e#Sn: B:j:n:
- A:ed n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
j:y: her n:aray:N: j:y: j:y:
p:NZri v:as:a her n:aray:N:
p:ret: en:v:as: s:aI n:aray:N:
v:rd n:aray:N: v:ðd n:aray:N:
j:y: her n:aray:N: j:y: j:y:
(Victory to Lord Hari Narayana and Lord Sai Narayana. You are
the resident of Pandari - Lord Narayana and Lord of Parthi - Lord
Sai Narayana. Victory to boon conferring Lord Narayana, who is the giver of Vedas.)
- A:n:a s:aI B:g:v:an: hm:arð kit:ün: m:ðö
A:p: B:i A:n:a s:ög: raD:a k:ð B:i l:an:a
A:kr ras: rc:n:a hm:arð kit:ün: m:ðö
A:p: B:i A:n:a s:ög: gv:al::ðö k:ð B:i l:an:a
A:kr m:aK:n: K:an:a hm:arð kit:ün: m:ðö
A:p: B:i A:n:a s:ög: Aj:Øün: k:ð B:i l:an:a
A:kr wan: es:K:an:a hm:arð kit:ün: m:ðö
A:p: B:i A:n:a s:ög: m:ira k:ð B:i l:an:a
A:kr B:eVt: es:K:an:a hm:arð kit:ün: m:ðö
(Please come Lord Sai, in our prayers; And bring Radha along with You when You come;
Please make our prayers exhilatarting; And bring the village boys (gvalon) with You when You come;
Please eat butter from our prayers; And bring Arjun with You when You come;
Please teach us to get wisdom from our prayers; And bring Meera with You when You come;
Please teach us devotion through our prayers)
- A:n:öd s:ag:r m:Ørl:iD:r
m:ira )B:Ø raD:ð Sy:am: v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al:
n:öd y:S::ðda A:n:öd ekS::ðr
j:y: j:y: g::ðkÙl: b:al: j:y: v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Krishna, beloved Prince of Yashoda. Thou art the
ocean of bliss and player of captivating music on flute and Lord
of Mira (devotee), Radha and the entire Universe.)
- A:A:ð A:A:ð Aöt:y:aüem:
A:ed n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
Ædy: ev:hari hð eg:erD:ari
her her Â:i her s:aI m:Ørari
(Welcome O! Indweller of our hearts, Lord Sai Narayana! Sai
Krishna! Our heart is Thy playground and Thou art the destroyer of our sins and ignorance.)
- A:A:ð A:A:ð A:A:ð A:A:ð
A:A:ð s:Øödr n:öd g::ðp:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr m:an:s: ev:har
dS:ün: d:ð n:öd l:al:
m:ØJ:ð dS:ün: d:ð n:öd l:al: (2)
(Welcome! Welcome! O Charming Lord Nanda Lala! Residing in the hearts of devotees
Thou captivates their hearts. We pray to Thee again and again to grant us Your Vision (Darshan))
- A:A:ð A:A:ð m:aD:v:
m:aD:v: kñS:v:
A:A:ð A:A:ð m:aD:v:
raD:a l::ðl:a rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl:
rög: p:NRÙ rög: ev:YÏYl:
A:A:ð A:A:ð m:aD:v:
A:ed n:aray:N: An:öt: s:aI
A:A:ð A:A:ð A:tm: en:v:as:i
(Welcome, welcome, Madhava (lord of laxmii). Welcome effulgent and radiant One. O joy of Radha and Rakumayi,
Welcome, Lord Panduranga, welcome. Thou art the original Being, the eternal Sai
Welcome, welcome, my soul's Resider )
- A:A:ð A:A:ð m:n: m:öedr m:ðö
dS:ün: d:ð n:ödl:al: s:aI
raD:a m:aD:v: g::ðkÙl: b:al:
m:aD:v: kñS:v: g::ðp:al:
(Welcome, welcome into our heart. Manifest before us Oh Krishna, Madhava, Keshava Oh Sai)
- A:A:ð A:A:ð s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
p:ret: n:ödn: raD:ð Sy:am:
A:A:ð A:A:ð s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
b:àödav:n: G:n:Sy:am: g::ðev:nd
B:Vt: m:n::ðhr m:ØK:arev:öd
hð eg:erD:ari s:aI m:Ørari
(Welcome O Lord Sai Ghanashyaama of Parthi! O Lord Govinda!
Moving about in 'Vrindavan' garden. Thou art enchanting and
pleasing to look at. Chant the name of Lord Giridhari and Lord Sai Murari.)
- A:A:ð g::ðp:al: n:öd l:al:
A:A:ð n:öd m:ØkÙöd g::ðp:al: ..(A:A:ð ^::ðp:al:..)
ká\N: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
A:A:ð A:A:ð n:öd dÙl:ara ..(A:A:ð ^::ðp:al:..)
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
A:A:ð eg:erD:r s:Øödr l:al:
(Shree Krishna, son of Nanda, slayer of demon Madhu, the beautiful One who lifted the mountain, please come and let
me have a glimpse of Thy Divine Self.)
- A:A:ð g::ðp:al: eg:erD:ari
A:A:ð A:A:ð Aöt:y:aüem:
A:A:ð A:A:ð A:n:öd s:aI
A:A:ð g::ðp:al: eg:erD:ari
A:A:ð A:A:ð A:tm: en:v:as:i
A:A:ð A:A:ð S:aöet: en:v:as:i
(Welcome, Lord Sai Giridhari Gopaala! the indweller of our
hearts. Welcome, O Blissful Lord of Prashanti! Lord Gopaala.)
- Al:K: en:röj:n: B:v: B:y: B:öj:n: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: s:aI (s:ty:) n:aray:N:
(Imperceptible, faultless Lord; Destroyer of fears of worldly
existence, Sai who destroys fear of cycle of birth and death. Chant 'Narayana, Narayana'.)
- An:Øp:m: s:Øödr n:öd ekS::ðr
b:àödav:n: G:n:Sy:am:
m:Ørl:i m:aD:v: raD:ð g::ðev:nd
m:D:Øs:Üdn: G:n:Sy:am: s:ty: s:aI s:Øödr Sy:am:
kÙöj: ev:hari m:nD:r eg:erD:ari
km:l: n:y:n: B:g:v:an:
B:Vt::ðö kñ )B:Ø p:rt:iÃ:r s:aI
n:Xv:r s:Øödr Sy:am: s:ty: s:aI s:Øödr Sy:am:
(O Lord Krishna! Thou art unsurpassingly beautiful! O Lotus-eyed
Sathya Sai! Thou move about in Brindavan garden and Thou art
beloved Lord of devotees who lifted aloft the Mandhara mountain. Chant the many names of God.)
- b:Ra ec:¶: c::ðr b:àödav:n: s:öc:ar
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: hð m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar g::ðp:al: b:l:a
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Greatest stealer of hearts who roams through Brindavan;
Krishna, the cowherd boy and flute player; Child who lifted the
Govardhana hill; Cowherd boy who captivated the minds of his devotees.)
- b:ns:i m::ðhn: G:n:Sy:am:
b:ns:i D:arv:ar hð G:n:Sy:am:
G:n: G:n: n:il: en:,p:m: n:il:
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the sacred names of the Divine flute-player, Lord Ghana Shyaam and Lord Sai Gopaala.)
- B:j: g::ðp:al: B:j: g::ðp:al: py:arð m:Ørari m:ðrð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: y:dÙ n:ödl:al: (2)
b:al: g::ðp:al: b:al: g::ðp:al: m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: y:dÙ n:ödl:al:
k:ðI ram: b::ðl:ð k:ðI Sy:am: b::ðl:ð
k:ðI b::ðl:ð raD:ðSy:am:
k:ðI b::ðl:ð s:it:a ram:
(Worship Gopaal, sing His Praises; The divine Flute-player, my beloved;
The eternal Youth, Son of Nanda; He is the Exchanger of our minds
He is Ram and Krishna; He is Radha's Love)
- B:j: g::ðev:ndö B:j: g::ðp:al:ö
p:rm:an:ödö Sy:am: B:j::ð
en:ty:an:öd b:ÒÉan:öd
s:ecc:dan:öd Sy:am: B:j::ð
)ðm:sv:-p:ö din:dy:al:ö
p:ÜN:aüv:t:arö s:aI B:j::ð
(Chant the name of Krishna (Govinda, Gopaala); It is the supreme happiness;
it is the permanent Bliss, it is the permanent Bliss; Chant His names, the embodiment of Love;
The compassionate One to those who are meek and humble; Chant the name of the full incarnation, Lord Sai)
- B:j: g::ðev:ndö B:j: g::ðev:ndö
g::ðev:ndö B:j: m:Üt: m:t:ð
s:ö)apt:ð s:eÀÎht:ð kal:ð
n:hiö n:hi rx:et: dÙkáö krn:ð
p:Øn:rep: j:n:n:ö p:Øn:rep: m:rN:ö
p:Øn:rep: j:n:n:i j:Yrð S:y:n:ö
(Sing the name of Krishna, all the worldly wealth will not save
you from death. Why again birth and death?)
- B:j: m:n: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
l:xm:i n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
s:ty: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
s:aI n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
(O Mind! Worship Lord Narayana, laxmii,
Goddess of wealth and prosperity and Lord Sathya Sai Narayana.)
- B:j: m:n: ram: B:j: m:n: ram:
p:aNRÙrög: Â:i rög: B:j: m:n: ram:
B:j: m:n: kñS:v: B:j: m:n: m:aD:v:
B:j: m:n: y:adv: B:j: m:n: ram:
B:j: m:n: m:ØkÙöd B:j: m:n: g::ðev:nd
B:j: m:n: A:n:öd B:j: m:n: ram:
(O Mind! Worship Lord Rama, Panduranga, Keshava, Madhava,
Yadava, Mukunda and Govinda. Be in bliss worshipping all these
names of the Lord.)
- B:j: m:n: ram: ká\N: j:y: b::ðl::ð
ram: ká\N: j:y: s:aI ká\N: j:y:
rG:ØkÙl: B:Ü\:N: ram:, ram:, ram:
raD:a m::ðhn: Sy:am:, Sy:am:, Sy:am:
hrð ram: hrð ram: hrð ká\N: hrð ram:
(O Mind! Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Sai. Rama, the
Jewel of Raghu Dynasty. Chant the mantra, "Harey Ram Harey
Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram".
- B:j: m:n: ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd
s:d g:Ø, s:aI p:rm: dy:al:
B:v: B:y: hari s:aI káp:al:
(O Mind! Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna and Govinda.
Supreme Guru Lord Sai is extremely kind,
merciful and He destroys the fear of birth and death.)
- B:j:n: kr:ð m:an:v: g::ðev:nd hrð
g::ðev:nd m:Ørari g::ðp:al: m:Ørari
m:T:Øra n:aT: hð eg:erD:ari
raD:a m:aD:v: hð eg:erD:ari (2)
(O Mind! Worship Lord Govinda, Murari, Gopaala, Lord of Mathura -
Lord Giridhari and Lord of Radha.)
- B:j::ð B:j::ð ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
p:NZri n:aT: p:aNRÙrög: B:j::ð m:n: ev:YÏYl:
B:j::ð B:j::ð ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
p:rt:iÃ:r s:aI n:aT: ev:YÏYl:
p:rm:ðÃ:r s:ty: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl: hð rög: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
(Chant the name of Vitthala, Panduranga; Recite the names of Sai (who lives in Parthi),
Lord Parameshwara (Shiva), Lord Krishna, Lord Ranga)
- B:j::ð G:n:Sy:am: B:j::ð m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
B:j::ð, n:öd kñ l:al: B:j::ð raD:ð
eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: m:T:Øra n:aT:
km:l: n:y:n: hð kóv:ly: D:am:
(Chant the name of Lord Krishna, the beloved Prince of Nanda and
the Divine flute-player. Who lifted the Giri Mountain. He is
Lord of Mathura and the final abode of peace and salvation for everyone.)
