beautiful than eye of the peacock, more pleasant than the moonlight, is the love of the mother. (Poem in Telugu)

All that you find in this world, mobile and immobile, is nothing but the Cosmic Dance of Siva (Siva Thandava). This is wonderful, blissful and beyond human comprehension. The dualities of night and day, pleasure and pain, birth and death are endless. Just as birth and death are natural, so also is the existence of Dharma and Adharma (righteousness and unrighteousness). When Dharma is on the rise, Adharma is on the decline and vice-versa. Men and women are responsible for the rise or decline of Dharma and Adharma. Man, unable to realize the divinity within, is under the delusion that divinity is different from him.

Sumathi could even stop the sun from rising to save the life of her husband. Savitri could bring her dead husband back to life. Wherefrom did they derive their strength? It was the power of their devotion and chastity. When man worships the Divinity with devotion and earnestness, the divine qualities - Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram (truth, goodness and beauty) manifest in him. This divine power is latent in man shining resplendently. When Kamsa tried to kill his own sister Devaki, her husband Vasudeva intervened and saved her life. It was possible because of his innate divine powers. You need not make any special efforts to acquire the divine powers. They are immanent in you. They will manifest only when you contemplate on God, forgetting yourself.

Man, forgetting his own divine nature, thinks that God is separate from him and undertakes various spiritual practices to attain Him. People adore Him by different names such as Rama, Krishna, Jesus and Allah. But there is only one fundamental power, which is the embodiment of Siva-Shakti. This principle of Siva-Shakti is all pervasive. This world has a very significant name, Bhavani-Shankara. Bhavani means earnestness and Shankara, total faith. It means that the world is based on the twin principles of earnestness and faith. Bhavani and Shankara are inseparable, interdependent and all pervasive. So, the whole world is the form of Ardhanaareeswara (Androgynous). It is based on this that the terms 'Srimati' and 'Sri' are used to address the individuals. 'Srimati denotes Bhavani and 'Sri' symbolizes Shankara. Whatever may be the name and form you worship, you need to have earnestness and faith. Without these two, you cannot achieve anything in life. Sraddaavaan Labhate Jnanam (earnestness leads to wisdom). It is only through faith that one can realize the divinity within. The divinity in man is the combination of Bhavani and Shankara.

The whole world is a combination of Ichcha Shakti (will power), kriya Shakti (power of action) and Jnana Shakti (power of wisdom). Ichcha Shakti is related to the mind, Kriya Shakti to the body and Jnana Shakti to the Atma. That is why it is said, you are not one person, but three - the one you think you are (physical body), the one others think you are (mental body) and the one you really are (the principle of Atma). You are essentially divine, but you are unable to understand this. The Vedas declare: Sarvatah Paani Paadam Tat Sarvathokshi Siromukham, Sarvatah Srutimalloke Sarvamavritya Thishtathi (with His hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears pervading everything, God permeates the entire universe). God is the witness to all that you do. You may hoodwink anybody, but not God because He is always in you and with you.

Without the grace of Bhavani-Shankara, all your efforts will be futile. Names and forms are not important as they are subject to change. The body is like a water bubble, mind is like a mad monkey. You cannot rely on them. But there is something within, which is true and eternal. That is Divinity. In order to manifest this latent divinity, you need to develop earnestness, which in turn strengthens your faith. Tree becomes bigger and stronger as the roots go deeper. Likewise, faith becomes stronger as the earnestness increases. No name and no form can ever help you if faith and earnestness are lacking in you.

Today people undertake various spiritual practices to attain God. But all these confer only mental satisfaction. Sage Narada propagated the nine paths of devotion - Sravanam (listening), Kirtanam (singing), Vishnusmaranam (contemplating on God), Padasevanam (serving His Lotus Feet), Vandanam (saluting), Archanam (worshipping), Daasyam (being His servant), Sneham (friendship) and Atmanivedanam (self-surrender). These practices cannot confer everlasting joy. Have unflinching faith that the universe is the very form of God (Viswam Vishnuswarupam). Vishnu is the cause and the Viswam is the effect. These two are inseparable.

The Vedas declare: Acharam Charamevacha (though immobile is apparently mobile). Here is an illustration: In dream state, you may visit various places and experience happiness or sorrow, but in reality your body remains steady on the bed - immobile. So, all that you see and experience in this world is but a dream. Only the Atma is true and eternal. The Atma is Sthiram (permanent) and the world is Charam (changing). Human life is the union of Sthiram and Charam.

Janthoonaam Narajanma Durlabham (Human life is the rarest of all). All beings are not fortunate to get human birth. All human beings do not experience Divinity. Some people undertake spiritual practices like idol worship to attain Divinity. Gradually one should turn one's vision inward and experience the oneness of the Atma.

It is not all that important how much you love God, what is more important is how much God loves you. God is the embodiment of Sat Chit Ananda. Sat means that which is eternal. Chit is total awareness. When water and sugar are mixed with each other, you get syrup. Likewise, the combination of Sat and Chit results in Ananda. The Ananda that you experience out of worldly pleasures is momentary. You will attain true and everlasting bliss, only when you turn your vision inward and experience Atma. It has no form, but is full of bliss.