- B:j::ð G:n:Sy:am: B:j::ð s:it:a ram: B:j::ð s:ty: s:aI ram:
B:j::ð G:n:Sy:am: B:j::ð raD:ð raD:ð Sy:am: B:j::ð
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
m:at:a ep:t:a g:Ø, dðv: b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø m:hadðv:
m:at:a ep:t:a g:Ø, dðv: s:ty: s:aI m:hadðv:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
(Worship Lord Krishna, Sai Ram - Lord of Seetha; O Enchanting
Divine Flute Player! Thou art Father, Mother, Guru, Brahma, Vishnu and Lord of Lords.)
- B:j::ð G:n:Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am:
n:y:n:B:i ram: n:Xv:r Sy:am:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: m:Ørhr Sy:am:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: eg:erD:r Sy:am:
kÙöj: ev:hari s:Øödr Sy:am:
s:aI m:Ørari s:Øödr Sy:am:
(Chant the many names of Lord Ganesh, Radhey Shyaam, Rama,
Mukund, Madhava, Govinda, Gopaala; Beautiful Krishna moving about in flower garden and Lord Sai.)
- B:j::ð m:D:Ør her n:am: en:röt:r B:j::ð m:D:Ør her n:am:
s:rl: B:av: s:ð s:aI B:j::ð, m:D:Ør B:av: s:ð b:ab:a B:j::ð
her hi s:ØK: hò, her hi S:aöet:, her hi )S:aöet: en:v:as:i ram:
(Worship and recite for ever the enchanting and sweet name of
Lord Hari. There is no happiness and peace without chanting the
sweet name of Lord Sai, the Resident of Prasantinilayam)
- B:j::ð m:n: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:, g::ðp:al:
B:j::ð m:n: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð her g::ðp:al: b::ðl::ð (3)
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:, g::ðp:al:
B:j::ð m:n: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
(In your mind, sing in reverence, the Glories of Lord Krishna)
- B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: g::ðp:al:, B:j::ð m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
kñS:v: n:rher Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:aD:v: m:Ørhr m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
(Worship by chanting the many names of Lord: Radhey Govind, Gopaal, Murahara, Shyaam, Keshav and Madhav.)
- B:j::ð s:it:aram: B:j::ð raD:ðSy:am:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: s:aI hrð ram:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: raD:a v:ll:B:
v:rd n:aray:N: n:y:n:B:i ram:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: s:aI hrð ram:
(Sing the glory of Seetha Rama and Radhe Shyaama (Krishna)
Of Govinda and Gopaala, Madhava and Keshava (all appellations of
Krishna); Hey Narayana, bestower of boons; Hey Rama, the One with
beautiful eyes; Hail Thee, Hey Gopaala, Hey Govinda)
- B:j::ðrð s:av:ery:a eg:erD:ari
p:ret:p:ØriS: j:y: s:aI ram:
b::ðl: m:ðrð rs:n:a raD:ðSy:am:
j:y: j:y: ram:, j:y: j:y: ram:, j:y: j:y: ram:
b::ðl: m:ðrð rs:n:a raD:ðSy:am:
(Worship the blue-complexioned Lord Giridhari, Lord Sai Ram of
Parthi. Victory to Lord Sai Ram. O Tongue! Recite the sweet name of Lord Radhesyam)
- B:j::ðrð s:da B:j::ð ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd
B:j::ð hrð din: b:öD:Ø ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd
B:j::ðrð An:aT: n:aT: s:aI ram: g::ðev:nd
B:j::ð hrð din: b:öD:Ø ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd
(Always chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Govinda and Sai
Ram. It is the support and shelter of the needy and to those who have no support)
- B:v: B:y: hrn:a v:öedt: c:rN:
j:y: raD:a j:y: m:aD:v: (s:aI)
m:ög:l: c:rN:a kel:m:l: dhn:a
n:aray:N: kñS:v: (s:aI)
j:y: raD:a j:y: m:aD:v: s:aI
(The sacred feet of the Lord free us from worldly fears; Glory
to Radha, Krishna and Sai; The holy feet of God dispel the sins
of the Kali age; God incarnate, radiant Lord; Glory to Radha, Krishna and Sai.)
- b::ðl::ð n:aray:N: j:y: j:y: ev:YÏYl:
s:aI n:aray:N: rög: rög: ev:YÏYl: ..(b::ðl::ð n:aray:N:)
g::ðev:nd ev:YÏYl: rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl:
g::ðp:al: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
Â:i rög: ev:YÏYl: s:aI rög: ev:YÏYl:
(Chant the names of Narayana. Victory to Vithhala. Chant the name of Lord Sai who is also Vithhala; who is also Govinda Vithhala;
who is also Rukmini's husband Vithhala; who is also Gopala and Panduranga.)
- c:ödÓ v:dn: km:l: n:y:n:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
An:öt: S:y:n: din: S:rNy:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(His face full and radiant as the moon, his eyes like the lotus
Lord Sai, Narayana, Reclining eternally on a serpent, he is the refuge for those in need.)
- ec:¶: c::ðr m:Ørl:i v:al:a
n:öd l:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:
n:öd l:al: n:öd l:al:
b:àödav:n: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:D:Ør v:Òj: g::ðkÙl: b:al:
m:n: m::ðhn: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
n:öd l:al: n:öd l:al:
m:n: m::ðhn: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
n:öd l:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:, n:öd l:al: n:öd l:al:
(Chant the many names of Krishna, stealer of mind, enchanting
flute player, the dark-complexioned Lord Gopaala, moving in the
heart of devotes. Young child of Nandalala, playing about in
Gokula, captivator of our mind by charm, tending cows as herdsman.)
- ec:¶: c::ðr y:S::ðda kñ b:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:, g::ðv:D:ün:D:r g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün:D:r g::ðp:al:
(O Lord Gopaala Beloved son of Yashoda. Captivator of hearts of devotees.)
- dS:ün: dð n:öd l:al: g::ðp:al:
dS:ün: dð n:öd l:al: g::ðp:al:
m:D:Øs:Üdn: n:il: b:al: g::ðev:nd
raD:a m:aD:v: s:aI g::ðp:al:
dS:ün: dð dð m:dn: g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:
(Grant us Your divine Vision, Hey Gopaala (Krishna, the cowherd boy), the darling of Nanda;
Oh blue colored child Krishna, who destroyed the demon Madhu!
Hey Krishna, the very breath of Radha, grant us Your vision)
- dy:a kr:ð her n:aray:N:
dy:a kr:ð her káp:a kr:ð
káp:a kr:ð her dy:a kr:ð
dy:a kr:ð káp:a kr:ð n:aray:N:
p:ret:p:Øri kñ Â:i s:aI ram:
edn: dy:al: )B:Ø s:ty: s:aI ram:
káp:a kr:ð dy:a kr:ð n:aray:N:
(O Lord Hari Narayan! Have mercy and shower grace on us. O
Lord of Parthipuri, Shree Sai Ram! Who is kind and merciful towards the forlorn. Grant us Grace.)
- dy:a kr:ð her n:aray:N: káp:a kr:ð hð j:g: v:ödn:
B:av:at:it: B:agy: ev:D:at:a, din: n:aT: An:aT: kñ n:aT:
(O Lord Hari Narayan! O Lord of creation and protector of all.
Have mercy and shower grace on us. Thou art beyond attributes.)
- din: dy:al: her p:rm: dy:al:
raD:a rm:N: her g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
m:D:Ør m:n::ðhr ká\N: g::ðp:al:
raD:a rm:N: her g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r b:al:
b:àödav:n: G:n: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many names of supremely merciful, sweet and beautiful
Lord: Krishna, Hari, Govinda, Gopaala, Lord of Meera - Giridhari)
- din: dy:al: e*:B:Øv:n: p:al: eg:erD:r b:al: n:öd l:al:a
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a g:N: ev:l::ðl:
n:Xv:r s:Øödr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(O Prince Nanda. Lord Giridhari! Thou art merciful towards the
miserables and afflicted and art sustainer of Three Worlds.
Worship: Player of enchanting melodies on Flute; Natawara -
The most supreme among dancers; Lord of Radha - Lord Madhava and Lord Sai Gopaal.)
- din: dy:al:ö din: dy:al:ö
kñS:v: m:aD:v: din: dy:al:ö
B:j: g::ðev:ödö, B:j: g::ðp:al:ö
kñS:v: m:aD:v: din: dy:al:ö
din: dy:al:ö, din: dy:al:ö
kñS:v: m:aD:v: din: dy:al:ö
(Seek Madhava, Worship Govinda. Seek Gopaala. Seek Keshawa.
Lord is merciful and kind towards one who is gentle and forlorn.)
- dðv:ki n:ödn: g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: m:ØkÙöd g::ðp:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: ras: ev:l::ðl:
l:il:a m:an:Ø\: n:Xv:r l:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, beloved Prince of Mother Devaki,
Also known as Lord Shyaam and Lord Mukunda, Who has disguised
Himself and assumed illusory human form. He delights in
participating in folk-dances with Radha (Mother Nature) and Gopis.)
- dðv:ki n:ödn: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
b:àödav:n: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
dðv:ki n:ödn: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
B:Vt: m:n::ðhr s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many names of Lord: Shyaama; Gopaala; Giridhari; Sai;
Devaki Nandana (Prince of Mother Devaki); Lord Giridhari - Lord
of Meera (a devotee); Lord of Gopis (devotees) - Lord Shyaama Gopaala
and beloved of devotees Lord Sai.)
- dðv:ki t:n:y: dy:a en:D:ð
dy:a en:D:ð káp:a en:D:ð
dðv:ki t:n:y: dy:a en:D:ð
dS:ün: dij::ð dðv: dðv:
dS:ün: dij::ð dðv: dðv:
din: n:aT: s:aI n:aT:
(Son of Devaki, treasure house of compassion and grace, Give us Your darshan, Lord of Lords;
Lord and refuge of the helpless, Lord Sai)
- g:,R v:ahn: n:aray:N:
Â:i S:ð\: S:y:n: n:aray:N:
g:,R v:ahn: n:aray:N:
Â:i l:xm:i rm:N: n:aray:N: (2)
her ! her ! n:aray:N:
(O Narayana, who has the celestial bird Garuda as His vehicle
O Lord Narayana who reclines on the serpent Sesha who is the beloved Lord of laxmii,
who is the Embodiment of Om and the destroyer of evil)
- g:at:ð c:l::ð m:n: m:ðö hrð ká\N: ram:
hrð ká\N: ram: s:da s:ØK: Rm:
g:at:ð c:l::ð m:n: m:ðö hrð ká\N: ram:
t:n: m:ðö ram: m:n: m:ðö ram:
j:haú dðhÐk:ð v:nh ram: hi ram:
B:Vt: v:ts:l: ram: din: n:aT: ram:
hrð ram: ram: hrð ká\N: ram:
(Sing along (throughout life) in the mind "Hare Krishna Rama"
The Name that can take you to the ever-blissful Land (of the spirit)
Keep the name (Rama) in body and in the mind
As a result wherever you look there is Rama and only Rama who loves His devotees
The Rama Who is the Lord of the distressed)
- g:it: day:k hð eg:erD:ari
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd n:aray:N: (s:aI n:aray:N:)
p:it:aöb:r D:r p:ret: ev:hari
p:et:t::ð¹ari s:aI m:Ørari
(Pray to Lord Giridhari, who gave the Bhagavad Gita, Lord
Govinda and Lord Narayana (dressed in golden yellow robe). Worship Lord Sai Murari, resident
of Parthi and Saviour of miserables and dejected.)
- G:n: G:n: n:il: b:ns:i AD:ery:a
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør esm:t: v:dn: s:av:ery:a
G:n: G:n: N:ðOl:...
m::ðra m:ØkÙX p:it:aöb:r G:eXy:a
J:Øm:k J:Øm:k J:Øm: b:j: G:ØöG:erA:
(Worship dark-blue complexioned and enchanting Flute-Player,
Lord Krishna, Who has beautiful smiling Lotus Face and Who is
dressed in yellow and adorned with peacock feather on His Head and
Who while walking makes 'Jhum Jhum Jhum' melodious sound of anklets.)
- G:n: G:n: n:il: y:dÙ n:ödn:
G:n:Sy:am: s:Øödr m:n: m::ðhn:
n:Xv:r eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:n:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(Son of the Yadu family, of infinite blue colour; Krishna,
beautiful enchanter of the mind; Best of dancers, Gopaal who held
aloft the mountain; Captivating flute player who destroyed the demon Madhu.)
- G:n:Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
G:n:Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:n:m::ðhn: j:g:nm::ðhn:
y:dÙ n:ödn: g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Oh Lord, the blue colored One, Gopaala, the One who captivates the mind,
The One who captivates the whole Universe, You are the little child in the Yadava clan;
Oh Gopaala, the enchanting blue coloed Gopaala)
- G:n:Sy:am: s:Øödr
b:ns:i D:r hð ká\N: knhòyy:a
t:Øm: h:ð m:ðrð m:aú b:ap: B:òyy:a
dðv:ki t:n:y: hð n:öd l:al:
din: b:aöD:v: ¾arka n:aT:
raD:a Ædy: en:v:as: hrð ká\N:
m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:r
p:rt:iÃ:r s:ty: s:aIÃ:r
(Chant the name of the Lotus-Faced Shyaama, Who is Prince of
Devaki and Nanda; a charming flute-player; resident of the heart
of Radha - Lord Krishna, Who is our Father and Mother and
Guardian. O Lord of Dwaraka! Thou art the only kith and kin of
the afflicted and miserables. Chant the name of Lord of Lords, Lord Sathya Sai of Parthipuri.)
- eg:erD:r b:al: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
n:Xv:r l:al: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
m:T:Øra n:aT: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
y:S::ðda kñ b:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:
IÃ:rmb: e)y: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(O! Blue-hued Gopaal, who held the Govardhana mountain, Great
dancer, the lovely little cow-herd; Lord of Mathura, with the flute, Beloved child of Yashoda, of Eeshwaramba.)
- eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
s:Ørdas: kñ Sy:am: m:n::ðhr
B:Vt::ðö kñ s:ty: s:aI m:n::ðhr
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, upholder of Giri mountain, Chant
the name of Lord of Mira and Suradasa, Lord Shyaama Giridhari;
Chant the name of beautiful Lord Sathya Sai, beloved of His devotees.)
- eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: m:Ørl:iD:r hrð
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: dam::ðdr
hrð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: dam::ðdr
(Chant the many names of Lord : Giridhar; Gopaal; Murildhara; Hari; Govinda; Damodara.)
- eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: s:aI eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r s:aI g::ðp:al:
eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: s:aI eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
p:aeh m:aö G:n:Sy:am: Sy:am:
p:aeh m:aö G:n:Sy:am: Sy:am:
(Oh Lord Giridhaara (the One who lifted the Govardhan mountain), Gopaala,
Oh Lord Sai Gopaala, who is the Lord of Parthi, Oh Lord of Meera (a great devotee of Krishna),
Hail Thee, Hail Thee)
- eg:erD:r m:ðrð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: raD:ð g::ðp:al: (2)
n:öd ekS::ðr m:aVK:n: c::ðr
y:S::ðda b:al: g::ðp:al: (2)
raD:ð g::ðp:al: raD:ð g::ðp:al: (2)
(Oh my Lord Gopaala, who lifted the Govardhan mountain, Oh Lord the beloved of Radha;
Thou art Nanda's son who stole butter; Thou are the little one of Yashoda and the beloved of Radha)
- eg:erD:ari hð n:öd l:al:
y:S::ðda kñ b:al: e*:B:Øv:n: p:al:
j:g:d:ð¹ar g::ðkÙl: b:al:
raD:a l::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n: p:al:
p:ret: ev:har s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the names of Saviour of the entire universe- Lord
Giridhari, Lord of Radha, Lord of Rishis and Lord Sai Natha of Parthi.)
- eg:erD:ari j:y: eg:erD:ari
s:Øg:öD: t:Øl:s:i dl: v:n:m:al:i
eg:erD:ari j:y: eg:erD:ari
m:Øen:j:n: s:ðev:t: m:aD:v: m:Ørhr
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr eg:erD:ari
g::ðp: g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr eg:erD:ari
(Victory to Lord Giridhari, Who wears garland of Tulsi flowers,
O Virtuous Lord Madhava! Saints and sages pay homage to Thee. O Divine flute player and holder of Giri
mountain! Thou art loving to gopis (devotees).
- eg:erD:ari m:Ørari g::ðev:nd
G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari g::ðp:al:
eg:erD:ari m:Ørari g::ðev:nd
raD:ð ká\N: m:Ørari g::ðev:nd
s:ty: s:aI m:Ørari g::ðp:al:
(Hail to Govinda who held aloft the Govardhana mountain; To the One who is dark blue in color;
To the One who is the beloved Lord of Radha; To the One who is our Lord Sathya Sai)
- g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: raD:a m::ðhn: rx:a p:aray:N: s:aI
dS:rT: n:ödn: p:et:t::ðD:arN: Â:i rG:Ø n:ödn: s:aI
IÃ:ri t:n:y: B:Vt::ð¹ark m:D:Ør m:n::ðhr s:aI
eS:rRi p:ØriÃ:r B:v: B:y: n:aS:k S:öet: ev:D:ay:k s:aI
(Our Sai is none other than the Shree Krishna of Gokul, the Shree
Krishna who was adored by Radha. He is also Shree Rama, Dasharatha's
son who uplifted the fallen. He is Eashwaramma's son. Our
adorable Sai uplifts devotees, frees them from the fear of the
endless cycle of births and deaths and confers on them peace and
bliss. He is the present incarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi.)
- g::ðp:al: eg:erD:r b:al:
g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðkÙl: b:al:
g::ðp:aerp:al: n:aray:N: (2)
n:aray:N:, n:aray:N:
g::ðp:aerp:al: n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd n:aray:N:
(Chant the many names of the sustainer of the Universe, Lord
Gopaala who s the cynosure of the Gopis, Giridhara, Narayana, Govinda.)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: dðv:ki n:ödn: g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:, v:as:Ødðv: n:ödn: g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of Gopaala, the cowherd boy; The Beloved son of Devaki and Vasudeva)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: eg:erD:r b:al: g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a g::ðp:al:, m:Ørhr s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of the Lord: Giridhari; Sai; Gopaala - the enchanting flute
player and destroyer of demon Mura).
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: g::ðp:aerp:al:
m:Øen:j:n: s:ðev:t: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al: (2)
v:as:Ødðv: n:ödn: ká\N: g::ðp:al: (2)
p:ret:p:Øröj:n: s:aI g::ðp:al: (2)
(Hey Gopaala, Hey Gopaala, th One who tends the cows,
The One who looks after the Rishis (monks), the One who plays the flute;
Hey Krishna, son of Vasudeva, Hey Gopaala (Krishna), the bewitcher of Parthi)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: n:ac::ð g::ðp:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð s:aI n:öd l:al:
hÚüm: J:Øm: hÚüm: J:Øm: n:ac::ð g::ðp:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð s:aI n:öd l:al:
(Hey Gopala, Nanda's son, Sai Krishna, dance; Dance, son of Nanda;
Your anklets make the sound of Rhuma Jhuma as You dance)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð Sy:am: Â:i rög: s:aI g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
m:aD:v: hð y:adv: p:NZrin:aT: ev:YÏYl:
hð din: n:aT: ev:YÏYl:
hð s:aI n:aT: ev:YÏYl:
raD:ð Sy:am: Â:i rög: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Hey Gopaala, You are Radha's (favorite). Hey bluish Krishna, You are
Ranganatha. Hey Maadhava (Krishna), Hey Yaadava (born in the Yaadava
clan), You are Vitthala, the Lord of Pandaripur (in Maharashtra).
Hey Vitthala (Krishna), You are the Lord of mercy, You are Sai)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: raD:ð n:öd l:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: raD:ð n:öd l:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: raD:ð n:öd l:al:
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ar raD:ð n:öd l:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr raD:ð n:öd l:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, Lord of Radha, Who moves about
in Brindavan (in devotees' hearts) playing divine music on the flute.)
- g::ðp:al: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd hrð m:Ørari
m:y:Ør m:ØkÙX p:it:aöb:rD:aer
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ari
s:aI b:àödav:n: s:öc:ari
g::ðp:al: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd hrð m:Ørari
S:öK: c:# g:da p:¼:ð D:ari
ká\N: m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari (s:aI)
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, Who wears the yelllow-golden
dress and has peacock feathers in His Crown; holds the Conch
Wheel, Mace and Lotus; who moves around in Brindavan as Sai)
- g::ðp:al: ká\N: raD:a ká\N:
ká\N: g::ðp:al: ká\N:
knhyy:a g::ðp:al: ká\N:
Â:i ká\N: Â:i ká\N: Â:i ká\N: Â:i ká\N:
ká\N: g::ðp:al: ká\N:
knhyy:a g::ðp:al: ká\N:
S:*::ð kÙ, n:am: s:K:a p:aNRv: n:am:
ká\N: v:as:Ødðv:
Â:i ká\N: Â:i ká\N: Â:i ká\N:
hð n:aT: n:aray:N: v:as:Ødðv:
Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd hrð m:Ørarð
hð n:aT: n:aray:N: v:as:Ødðv:
(Gopaala = the Protector of the cows or Lord of the senses; Krishna = the Lord Who attracts irresistibly
Radha = Krishna's Devotee, the divine Energy or Power; Kannaya = darling Child
Satro Kuru Naam = the enemy of the Kurus;
Vasudeva = Son of Vasudeva, Krishna's father; also the One Who dwells in all
He Naathha = O Lord; Narayana = the Form of Lord Vishnu Which reclines on the serpent Ananta
Govinda = Lord of the cows; Harey = the Stealer of our hearts; Murare = Slayer of the demon Mura)
- g::ðp:al: raD:a l::ðl:a
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a n:öd l:al:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: j:n:D:n:
v:n:m:al:a b:àödav:n: b:al:
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a n:öd l:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, the beloved of Radha (devotee).
Chant the name of Prince of Nanda, Who moves about in Brindavan
garden, wearing a garland made up of many pretty flowers. Worship Lord Keshava, Madhava and Janardhana.)
- g::ðp:al: raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al:, g::ðp:al:, g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: raD:ð ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: s:aI ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
(Gopala, the consort of Radha, the tender of cows, our dear Sai, we chant Your name)
- g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
,m: J:Øm: ,m: n:ac::ð g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Hey Gopaala (Krishna), Hey Sai, the Lord of Parthi (Puttaparthi).