Embodiments of Love!

At the time of birth, man does not have any garland of precious jewels around his neck, but definitely he has a heavy garland - a garland made up of the results of past deeds, be good or bad. So, ensure that you do all that is good and attain Divinity.

The Vedas declare: Mathru Devo Bhava, Pithru Devo Bhava (revere the mother and father as God). Once Ashok Singhal, the general secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad came to Me with a plea: "Kindly let us know the birthplace of Rama so that we can construct a temple there". I replied, "The true birthplace of Rama is the womb of Kausalya." Mother's womb is the birthplace of one and all, be it a commoner or the Avatar Himself. Therefore, adore the mother as God. Uphold her name and respect her.

God is nearer and dearer than your physical mother and father. Prahlada, though he was born to the wicked Hiranyakasipu was an epitome of all virtues. He had realized the all-pervasiveness of Lord Narayana. He incessantly chanted the name of Lord Narayana, even when he was bitten by poisonous snakes, pushed down from mountain tops and thrown into deep oceans. As he had tremendous faith in Lord Narayana, the Lord came to his rescue each and every time.

Today, the 19th November is celebrated as Ladies Day only to remind you of the importance of mother. You should conduct yourself according to the wishes of your mother. Do not disobey her. Chaitanya the great devotee of Lord Krishna, married Lakshmi on the insistence of his mother, though he was not in favor of marriage. But as fate would have it, Lakshmi passed away soon after the marriage. His mother Sachidevi felt very sad for having got him married against his wishes. Chaitanya told her, "This is what happens when one goes against the dictates of one's conscience." So, if you feel what you are doing is correct, then try to convince your mother, but never hurt her feelings.

You may be under the mistaken notion that women are weak in body and mind. But, in fact, they are stronger than men. In the epic Mahabharata, there is a story of a queen, Pramila, who wanted to marry Arjuna. But Arjuna was not in favor of the marriage. Pramila sent her commander-in-chief Malayavathi to capture Arjuna. Malayavathi waged a fierce battle with Arjuna, ultimately captured him and brought him to the presence of Pramila. She requested him to marry her, but Arjuna refused to marry even if it were to cost his life. Pramila was a great devotee of Lord Krishna, so too was Arjuna. Both of them prayed fervently. Krishna, being the director of the cosmic drama, had his own master plan. He appeared there, called Pramila and Arjuna to his side, brought their hands together and solemnized the marriage.

God can do anything and everything. He can transform earth sky and sky into earth. But, man lacks devotion and faith in God. He has faith in worldly matters, not in spirituality. There is nothing superior to Bhakti (devotion). In the word 'Bhakti,' the syllable 'Bha' stands for luster and luminosity and 'kti' denotes that which attracts. From Bhakti, you get Shakti (power) for body, mind and spirit. Through this Bhakti and Shakti, you get immersed in Rakti (attachment) towards God and develop Virakti (detachment) towards the world. Then God confers on you Bhukti (food) and also Mukti (liberation). Thus man has to travel from Bhakti to Mukti. As I told you yesterday, human life is a journey from 'I' to 'We'. In order to go to Tirupati, Banaras, Gaya and Prayag, you may have to take great pains and travel long distances. But the journey from 'I' to 'We is very short in the sense that you have to detach yourself from the body and develop attachment towards the Self. For this, mother's grace is very essential.

When Abhimanyu was in the womb of his mother Subhadra, one day Arjuna was explaining to her the intricacies and nuances involved in entering Padmavyuha (a military formation in the shape of a Lotus). Before he could explain to her how to come out of the Padmavyuha, Lord Krishna entered the scene and interrupted Arjuna saying, "What a mistake you have committed! It is not Subhadra, but it is the child in her womb, who has been listening to you all the while. Where is the necessity for you to teach the child about Padmavyuha?" He took away Arjuna with him. Later on in the Kurukshetra war, Abhimanyu lost his life in Padmavyuha, as he did not know how to come out of it. Why did Krishna do this? It is because Abhimanyu had to attain Veera Swarga (heaven of the heroes). In fact, when Kauravas challenged Abhimanyu to enter Padmavyuha, he came to his mother Subhadra and sought her permission and blessings. But Subhadra tried her best to dissuade him from going to the battlefield. She said, "My dear son, it is not an ordinary task to enter Padmavyuha and come out of it. Moreover your wife is in the family way and your uncle Krishna and father Arjuna are not at home. So, kindly give up the idea of going to the battlefield. But Abhimanyu did not pay heed to her advice. He said, "Mother, I am a Kshatriya by birth. There is no greater insult for a Kshatriya than to shy away from the challenge posed by the enemies. In fact, you should encourage me and enthuse me to fight and annihilate the enemies. It is not proper on your part to discourage me from going to the war." Abhimanyu knew what he was doing was correct, but he did not understand his mother's love. He lost his life because he went to the battlefield against the wishes of his mother.