Hey Govinda, Hey Gopaala, Hey Sai Gopaala (different appellations of
Krishna), dance, dance to the tune and rhythm of music. Hey Krishna, Hey Gopaala, dance)
- g::ðp:i j:n: v:ll:B:ay: g::ðp:al: ká\N:
y:adv:kÙl: rx:a b:ay:a y:dÙ v:ir ká\N:
g::ðp:i j:n: v:ll:B:ay: g::ðp:al: ká\N:
p:aNRv: e)y: m::ðd kay:a y::ðg:iS: ká\N:
B:Vt:j:n: p:al: kay:a p:rt:iS: ká\N:
(Hey Krishna, Hey Gopaala, the consort of the Gopis;
Hey valorous Yaadava (born in the Yadu clan) - the protector of
the Yaadavas; Hey Krishna, the lover of the Pandavas, You are the
enlightened One; Hey Krishna, You are the Lord of Parthi and the protector of the devotees)
- g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð g::ðp:al: b::ðl::ð
ram: ram: b::ðl::ð her n:am: b::ðl::ð
All:ah m:ael:k Es: n:an:k
z::ðra\XÕ m:hav:ir b:ع n:am: b::ðl::ð
y:ð n:am: s:arð hòö j:iv:n: s:harð
p:rm:n:ödkñ K::ðl:t:ð hòö ¾arð
j::ð n:am: c:ah:ð v::ð n:am: b::ðl::ð
)ðm: s:ð b::ðl::ð B:v: s:ð b::ðl::ð
(Sing (chant) the names of Govinda, Gopala, Ram and Hari;
the names of Allah, Nanak (Guru Nanak), Zoraster, Buddha and Mahaveera;
all these names are the props in life. Open the wall (doors) to
supreme Bliss; whatever name you like, call upon that name, but chant it with Love and Devotion)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: b::ðl::ð raD:ð Sy:am:
b::ðl::ð raD:ð Sy:am: b::ðl::ð s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
(Chant the name of Radhey Shyaam, Gopaal and Govinda and Lord Sai Ghanshyam)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: hð n:öd l:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ n:aT: )B:Ø m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹r g::ðp:al: b:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Govinda, Lord of Mira (Devotee) - the Divine flute
player and the one who held Govardhana mountain).
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: ká\N:
raD:a m:aD:v: ká\N:
m:öd has: v:dn:, hrð ká\N:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i, raD:a ká\N:
g::ðev:öd, g::ðev:nd ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: ká\N:
g::ðev:nd m:aD:v: ká\N:
(Chant the many names of Lord: Govinda; Gopaala; Krishna; Lord of
Radha - Madhava; charming, smiling Lord Krishna; enchanting flute player Lord Krishna)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N: her
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: her
j:g:d:ð¹rN: n:aray:N: her
B:Vt::ð¹ark n:aray:N: her
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r n:aray:N: her
n:aray:N: her j:y: j:y: n:aray:N: her
(Hey Govinda, Gopaala, Narayana, Hari (all different appellations of
Lord Krishna), Hey uplifter of this world, Thou art the uplifter of
the devotee, Thou art the Lord of Puttaparthi (asi of Puttaparthi), Victory to Thee, Hey Narayana)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: )B:Ø eg:erD:ari
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: Ædy: ev:hari
g::ðev:öd, g::ðp:al:, )B:Ø eg:erD:ari
n:öd kÙm:ar, n:v:n:it: c::ðr
p:ret: ev:har b:Ra ec:¶: c::ðr (1)
Ædy: ev:har b:Ra ec:¶: c::ðr (1)
(Lord Krishna, who held aloft the mountain, Lord who dwells
within the heart, the protector of cows, the son of Nanda,
stealer of butter, Greatest stealer of hearts who dwells in Puttaparti and within the heart.)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: hð n:öd l:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ n:aT: )B:Ø m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar g::ðp:al: b:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
(Hey Govinda, Gopaala, Hey son of Nanda, You belong to Radha and the
Gopis, You are the One playing flute, You are Meera's Lord, Hey Gopaala, You lifted the Govardhana mountain)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: s:aI her ram:
m:aD:v: m::ðhn: s:aI her ram:
B:j::ð rð B:j::ð s:aI her ram:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: s:aI her ram:
m:aD:v: m::ðhn: s:aI her ram:
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: B:v: B:y: B:öj:n:
her )ðm:an:öd s:aI s:av:ery:a
(Chant the many names of Lord: Govinda, Gopaal, Sai, Hari, Ram,
Madhav, Mohan, Madhusudan. Worshipping many names of Lord helps to
cross the ocean of birth and death and removes fear)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd
g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðp:al: (s:aI)
j:y: j:y: g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: (repeated)
(Victory to Lord Sai Gopaala. Chant the name of Lord Govinda, Mukunda and Madhava.)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd B:j:m:n: raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:a l::ðl:a g::ðev:nd ras:ev:l::ðl: g::ðev:nd
ká\N: kñS:v: hrð m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðev:nd
hrð m:Ørarð s:aI m:Ørarð g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd j:y: g::ðev:nd
(Chant in your mind, the name of Govinda - Radha's Govinda,
the One loved by Radha and the Gopis. Victory to Thee, Hey Krishna,
Keshava, Madhava, Govinda (different names for Krishna). Hey Murare (Krishna), victory to Thee!)
- g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g:aIy:ð B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al: ká\N: g:aIy:ð
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr ^:aey:y:ð, B:j::ð n:öd kñ l:al: )B:Ø g:aIy:ð (2)
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd ^:aey:y:ð, B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al: ká\N: g:aIy:ð (2)
eg:erD:ari eg:erD:ari ^:aey:y:ð, m:aI m:ira kñ n:aT: )B:Ø g:aIy:ð(2)
(Sing the glory of blue-hued Krishna.
Sing the glory of the son of Nanda, the Lord who enchants the mind by playing on the flute.
Sing the glory of the Lord of Mira, who held the mountain (Govardhan))
- g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r g::ðp:al:
n:ac::ð ,ö z:Øö ,ö z:Øö s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant and dance in ecstasy with the name of Lord Govinda, Sai Gopaala, Lord of Parthipuri - Sai Gopaala.)
- g::ðev:nd hrð g::ðp:al: hrð
g::ðev:nd hrð, Av:t:ar hrð
*:ðt:a m:ðö s:it:a ram: b:n:ð
¾ap:r m:ðö raD:ð Sy:am: b:n:ð
kel: y:Øg: m:ðö s:aI n:am: el:y:ð
s:aI n:am: el:y:ð s:v:ü n:am: el:y:ð
(Chant Govinda, Gopaal. In Treta Yuga, Thou incarnated as Lord
Ram - Lord of Seetha; in Dwapara Yuga as Lord of Radha - Lord
Shyaama; in Kali Yuga as Lord Sai encompassing all names and forms.)
- g::ðev:nd hrð g::ðp:al: hrð hð g::ðp:i g::ðp: b:al:
g::ðev:nd hrð, g::ðp:al: hrð, hð m:Ørl:i g:an: l::ðl:a
g::ðev:nd hrð, g::ðp:al: hrð, hð raD:a Ædy: l::ðl:a
g::ðev:nd hrð, g::ðp:al: hrð, hð n:öd g::ðp: b:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Govinda and Gopaala; who is the ffriend of
Gopi and Gopa (devotee); who plays enchanting music on flute;
who is the beloved Lord of Radha; who is the loving Prince of Nanda.
Chanting the name of the Lord destroys the miseries and ignorance).
- g::ðev:nd hð n:öd l:al: B:j::ð
Sy:am: b:àödav:n: b:al: B:j::ð
g::ðev:nd hð n:öd l:al: B:j::ð
Sy:am: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
raD:ð j:y: raD:ð j:y: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Worship the beloved cowherd, son of Nanda, the dark blue
child of Brindavan; Sing the glory of the beloved cowherd
Krishna, the blue cowherd who is Sai, who is Radha's Lord)
- g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðev:nd
g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: g::ðev:nd
G:n: G:n: n:il: g::ðev:nd
b:al: m:ØkÙöd g::ðev:nd
s:aI m:ØkÙöd g::ðev:nd
hð G:n:Sy:am: g::ðev:nd
g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: g::ðev:nd
(Chant the many names of the Lord: Govinda; joy of Gokula; Mukunda; Ghanashyaama; Sai. Victory to Lord Govinda)
- g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðp:al: j:y:
kñS:v: j:y: j:y: m:aD:v: j:y:
n:öd ekS::ðr Â:i ká\N: j:y: ..(g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y:..)
g::ðv:D:ün: D:r Â:i ká\N: j:y: j:y:
kÙöj: ev:hari s:aI ká\N: j:y: j:y:
(Victory to Shree Krishna. )
- g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y: j:y:
raD:a rm:N: her g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y:
s:aI ká\N: j:y: j:y:, s:aI ram: j:y: j:y: (3)
raD:a rm:N: her g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y:.
(Glory to Govinda, Gopaala; Glory to Hari, Lord of Radha; Glory to Shree Krishna, Sai;
Glory to Govinda, Lord of Radha).
- g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y: j:y:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðp:al: j:y: j:y:
g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðkÙl: b:al: g::ðv:D:ün: D:r g::ðp:al: j:y:
g::ðv:D:ün: D:r g::ðp:al: j:y:
m:n: m::ðhn: ká\N: (2)
m::ðhn: ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn: ká\N:
m:Ørl:iD:r her Â:i ká\N: j:y: j:y:
(Victory to Govinda, Victory to Gopaala. Victory to boy
Krishna, the loved and revered child of Gokul and adored by the
Gopis. Victory to boy Krishna who lifted a whole mountain to save
the cows and people of Gokul from the torrential rain. Victory to
that wonderful young God who bewitched every one with His lovely
smile and His melodies on the flute.)
- g::ðev:nd ká\N: j:y: g::ðp:al: ká\N: j:y:
g::ðp:al: b:al:, b:al: raD:a ká\N: j:y:
ká\N: j:y:, ká\N: j:y:, ká\N: j:y:
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: j:y:
g::ðep:ka m:al: her py:ari, m:y:i m:ira m:n: ev:hari,
m:dn: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i D:ari ká\N: j:y:
ká\N: j:y: ká\N: j:y:, ká\N: j:y:
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: j:y:
ká\N: j:y:, ram: ká\N: j:y:, raD:a ká\N: j:y:
b:al: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: j:y:
(Glory to Krishna; Glory to the child Krishna, who is the Lord of Radha;
Glory to the beloved Lord who wears the garland of the Gopis;
Glory to one who dwels in the heart of Meera; Glory to the Lord of Love who enchants our hearts;
Glory to the Lord who plays flute; Glory to Thee)
- g::ðev:nd ká\N: ev:YÏYl:ð v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al: ká\N: ev:YÏYl:ð
rög: rög: ev:YÏYl:ð Â:i p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð (2)
(Lord Krishna, Lord of Vitthala, the flute player and cowherd Krishna; Krishna, Lord of Vitthala)
- g::ðev:nd ká\N: ev:YÏYl: j:y: g::ðp:al: ká\N: ev:YÏYl:
g::ðev:nd ev:YÏYl: g::ðp:al: ev:YÏYl:
g::ðev:nd ká\N: ev:YÏYl: j:y: g::ðp:al: ká\N: ev:YÏYl:
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:NZri n:aT: ev:YÏYl:
g::ðev:nd ev:YÏYl: j:y: g::ðp:al: ev:YÏYl:
(Victory to Lord: Govinda; Krishna; Gopaala and Panduranga Vitthala.
Chant the name of Govinda, Krishna, Gopaala and Pandhari Vitthala)
- g::ðev:nd m:aD:v: g::ðp:al: kñS:v:
j:y: n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:öd g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd m:aD:v: g::ðp:al: kñS:v:
eg:erD:ari eg:erD:ari j:y: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
G:n:Sy:am: Sy:am: Sy:am: j:y: j:y: s:aI g::ðp:al:
j:y: n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:öd g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Krishna, cowherd boy with all divine powers, Glory to Krishna
who liberates us from the bondage of ignorance, Radha's Lord;
Krishna, cowherd boy with all divine powers; Radha's Lord who
protected his village by lifting a mountain; Krishna, Lord with
the deep blue complexion, Sai Krishna; Glory to Krishna who
liberates us from the bondage of ignornace, Radha's Lord.)
- g::ðev:nd m:Ørari m:aD:v:
her g::ðev:nd m:Ørari m:aD:v:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: kñS:v:
her g::ðev:nd m:Ørari m:aD:v:
j:n:adün: s:aI p:ret: ev:hari
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹aer m:aD:v:
m:aD:v: kñS:v: her n:aray:N:
(Hey Govinda, Murari, Madhava, Hari, Gopaala, Keshava (different names
for Krishna), Oh Sai (who lives in Parthi), You are the wealth
of the people. Hey Madhava, You lifted the Govardhan mountain. Hey Madhava, Keshava, Hari, Narayana)
- g::ðev:nd m:Ørl:iD:ari m:Ørhr
g::ðev:nd G:n:Sy:am: hrð
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
g::ðev:nd g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:r
g::ðev:nd p:rm: Rm: hrð
g::ðev:nd s:aI Sy:am: hrð
(Chant the name of the Lord: Govinda, Muralidhara, Murahara, Ghanashyaama,
Govardhana Giridhari and Sai. Chanting the name destroys all the miseries
of life and leads to the highest abode)
- g::ðev:nd m:Ørarð g::ðp:al: m:Ørarð
ev:YÏYl: Â:i her p:aNRÙrög:
Ædy: ev:hari j:y: eg:erD:ari
n:rher s::òer p:aNRÙrög:
p:aNRÙrög: her j:y: j:y: p:aNRÙrög: her
(Chant the many names of Lord: Govinda; Murari; Gopaal; Vitthala;
Shree Hari; Panduranga; Narahari; Sauri. Victory to Lord Pandu Ranga Hari.)
- g::ðev:nd n:aray:N: g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: (A:n:öd) n:aray:N:
(Names of Krishna, incarnation of Vishnu (Narayana). Knower of the hearts of all.)
- g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: raD:ð
v:ðN:Ø ev:l::ðl: Ædy: g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: raD:ð
B:Vt: v:ts:l: B:ag:v:t: e)y:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al: raD:ð
(Chant the names of the Lord: Govinda, Gopaala, Radha's Love, Lord Krishna;
Gopaala who plays the heavenly flute, Who is very fond of His bhaktas, Who fills us with Divine Love)
- g::ðev:nd raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
g::ðp:al: raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
g::ðev:nd raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
m::ðhn: b:al: ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
p:ret: en:v:as: ká\N: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
(Chant the names of Lord: Govinda, Lord of Radha, Lord Krishna, Gopaala,
Mohan, Bala Krishna and Lord resident in Parthi - Lord Sai)
- g::ðev:nd ram: j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: ram:
m:aD:v: ram: j:y: j:y: kñS:v: ram:
g::ðev:nd ram: j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: ram:
dÙl:üB: ram: j:y: j:y: s:Øl:B: ram:
Ok t:Ü ram: j:y: j:y: An:ðk t:Ü ram:
(Glory to Krishna, Rama; Who are difficult to attain when sought
externally, easily attained when sought within. Rama, You are the Lord in many forms)
- g::ðev:ndö B:j: rð
B:j: g::ðev:ndö g::ðev:ödö ..(g::ðev:ndö B:j: rð)
A:eÂ:t: v:ts:l: s:aI g::ðev:ndö ..(g::ðev:ndö B:j: rð)
n:r her ev:YÏYl: g::ðev:ndö
p:ret:p:ØriS: g::ðev:ndö
g::ðev:ndö B:j: g::ðev:ndö
A:n:ödö p:rm:an:ödö
(Sing the name of Govinda. Sing the Name of Sai Govinda who resides in
Parthi and is so very dear to His devotees, and derive great joy therefrom.)
- g::ðev:ndðet: s:da Dy:an:ö
g::ðev:ndðet: s:da j:p:ö
g::ðev:ndðet: s:da Dy:an:ö
s:da g::ðev:nd kit:ün:ö
(Always immerse (wash sins away) yourself in the name of Lord
Govinda. Always chant and meditate and sing on the name of Govinda.)
- g:Ø,v:ay:Ør p:Øra Â:i her ká\N: n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: m:Ørl:i D:ari, n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:ÜD:n: her n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari m:Ørari n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: m:Ørl:i D:ari n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
n:aray:N: g::ðp:al: s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
n:aray:N: g::ðp:al: s:ty: n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: m:Ørl:i D:ari n:aray:N: g::ðp:al:
(O! Hari Krishna, Lord of Guruvaayur Narayana! Gopaal!, Mukunda,
Madhava, Muralidhara, Madhusudana, Govardhanadhari, Murari.)
- hrð eg:erD:r b:al: g::ðp:al:
hrð g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar g::ðp:al:
(Worship Lord Gopaala, the One dear to the Gopis, the One who
carried Govardhana mountain, Govinda and Sai who destroy sins and ignorance)
- hrð g::ðev:nd m:Ørhr m:aD:v:
hrð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: kñS:v:
j:n:adün: s:aI p:ret: ev:hari
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹r s:aI m:aD:v:
m:aD:v: kñS:v: her n:aray:N:
(Chant the many names of the Lord: Govinda, Murahara, Madhava, Gopaal,
Keshava, Janardhana, Parthi Vihari Sai, Govardhanodhara Sai, Narayana and Sai)
- hrð kñS:v: g::ðev:nd v:as:Ødðv: j:g:n: m:at:a
eS:v: S:ökr ,dÓðS: n:il:kNY e*:l::ðc:n:
v:as:Ødðv: v:s:Ødðv: v:as:Ødðv: j:g:n: m:at:a
(Victory to the Lord, the slayer of the demons, Son of Vasudeva Who pervades the Universe
The auspicious One, the Lord of the Rudras, The One with the blue throat and three eyes)
- hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð
hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð
hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
s:aI ram: hrð hrð
s:aI ká\N: hrð hrð
(Chant the names of Krishna and Rama)
- hrð ká\N: hrð ram: hrð ká\N: hrð ram:
b::ðl::ð s:aI ram:
All:ah y:ðS:Ø b::ðl::ð s:aI ram:
n:an:k b:ع b::ðl::ð s:aI ram:
z::ðra\XÕ m:hav:ir b::ðl::ð s:aI ram:
s:v:ü D:m:ü e)y: b::ðl::ð s:aI ram:
(Sing (chant) the names of Krishna, Rama and Sai; of Allah, Jesus
and Sai Ram; of Guru Naanak and Buddha; of Zoraster and Mahaveera;
of Sai Ram who is fond of all faiths)
- hrð ká\N: hrð ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram:
raD:a g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð j:y: raD:ð Sy:am:
m:aD:v: m:ØkÙöd b::ðl::ð j:y: raD:ð Sy:am:
j:y: j:y: ram: s:aI ram: j:y: j:y: ram:
j:y: j:y: ram: s:aI ram: j:y: j:y: ram: b::ðl::ð
(Chant the many names of Lord: Krishna, Ram, Sai Ram, Govinda,
Radhey Shyaam, Madhava and Mukunda. Victory to Lord Sai Ram.)
- hrð ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
hrð ká\N: g:ØN: röj:n:
hrð ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn:,
hrð ká\N: y:dÙ n:ödn:
hrð ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(Chant the names of Lord Krishna: Madhu Sudhana - one who killed the
demon Madhu; Guna Ranjana - Shining with virtous attributes, Yadu Nandana - Prince of Yadu dynasty)
- hrð m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr Sy:am:
hrð g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr Sy:am:
hrð dðv:ki n:ödn: Sy:am:
n:ödn: Sy:am: n:ödn: Sy:am:
hrð v:as:Øki S:y:n: Sy:am:
(Oh Krishna, the blue complexioned One who enchants everyone with
Your flute! Oh Krishna, you enchant the Gopis (cowherd maids)!
Oh Krishna, the blue complexioned son of Nanda! You are the One
reclining on the serpent Vaasuki)
- hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N:, hrð ká\N:, ká\N: ká\N:, hrð hrð
g:Ø,H b:ÒÉ g:Ø,H ev:\N:Ø g:Ø,H dðv: m:hðÃ:r
g:Ø, s:ax:at: p:r b:ÒÉ t:sm:ò Â:i g:Ørv:ð n:m:H
(Glory to Ram and Krishna; Hail to that noble teacher
who is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and who is truly the
Supreme Brahman. I offer my salutations to such a Guru)
- hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N:, ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð (2)
(Chant the names of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna)
- hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð
ká\N: kñS:v: ká\N: kñS:v: ká\N: kñS:v: p:aeh m:am:Î
m:aD:v: ram: raG:v: ram: raG:v: ram: raG:v: rx:m:aö
(Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Madhava, Raghava.
Chanting the mantra "Harey Rama..... raxa maam.h" destroys the miseries of life and grants protection)
- her A:n:ödm:y: j:y: n:aray:N:
s:aI A:n:ödm:y: j:y: n:aray:N:
v:as:Ødðv: n:ödn: raD:a j:iv:n:
p:rm:an:öd m:aD:v:
(Glory to God who incarnates upon this world in the form of bliss,
Son of Vasudeva, very life of Radha; Krishna who is Supreme Bliss
itself and Lord of the Mother of the Universe, laxmii)
- her b::ðl::ð hrð ram: n:am:
her b::ðl::ð hrð ká\N: n:am: (2)
her b::ðl::ð s:ty: s:aI n:am: (2)
her b::ðl::ð s:ty: b:ab:a n:am: (2)
(Chant the Divine names of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Sathya Sai)
- her b::ðl: her b::ðl: her her b::ðl:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd b::ðl:
ram: b::ðl: ram: b::ðl: ram: ram: b::ðl:
rG:ØkÙl: B:Ü\:N: ram: ram: b::ðl:
ká\N: b::ðl: ká\N: b::ðl: ká\N: ká\N: b::ðl:
raD:a m:aD:v: Â:i ká\N: b::ðl:
eS:v: b::ðl: eS:v: b::ðl: eS:v: eS:v: b::ðl:
s:aI S:ökr eS:v: eS:v: b::ðl:
(Chant the Divine names of Shree Krishna, who is Radha's consort,
Shree Rama, who is the pride of Raghu dynasty, Shiva and Sai Baba.)
- her her b::ðl: her her b::ðl:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd b::ðl:
kñS:v: b::ðl: m:aD:v: b::ðl:
s:aI ram: b::ðl: s:aI ká\N: b::ðl:
eS:rRi s:aI b::ðl: p:ret: s:aI b::ðl:
(Chant the names of Hari, Mukund, Madhav, Govind Keshav, Sai Ram, Sai Krishna, Shirdi Sai and Parthi Sai.)
- her her g:ØN: g:av:
p:ret: en:röj:n: her g:ØN: g:av:
s:Øödr -p: )ðm: sv:-p: ..(her her g:ØN: g:av:)
din: dy:akr g:ØN: g:mB:ir
dðv: dðv::ð¶:m: m:ög:l: dat:a
B:Vt: j:n: e)y: Â:i s:aI n:aT:
(Sing the glories of Shree Krishna, our Sai Krishna. That pure
and unstained effulgent Lord of Puttaparthi, Sathya Sai Baba.
Dwell on the lovely Face, the loving nature, the infinite
compassion towards the meek and the humble, the dignified bearing,
of that Supreme God of Gods; the One who fills our life with
auspiciousness, the One who is so fond of His devotees, Lord Sai Nath. Chant His divine name.)
- her her ! eS:v: S:ökr !
n:aray:N: her ! n:aray:N: her !
kñS:v: hð eS:v: m:aD:v: hð
n:aray:N: her ! n:aray:N: her !
p:rm:atm: Aöt:y:aüem:
n:aray:N: her ! n:aray:N: her !
(Glory to Hari, Shiva, Keshava who are different forms of the
Divine Power which is Om. He is the Omnipresent indweller of all beings)
- her her g::ðev:nd her her eg:erD:r b:al:
her her Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:aD:v: her kñS:v: her
y:adv: her n:öd l:al: (2)
her her g::ðev:nd
her her eg:erD:r b:al:
her her Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
(Chant the names of Hari, Govinda, the boy who lifted the mountain (Govardhan), Nanda's son, Madhava).