There is nothing greater than mother's love. Mother's words are always sweet. At times she may use harsh words, but they are meant only to correct you, not to hurt you. There may be a wicked son, but there can never be a wicked mother in this world. Today is declared as mother's day only to make you understand the value of mother's love and her concern for you. Among mother, father, teacher and God, mother is given the topmost priority. The modern youth do not care for the mother. They think they are highly educated and that the mother does not know anything. It is a great mistake to think so. Never look down upon the mother. Even the mother should not compel her children to accede to her wishes. Through love and sincerity she should put the children on the proper path. She should aspire that her children be good, they need not be great. Rama was a good person, whereas Ravana was a great one. Rama put into practice whatever he had studied and thus earned a good name. But Ravana was immersed in ignorance, as he did not practice all that he had studied. As a result, he had earned only a great name, not a good name. Man needs to have fear of sin and love for God in order to earn a good name. As man lacks fear of sin and love for God, humanness is on the decline. This is the cause of restlessness in the world today.

Embodiments of Love!

There is infinite divine power latent in everybody. If you can manifest it, you can even stop the sun from rising like Sumathi did and you can even bring the dead, back to life as proved by Savitri. When you manifest the divine power, you become God.

The Atma is all pervasive. In order to experience the Atma, you need to have earnestness and faith. Today people pray, Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu (may all the world be happy!) It is possible only when earnestness and faith are fostered. Joys and sorrows are like passing clouds. They come and go. It is only the morality that comes and grows. So, develop morality. Do not aspire for wealth, position and power. God will give you whatever you deserve. Develop love for God. That is the highest Sadhana.

God is Ganalola and Ganapriya (one who is attracted by singing). Poems and prayers do not attract God as much as songs sung with devotion do. All of you have listened to the melodious singing of M.S. Subbalakshmi. She has earned the title Gana Kokila. I have also seen her play the role of Meera, when she was very young. Meera prayed to Krishna, "O Lord, I dived deep into the ocean of Samsara and caught hold the pearl of your divine name. Please see that it does not slip away from my hands." Uday Shankar was such a great dancer that one could see his two feet on the ground while dancing. His wife, daughter-in-law and other disciples have come here and will be staging a dance program tomorrow. These fine arts cannot be mastered by practice alone, Divine grace is very essential. Negative and positive both are essential for the current to flow. Likewise, human effort and Divine grace should come together to achieve success.


God responds according to your feelings. So, do not entertain negative thoughts. Only a peacock comes out of peahen's egg, even if it were to be hatched by a hen. A diamond does not lose its value or brilliance even if it were to be placed in the dung. Likewise, good people will always earn a good name wherever they are. Ego, hatred and anger are the worst enemies of man. You may show a little anger on somebody in order to put him on the right path, but never hate anybody. Never give scope for anger and ego.

I am showing you by example all that I preach. Some people feel that Swami does not talk to them because Swami hates them and is angry with them. It is nothing but their imagination and guilty conscience. I do not hate anyone. In order to put you on the right path, sometimes I may pretend to be angry with you. But in reality, I have no anger or hatred towards anybody. Some people are not able to understand this. They do Grama Seva (service in the villages) with the expectation that I should fulfil all their desires. Is that enough to please me? Give up all the desires and cleanse your Heart. Then I will grant you all that you require without your asking. How can you expect positive results without giving up negative thoughts? Fill your heart with positive thoughts. Fill it with love. Then all your thoughts, words and deeds will be suffused with love.

Embodiments of Love!

Never forget the love of your mother and under all circumstances make her happy. I am pleased with you only when you make your mother happy. As Uma Bharati pointed out, make efforts to understand the oneness of all. If you think that you are separate from others, then there will be scope for hatred. Realize that I and you are one. Bodies may be different, but you are bound by the same love principle. Just as the mother loves you, you should love everybody. All are the children of Viswa Maatha (universal mother). All are brothers and sisters. You should not have any differences whatsoever. The sun is one and the same for all the worlds. Just as sun is reflected in a water tank, in a river, in an ocean, likewise, the same Divinity is reflected in the hearts of one and all. Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (truth is one, but scholars refer to it by different names). It is foolish to say that you like only Rama or Krishna or Siva or Sai Baba. There is only one God and He is omnipresent. Do not hate other religions. A Hindu should become a better Hindu, a Christian, a better Christian and a Muslim, a better Muslim. The one without love can neither be called a Muslim nor a Hindu nor a Christian nor a Sikh. In fact, he is verily a demon on this earth. Only those without love give scope to differences based on religion. You will find the unity of all religions only when you fill your heart with love.

One refers to one's own country as motherland, but not fatherland. The culture of Bharat has given utmost importance to the mother. Lord Rama declared: "Janani Janma BhoomishchchaSwargadapi Gareeyasi" mother and the mother-land are greater than even heaven. Country is the mother and the culture, the father. Never forget your country and its culture. Since ancient times, the culture of Bharat has been propagating the message of peace and love with the motto, Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu (may all the world be happy!) You have to uphold this sacred culture.

You may worship God in any name and any form you like, but understand the Truth that God is One and only One.

[Bhagavan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Santhi Nahi..].