- her her g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
j:y: her b::ðl: Â:i her b::ðl:
her her g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
hrð ram: hrð ká\N: )S:aöet: raj: ram:
s:aI ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram: b::ðl::ð
(Chanting the many names of the Lord destroys the sins.)
- her her her her sm:rN: kr:ð
her c:rN: km:l: Dy:an: kr:ð
m:Ørl:i m:aD:v: s:ðv:a kr:ð
m:Ørhr eg:erD:ari B:j:n: kr:ð
(Meditate on the name of Lord Hari, the Lotus feet of Hari, the
divine flute player, sing the glory of Lord of Giridhari.)
- her her n:aray:N:
her g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
her g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
Â:i her n:aray:N:
Æe\:kñS: n:aray:N:
p:rt:iS: n:aray:N:
(Chant the many name of the Lord: Hari, Narayana, Govinda, Gopaala,
Hrishikesha and Lord Narayana residing in Parti)
- her her n:aray:N: n:m:H !
her her Â:i v:as:Ødðv:ay: n:m:H !
her her raD:ð ká\N:y: n:m:H !
her her Â:i ramc:n:.dÓay: n:m:H !
her her Â:i g::ðev:nday: n:m:H !
her her S:mB::ð kÙm:aray: n:m:H !
her her n:aray:N: n:m:H !
(I Bow to Thee O Lord Narayana, Vasudeva, Radhey Krishna,
Ramachandra, Govinda and Shambhu Kumar (Ganesh).)
- her n:am: s:Øem:r her n:am: s:Øem:r her n:am: s:Øem:r B:j:rð
e*:B:Øv:n: D:ark s:b: s:ØK: day:k
ev:n:t:i s:hay:k n:am: j:p::ðrð
(Chant the name of Hari, The Sustainer of three worlds (physical, subtle and causal)
Contemplate the Name of the Lord, who bestows Happiness and is the Saviour of the helpless)
- her n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd B:j: n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
p:ret:p:ØriS: p:ap: ev:n:aS:
kel:y:Øg: Av:t:ar s:aI m:hðS:
s:aI n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
v:àödav:n: ev:hari m:ØkÙöd
(Glory to Sai who is Hari, Govinda, Mukunda, the Lord Sai of Parthi who
is the present Avatahar in Kali Yug, the Lord who strolls in Vrindaavana)
- her n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: B:j::ðrð
her n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N: B:j::ðrð (2)
Sy:am: s:Øödr m:dn: g::ðp:al: (2)
s:ecc:dan:öd Sy:am: g::ðp:al: (2)
g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:n: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:n: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al: B:j::ðrð
her n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N: B:j::ðrð (2)
(Sing in praise of Hari Narayana (Vishnu). Sing in praise of Sathya Narayana and Sai Narayana
Sing in praise of Gopaala, the One who is adored by the Gopis)
- her n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: her ram: ram: ram:
Ay::ðDy:a v:as:i Â:i ram:c:ödÓ A:n:öd -p: j:y: j:y: ram:
p:ret:p:ØriS: s:ty: s:aIS: p:rm: dy:al::ð j:y: j:y: ram:
(Sing the names of Lord Hari, Lord Narayana, Lord Ram;
Sing in praise of the Lord of Ayodhya, embodiment of Bliss
Glory to Ram, Lord of Puttaparthi, Sathya Sai, the Compassionate and kind Lord)
- her n:aray:N: !
s:aI n:m::ð n:m::ð her n:aray:N: (2)
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N: (2)
S:mB::ð m:hadðv: n:aray:N: (eS:v:) (2)
s:ty: s:aI An:öt: n:aray:N: (2)
(Glory to Hari, Vitthala, Shiva)
- her ! A:n:öd n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
her ! A:n:öd n:aray:N:
e*:l::ðk p:al:n: n:aray:N:
p:ret: en:v:as: n:aray:N:
(Chant the name of the blissful Lord: Hari, Narayana and Sai,
who is the sustainer of the three worlds)
- her ! her ! n:aray:N:
s:aI ! s:aI ! j:n:adün:
p:ökj: n:y:n:a s:aI n:aray:N:
j:g:t: p:erp:al: n:aray:N: (3)
(Sing the glory of Sai who is incarnation of Narayana, who is
adorned with beautiful eyes and who is the Lord of the Universe)
- her ! her ! her ! n:aray:N:
S:aöt:akar B:Øj:ög: S:y:n:
p:¼n:aB: n:aray:N:
p:ret: rm:N: km:l: n:y:n: s:aI n:aT: n:aray:N:
her ! her ! her ! n:aray:N:
(Oh Hari (Krishna), Oh Narayana (Krishna), You are the One with the
most peaceful form, reclining on the serpent. Oh Padmanabha (Vishnu
the One from whose navel the Lotus arises), Oh Narayana, the One
who enchants Parthi, the One with lotus shaped eyes, You are the Lord of Puttaparthi, Oh Sai Narayana)
- her ! her ! her ! s:aI !
s:aI n:aray:N: j:y: her !
s:ty: n:aray:N: j:y: her !
p:rm:atm: eS:v: s:aI her !
p:rb:ÒÉ eS:v: s:aI her !
s:aI n:aray:N: j:y: her !
s:ty: n:aray:N: j:y: her !
(Recite the mantra, "Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om Sai Om", Worship
Lord Sai. Victory to Lord Sai Narayana, verily the Parabrahma, who is the highest
abode of bliss, happiness and knowledge.)
- her ! t:t:Î s:t:Î her ! t:t:Î s:t:Î her ! t:t:Î s:t:Î her !
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: j:y: raD:a ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: B:j::ð ká\N: g::ðp:al:
her !, her !, her !, her !
her ! ! !, her ! ! !, her ! ! !, her !
(This is a namaavali or a string of Gods' names.)
- hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:aD:v: m:Ørhr m:D:Ør m:n::ðhr, eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:,
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:,
n:öd kÙm:ar, s:Øödrakar, b:àödav:n: s:öc:ar
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n:p:al: ... eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:,
k:òst:ØB: hr m::òeVt:kD:r raD:a Ædy: ev:har
B:Vt::ð¹ar b:al: ^::ðp:al:... eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:aerp:al: g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:r n:öd kÙm:ar
n:v:n:it: c::ðr v:ðN:Ø g:N: VEl::ðl:... eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:, hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
(Hail Krishna, the cowherd boy who held aloft the mountain; the One who killed the demon Mura;
Lord of laxmii with a sweet and beautiful form; Son of Nanda
with charming form, he moves through Brindavan; Lord who plays
the flute and protects the saints; He wears pearls and the
Kaustubha gem, he charms Radha's heart; Sustainer of his
devotees, the Child Gopaal, protector of the cows; Charmer of the
gopis, son of Nanda who held aloft the mountain; Gopaal, stealer
of butter who bestows ecstacy with his flute music.)
- hð eg:erD:ari ká\N: m:Ørari
n:aray:N: her m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
n:v:n:it: c::ðr Sy:am: m:Ørari
raD:a m:aD:v: Ædy: ev:hari
(Chant the many name of Lord : Giridhari, Krishna, Murari, Narayana,
Hari Mukunda Shyaam and Madhava. Lord is the indweller in the heart.)
- hð g::ðev:nd hð A:n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:iD:r Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
hð g::ðev:nd hð A:n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:
s:Øödr eg:erD:ari hrð n:Xv:r l:al:a
m:aD:v: kñS:v: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
(Hey Govinda (Krishna), the embodiment of bliss, Hey Nanda's
Gopala, the One having the bewitching flute in His hands,
the dark blue complexioned One, the One who lifted the Govardhana
mountain in His hands. Hey Madhava, Keshava, Madana Gopala! (all are different names for Krishna))
- hð g::ðev:nd hð g::ðp:al: hð m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
A:A:ð A:A:ð )B:Ø A:A:ð A:A:ð
m:ØJ:ð A:kar dS:ü edK:aA:ð
s:ty: D:m:ü S:aöet: )ðm: sv:-p:a
)ðm: sv:-p:a,
A:A:ð A:A:ð )B:Ø A:A:ð A:A:ð
m:ØJ:ð A:kar dS:ü edK:aA:ð
(Welcome, O Lord Govind! Please come and grant us Thy Darshan.
Thou art the embodiment of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love.)
- hð ká\N: hð ká\N:
ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:
n:öd ekS::ðr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: g::ðp:al: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:
p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög:
(This is a "namavali" or a string of various names of the
particular God. The song says "Victory to You, Shree Krishna")
- hð m:aD:v: m:dn: m:Ørari
hð s:ty: p:ret: ev:hari
ram: ká\N: t:Øm:h:ð
t:Øm:h:ð b::ðl: B:NRari
s:b: g:an: t:Ømhari g:aIy:ð
m:ðrð A:úK:ð S:iS: j:Xay:ò
m:ðrð ev:n:t:i s:Øn::ð eg:erD:ari
hð s:aI p:ret: ev:hari
(Hey Madhava, Madana Murari (differenet names for Krishna),
Hey Sathya (Sai Baba), the One who frequents Parthi,
Thou art Rama, Krishna, Bhola Bhandari (Shiva). All songs
are addressed to You. Please clean the inner glass of my eyes (reveal
Yourslef to me). Please listen to my submissions, Oh Giridhari, Oh Sai who lives in Parthi!)
- hð m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
dy:a kr:ð káp:a kr:ð y:dÙ n:ödn:
hð m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
Al:K:en:röj:n: B:v: B:y: B:öj:n:
s:ty: s:n:at:n: s:aI, hð s:ty: s:n:at:n: s:aI
(O Krishna, destroyer of the demon Madhu; O child of Yadu, bestow Grace and compassion;
O Lord Sai, the remover of all fear, one who is pure and beyond all perception, Lord Sai, eternal One)
- hð n:öd ekS::ðr m:n:m::ðhn:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr m:D:Øs:Üdn:
hð n:öd ekS::ðr m:n:m::ðhn:
dðv:ki n:ödn: y:dÙ n:ödn:
dðv:aeD: dðv: j:g:t: p:al:n:
(O Lord Krishna ! O Charming loving Prince of Devaki ! O Lord of Lords
! Thou art the protector and supporter of the whole Universe. Thou
art the captivator of the devotees' hearts with Thy charm and blessings.)
- hð n:öd l:al: hð b:àj: b:al:
m:aK:n: c::ðr y:S::ðda kñ b:al:
v:àödav:n: kñ g::ðkÙl: b:al:
dy:a kr:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:öd l:al:
m:aK:n: c::ðr y:S::ðda kñ b:al:
(Hey, little boy of Nanda, of Vraja (Krishna), You steal butter
and You are the darling of Yashoda, You are the child of Vrindavan
and Gokula (the place where Krishna grew up). Please have compassion
and mercy on me, Sai Nanda Laala (Sai in the form of Krishna))
- hð n:öd l:al: j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al:
raD:a rm:N: her raD:ð g::ðp:al:
n:Xv:r eg:erD:ari s:aI g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr hð n:öd l:al:
(Names of Krishna: Nandalal, Gopaala, Hari, Natavara, Giridhari
The One Who plays the flute and wins over the mind)
- hð n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al: A:n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:
hð n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:, A:n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:
hð n:öd n:öd, A:n:öd n:öd n:öd, y:dÙ n:öd n:öd g::ðp:al:
(Son of Nanda, blissful Krishna, the cowherd boy; Blissful son of the Yadu clan, Nanda's cowherd boy.)
- hð s:aI rög: hð p:aNRÙrög:
k,N:aöt:rög: Ædy:ang:rög:
hð s:aI rög: hð p:aNRÙrög:
Â:i rög: rög: j:y: rög: rög:
A:n:öd rög: s:dan:öd rög:
k,N:aöt:rög: Ædy:ang:rög:
(O Lord Sai Ranga! O Lord Panduranga! Thou art full of infinite mercy
and reciting Thy name creates the wave of sublime feelings and emotions
in the heart. Victory to Lord Sai Ranga, who is all Bliss and ever in Bliss)
- hð Â:ien:v:as: hð g::ðev:nd
herhr -p: Â:i v:ðökXðS:
kel:y:Øg: v:òkÙöY et:,m:l: v:as:,
e*:B:Øv:n: p:al: s:ty: s:aI dðv:
(O Lord Sai, thou art Srinivasa, Lord Vishnu, Govinda, Harihara -
residing on the earthly heaven and Tirumalai mountain and sustainer of Three worlds.)
- hð ev:Ã:p:al: g::ðp:al:
hð din:p:al: g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r b:al:
eg:erD:r b:al: j:y: g::ðp:al:
(O Lord Gopaala ! Thou art the Sustainer of entire creation and of
those who are miserables and dejected. Victory to Lord Giridhari, Lord of Mira.)
- Ædy: m:öedr m:ðö b:j:ð b:as:Øery:a
hÚüm: J:Øm: n:ac:ð b:ns:i AD:ery:a
Ædy: m:öedr m:ðö b:j:ð b:as:Øery:a
n:ac:ð raD:a n:ac:ð g::ðep:y:a
An:Øp:m: s:Ør m:ðö b:j:ð b:as:Øery:a
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð s:aI knhòyy:a
(In the holy ground of heart, Lord Krishna dances, "Rhuma Jhuma"
playing divine music on flute (thereby soothing the fire of worldly
worries). Along with it , dances, Radha and Gopis. Flute plays
enchanting many different melodies. O Lord Sai Kanhaiya ! Dance in the holy ground of heart.)
- j:ag::ð j:ag::ð eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
j:ag::ð j:ag::ð hð g::ðkÙl: b:al:
dS:ün: dij::ð din: dy:al:
)B:Ø p:rm:atm:a e*:B:Øv:n: p:al:
s:aI n:aray:N: n:Xv:r l:al:a
(O Lord! O Supreme Purusha! O Sustainer of three worlds! O
Lord Giridhari! Kindly wake up. O Merciful Lord! Welcome to Thee and please bless us with Your presence)
- j:g:t: p:al:n: j:g:n: m::ðhn:
s:Øödr s:aI g::ðp:al:n:
m:Øen:j:n: s:ðev:t: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
j:g:t: p:al:n: j:g:n: m::ðhn:
kñS:v: g::ðev:nd j:n:adün:
Â:iD:r m:aD:v: dam::ðdr
Acy:Øt: An:öt: n:aray:N:
Â:i s:aI ká\N: n:aray:N: (2)
(Oh Lord, the protector of the Universe, the bewitcher of the
Universe, Oh beautiful Sai Gopala, the One who serves the Rishis,
the One who destroyed the demon Madhu, Keshava, Govinda,
Janardhana, Sreedhara, Madhava, Damodara, Achyutha, Anantha,
Narayana, Sai Krishna (different names for Lord Krishna))
- j:g:t: p:et: her s:aI g::ðp:al:
j:g:d:ð¹ar s:aI n:öd l:al:a
m:T:ØraeD:p:t:ð ká\N: g::ðp:al:
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð g:an: ev:l::ðl:
j:g:d:ð¹ar s:aI n:öd l:al:
(Worship the Saviour and Lord of the Universe, Lord Sai Nanda
Gopaal. Worship Lord of Mathura (City), Lord Krishna Gopaala, Who sings enchanting melodies.)
- j:y: B:Øv:n:ðÃ:r j:y: j:g:diÃ:r
p:ret: ev:haerN:i n:m::ð n:m:H
j:y: n:aray:N: j:g:d:ð¹arN:
p:ret: ev:haerN:i n:m::ð n:m:H
(Victory to Lord of Universe, Lord Narayana of Parthi. I bow to Lord of Parthi, Lord Sai Ram.)
- j:y: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: s:aI p:ret: p:Øri B:g:v:an:
t:Øm: h:ð )aN: hrrð s:aI t:Øm: h:ð Aöt:y:aüem: (2)
j:n:m: j:n:m: k n:aT: t:Øm: s:ð, t:Øm: hi hm:arð sv:aem:
(Hey Gopala, Hey Giridhara (the One who lifted the mountain),
Lord of Puttaparthi, Thou art the indweller in all of us Sai,
Thou art our very life breath, You have been our Lord for several life cycles, Thou art our dear Lord)
- j:y: her ká\N: j:y: her ká\N: g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari
raD:a m::ðhn: raD:a j:iv:n:
m:öj:Øl: kÙöj: ev:hari
(Victory to Krishna who held aloft the mountain Govardhana, Who brought to Radha's life, the Delight of Bliss
whose abode is in pure hearts)
- j:y: her ev:YÏYl: s:aI Â:i her ev:YÏYl:
(j:y:) g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: raD:ð n:r her ev:YÏYl:
b:ab:a ev:YÏYl: s:ty: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
eS:rRi ev:YÏYl: s:ty: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: raD:ð n:r her ev:YÏYl:
(Glory to Krishna, the cowherd Boy, Radha's Beloved Charming Lord Krishna, Sai Krishna of Puttaparthi)
- j:y: hð ká\N: n:öd m:ØkÙöd
j:y: hð s:aI p:rm:an:öd
j:y: j:y: hð m:n: m::ðhn: ká\N:
j:y: v:àödav:n: s:aI ká\N:
p:ret: p:ØriÃ:r s:aI ká\N:
(Victory to mind capturing Son of Nanda, Lord Krishna, who resides in
'Vrindavan'. Victory to ever-blissful Lord Sai Krishna, who resides in Parthipuri.)
- j:y: h:ð ev:YÏYl: j:y: ev:YÏYl:
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl: g::ðp:al:
j:y: h:ð ev:YÏYl: her ev:YÏYl:
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl: g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Lord Vitthala of Purandhara. Chant the name of Lord Hari, Vitthala and Gopaala.)
- j:y: j:g:diS: hrð m:Ørarð
j:y: j:g:n: n:aT: j:n:adün:
j:y: v:n:m:al:i j:y: eg:erD:ari
j:y: j:y: Â:i her s:aI m:Ørari
(Victory to Lord of Universe. Victory to Lord Giridhari, destroyer of sins and demon Mura.)
- j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðp:al: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al:
hð n:n:.dl:al: g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðkÙl: b:al:
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ar py:ar
(Glory to Gopaala, Sai Gopaala, Radha's Lord; Beloved son of Nanda, joy of the Gopis, child of Gokul;
Glory to the one who plays in the Brindavan)
- j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y: n:öd l:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr raD:ð g::ðp:al:
p:rt: g:t: hð ká\N: g::ðp:al:
b:àödav:n: n:öd s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Lord Gopaala, Lord of Radha, Darling Prince of Nanda, who
is the Master Flute-Player. O Lord of Brindavan Lord Sai Gopaal! Devotees always sing Thy Glory.)
- j:y: j:y: j:y: m:n:m::ðhn: j:y: j:y: j:y: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:aD:v:, kñS:v:
kñS:v: m:aD:v:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:n: (s:aI)
(Glory to the enchanter of the mind, to the destroyer of the demon;
Hail Krishna, who is Lord of laxmii, who is the protector of cows)
- j:y: j:y: j:y: n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: n:aray:N:
Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Victory to Lord Narayana. Chant the many names of Lord : Govinda,
Gopaala, Narayana, Mukunda, Madhava, Krishna, Sai Narayana.)
- j:y: j:y: )B:Ø eg:erD:ari n:Xv:r n:ödl:al:
n:Xv:r n:ödl:al:, s:aI, eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
j:y: j:y: )B:Ø eg:erD:ari n:Xv:r n:ödl:al:
hð eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al: hð eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
(Glory to the Lord who held up the mountain; Krishna, the great
dancer, beloved son of Nanda; O cowherd boy who supported the mountain.)
- j:y: j:y: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
p:ØNRrik v:rd p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
(Victory to Lord Panduranga.)
- j:y: ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
j:y: raD:a m:n: m::ðhn:
v:àödav:n: s:öc:ari, g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari
p:ret: ev:hari hð n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
(Victory to beautiful and sweet Lord Krishna, who captivates the
heart of Radha (devotee). Chant the noame of Lord Narayan of Parthipuri, Lord Sai Narayana.)
- j:y: ká\N: m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
j:y: s:aI m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
j:y: n:öd m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
g::ðv:D:ün: D:ari m:Ørari
j:y: p:ret: ev:hari m:Ørari
(Victory to Lord: Krishna, Mukunda, Sai, Murari, Govardhandhari and Parthi Murari.)
- j:y: p:aNRÙrög: )B:Ø ev:YÏYl:
j:g:d:ð¹ar her ev:YÏYl:
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: p:NZri n:aT: ev:YÏYl:
Â:i rm:N:i Ædy:öt: rög:
m:ög:l: kr k,N:aöt: rög:
A:eÂ:t: din: j:n:av:n: rög:
(Victory to Lord: Panduranga, Hari, Vitthala- Saviour of entire
creation. Chant the name of Lord: Panduranga, Vitthala of Pandhari
who is bestower of auspiciousness, enchanter of the heart and supporter of those afflicted and miserables.)
- j:y: raD:a ká\N: j:y: ram: ká\N:
j:y: s:aI ká\N: j:y: h:ð
j:y: h:ð, j:y: h:ð
j:y: raD:a ká\N:, j:y: ram: ká\N:
j:y: s:aI ká\N: j:y: h:ð
j:y: h:ð, j:y: h:ð
(Sing victory to Lord of Radha - Lord Krishna, Lord Ram and Lord Sai.)
- j:y: Â:i m:aD:v: j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd
m:ØkÙöd m:Ørhr m:Ørl:i g::ðev:nd
din: b:öD:Ø din: n:aT:, raD:ð g::ðev:nd
)ðm: es:öD:Ø )ðm: D:ar s:aI g::ðev:nd
(Victory to Lord Madhava, Lord of Radha. Chant the name of Lord
Mukunda, Murahara and Govinda. Chant the name of Lord of Radha.
Thou art Lord of meek and fallen and ocean and spring of Love.)
- j:n:adün: n:ödl:al: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
s:aI ram: s:aI ram:
ram: ram: g::ðp:al:
s:aI ká\N: s:aI ká\N:
ká\N: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many Names of the Lord: Govinda, Gopaala, Rama, Krishna, Sai and Janardhana
and the loving prince of Nanda: Nandalala )
- j:y: b:àödav:n: D:n: dðv:ki n:ödn: m:aD:v: m:n: m::ðhn:
j:y: n:öd m:ØkÙöd, raD:ð g::ðev:öd, Arev:öd n:y:n:
s:aI g::ðp:al:, g::ðkÙl: b:al:, g::ðp:i m:n: rm:N:
g::ðv:D:ün: D:ari ká\N: m:Ørari p:aeh m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(Victory to Shree Krishna, the pride and wealth of Brindavan, son
of Devaki, the Madhava who bewitched every one's mind including the
cowherd gopis, the Krishna who carried aloft the Govardhan
mountain. Krishna, please give us you shelter and protection.)
- j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðp:al:
j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
j:y: g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðp:al:
ec:nm:y:an:öd -p: s:aI g::ðp:al:
en:ty:an:öd -p: s:aI g::ðp:al:
j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
(Victory to the One who is the protector of cows (guards the individual soul)
Hail and glory to Radha who symbolizes union with God
Victory to the One who is the protector of cows (guards the individual soul)
O Sai Gopaala, You are Divine consciousness itself. Sai Gopaala is the form of eternal Bliss.
Hail to Radha who symbolizes union with God)
- j:y: g::ðev:nd ká\N: ev:YÏYl:
j:y: g::ðp:al: ká\N: ev:YÏYl:
j:y: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:NZrin:aT: ev:YÏYl:
g::ðev:nd ev:YÏYl: g::ðp:al: ev:YÏYl:
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: p:NZrin:aT: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög:
(Victory to Lord Govinda, Krishna, Vitthala, Gopaal, Pandari Naathha Vitthala.
Chant the name of the Lord Govinda, Vitthala and Gopaala)
- j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð
j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð s:aI g::ðp:al:
Ædy:aöt:rög: k,N:aöt: rög:
k:ðeX )N:am: b:ab:a k:ðeX )N:am:
A:n:öd dat:a B:agy: ev:D:at:a
)ðm: sv:-p: s:aI g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:ØriS: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Thee, Sai Gopala, the One who lives in our hearts,
the all merciful One, a million salutations to You! You bestow
bliss and fortune on every one, You are the embodiment of Love. You are the Lord of Puttaparthi, Sai Gopal)
- j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð g::ðp:al:n:
j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð n:aray:N:
j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð j:n:adün:
j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð en:röj:n:
(Glory to Gopaal, to Narayana who is God incarnated as man;
Glory to Krishna who is Lord of all Victory to He who is faultless)
- j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð s:aI g::ðp:al:ö
j:y: h:ð j:y: h:ð p:ret:p:ØriS:ö ...(j:y: h:ð..)
p:¼n:aB:ö j:g:·Û,ö
p:¼ n:ð*: her s:aI g::ðev:ndö ..(j:y: h:ð..)
S:öet: ev:D:ay:k s:aIS: c:rN:ö
v:ödð B:v: B:y: B:öj:n: c:rN:ö
Amb:Øj: n:y:n:ö A)m:ðy:ö
m:ög:l: m:Üet:ü s:aIS: c:rN:ö.
(Victory to You Sai Krishna! Victory to You Lord of
Puttaparthi! You are Vishnu Himself, You are the world's spiritual
preceptor. You are the lotus-eyed Krishna himself. Your
auspicious Feet remove from our minds the fear of the endless cycle
of births and deaths and confer on us lasting peace and bliss. O
Lotus-eyed auspicious Sai, You are beyond all possibility of
description under any category. I bow to Your Lotus Feet.)
- j:y: j:y: g::ðev:nd j:y: n:ödl:al:
raD:a l::ðl:a ras: ev:l::ðl:
e*:B:Øv:n: p:erp:al: din: dy:al:
j:y: j:y: g::ðev:nd j:y: n:ödl:al:
s:Ørdas: )B:Ø k,N: s:ag:r
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
B:Vt: s:K:a B:g:v:an: g::ðp:al:
(Victory of Lord Govinda, Son of Nanda, O Beloved of Radha, You are fond of folk dance,
O merciful Lord of Mira and Suradas, You are an Ocean of compassion and Sustainer of the three worlds and
a close Relation to devotees)
- j:y: j:y: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
j:y: eg:erD:r b:àödav:n: b:al:
j:y: j:y: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
j:y: hð m:aD:v: G:n: G:n: en:l:
j:y: m:ira )B:Ø raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Glory to Krishna, the enchanting flute player, child of
Brindavan, who held aloft the mountain, Laxmi's Lord, of infite blue colour, Lord of Mirabai and Radha.)
- j:y: j:y: raD:ð j:y: g::ðev:nd
j:y: g::ðp:al: hrð
raD:a m:aD:v: ras: ev:l::ðl:
raj: g::ðp:al: s:aI hrð ...(j:y: j:y: raD:ð ..)
kal:iy: n:t:ün: kös: ev:m:dün:
j:y: g::ðp:al: hrð
s:aI, j:y: g::ðp:al: hrð
(Victory to Radha (Krishna's great devotee), victory to the
Young Krishna who loved the water sport of squirting colored water (
called Raasa Kreeda). Victory to Child Krishna who danced on the serpent Kaaliya.
Victory to Young Krishna who killed His wicked uncle Kamsa. Victory to You, Sai Gopala)
- j:y: ká\N: kÙöj: ev:hari
j:y: raD:a Ædy: ev:hari
j:y: y:m:Øn:a t:ir ev:hari
j:y: g::ðp:i kñ Ædy: ev:hari
j:y: m:aD:v: ras: ev:hari
j:y: s:aI p:ret: ev:hari
(Glory to Lord Krishna who moves about in Brindavan on the banks of the holy river Yamuna. Glory to the One
installed in Radha's heart and in the hearts of the cow maids (Gopis).
Glory to Krishna who is fond of dancing the Raasa folk dance. Glory to Lord Sai who is in Puttaparthi)
- j:y: m:Ørl:i m:aD:v: g::òer
p:rm: p:av:n: p:NZri n:aT:
p:rm:atm: hð p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl:
Â:i rög: n:aT: Ædy: t:rög:
Â:i s:aI n:aT: Ædy:aöt:rög:
(Victory to the Indweller of the heart and divine flute Player, Lord Madhava.
It is extremely beneficial to recite the Name of the Lord Pandhari and Lord Vitthala)
- j:y: n:n:.dl:al: j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i s:aI g::ðp:al:
j:y: n:n:.dl:al: j:y: j:y: g::ðp:al:
j:y: b:àödav:n: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
j:y: p:rt:iÃ:r j:y: s:aI n:aT:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Krishna (the Son of Nanda), Sai Gopaala Who wins the mind with His captivating flute.
Glory to the One Who lived in Brindavan and Puttaparthi )
- j:y: n:aray:N: j:y: her !
s:aI n:aray:N: j:y: her !
j:y: n:aray:N: j:y: her !
n:m:H eS:v: eS:v: j:y: her !
p:ap: ev:n:aS:k j:y: her !
j:y: her ! ! j:y: her !
(All Glory and victory to God embodied in the symbol Om. His sacred names destroy all sins.)
- j:y: n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: her n:aray:N:
j:y: n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd s:aI n:aray:N:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: s:ty: n:aray:N:
(Glory to Sathya Narayana; Krishna, God incarnate in all beings,
Lord of laxmii, Narayana, guide of all souls who has come as Krishna and as Sai; He who liberates us.)
- j:y: p:aNRÙrög: j:y: ev:YÏYl:
j:g:d:ð¹ar her ev:YÏYl:
p:NZri n:aT: j:y: her ev:YÏYl:
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl: p:rm: dy:al:
(Victory to Krishna as Panduranga, director of the play of life, who fosters
the universe. Most compassionate Lord worshipped by Purandhara.)
- j:y: raD:a m:aD:v:
j:y: j:y: kÙöj: ev:hari
j:y: j:y: g::ðp:i j:n: v:ll:B:
j:y: eg:erv:r D:ari
y:S::ðda n:öd v:Òj: j:n: röj:n:
y:m:Øn:a t:ir v:n: py:ari D:Ün:
hrð ká\N:, hrð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð
hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
(Victory to Thee, Hey consort of Radha (Madhava, Krishna),
consort of Gopis, the One who lifted the Govardhan mountain,
the son of Nanda, the One captivating the people of Vraja,
the One producing sweet music in the forests on the banks of
Yamuna river. Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna)
- j:y: raD:ð j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð
j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð raD:ð
j:y: raD:ð, j:y: m:aú dÙg:aü, m:aú m:aú m:aú m:aú
j:y: kal:i m:aú, j:y: m:aú m:aú m:aú
(Victory to Radha, beloved of Govinda (Krishna); Victory to Radha, victory to Mother Durga.
Victory to Mother Kali, Victory to the Mother)
- j:y: rög: p:aNRÙrög:
Â:i rög: p:NZriS:
s:aI rög: p:NZriS:
j:y: eS:rRiS: j:y: p:rt:iS:
p:av:n: p:Ø,\: j:y: s:aIS:
(Victory to Lord of Pandharpur - Lord Panduranga, Lord of Shirdi and
Parthi - Lord Sai, Hari and Vittal. Chant the names of Lord Panduranga, Sai, Hari and Vittal)
- j:y: v:as:Ødðv: n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
j:y: v:as:Ødðv: n:aray:N:
j:n:adün: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
j:n:adün: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar g::ðp:al:n:
j:y: s:aI g::ðev:nd m:aD:v: kñS:v: kñS:v: m:aD:v:
(This bhajan is dedicated to the Victory and adoration of Krishna in His various forms
Vasudeva, Narayana, Govinda, Gopaala, Janardhana (Who uplifts humanity),
Madhusudana (Slayer of he demon Madhu), Govardhana Dhara (Who held up
the mountain Govardhana), Madhava (Lord of laxmii), Keshava (Lord Vishnu Who incarnated as Krishna))
- J:Øl:n: J:Øl:ay:ð b:àj:b:al:
J:Øl:ð n:ödl:al: J:Øl:ð s:aI b:ab:a
rðS:m: ki R:ðri s::ðn:ð k p:al:n:
A:ret: ut:rð b:àj:b:al:
J:Øl:ð n:ödl:al: J:Øl:ð s:aI b:ab:a
(The cowherd children rock the cradle of baby Krishna or Sai Nandalala (Krishna); Sai Baba swings in the cradle;
A string of silk is tied to the golden cradle; (devotees' desire to associate prosperity with their loving Lord)
The cowherd children offer Arati to their Lord (This bhajan is usually sung at Swami's birthday and Krishna's birthday.
A Jhula is a cradle in which devotees swing the Lord.
Swami has said that when devotees sing His Name, He swings in ecstasy.))
- J:Øl:ðn: m:ðö J:Øl:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
s:aI n:ödl:al:, hð v:Òj: b:al:
J:Øl:ðn: m:ðö J:Øl:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a g::ðkÙl: b:al:
raD:a m:n::ðhr ras: ev:l::ðl:
J:Øl:ðn: m:ðö J:Øl:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
D:irð D:irð h:ðl:ð h:ðl:ð
(O Lord Sai! O Lord Krishna, the beloved of Radha and lover
of Raasa dance! Swing slowly and gently in our hearts forever and enchant us with thy divine music on flute.)
- J:Øl:ðn: m:ðö J:Øl:ð m:ðrð s:aI ram:
s:ty: s:aI ram:, j:y: B:g:v:an:
J:Øl:ðn: m:ðö J:Øl:ð m:ðrð s:aI ram:
IÃ:ramb: n:ödn: j:y: s:aI ram:
m:n: m:öedr m:ðö J:Øl:ð s:aI ram:
J:Øl:ð J:Øl:ð s:aI ram:
j:y: j:y: s:aI ram:, j:y: j:y: s:aI ram:
j:y: j:y: s:aI ram:, j:y: j:y: B:g:v:an:
(O Lord Sai Ram! Beloved Son of Eeswaramma! Swing slowly and
gently in the temple of our minds and our hearts forever and enchant us with thy divine music on flute.)
- j::ðhi her ka B:j:n: krð
j::ðhi b:ÒÉ her p:ad p:av:ð
s:aI ram: j::ð B:j:n: krð
B:v: s:ag:r k:ð p:ar krð
(Whoever chants the spiritual glory of Hari, our Sai, attains the highest
abode and mergence with Lord Hari and crosses the ocean of life and death.)
- kly:aN: ká\N: km:n:iy: ká\N:
kal:iög: m:dün: Â:i ká\N:
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari m:Ørari g::ðp:i m:n: s:öc:ari
s:aI g::ðp:i m:n: s:öc:ari
b:àödav:n: kñ t:Øl:s:im:al:
p:it:aöb:rD:aer m:Ørari
(Blessed Krishna, You are the One who charms the most desirable, You crush the serpent demon (of ignorance).
You uplift the mountain (support the worlds) in protection of Your devotees. You stole the hearts of Gopis.
You destroy the demon of "I and mine" (selfishness), O darling boy of Brindavana,
You wear a rosary of tulsi beads dressed in beautous yellow cloak. You free us from ignorance)
- km:l: n:y:n: B:g:v:an:
s:ty: s:aI B:g:v:an:
din: j:n::ðö kñ )aN:
p:et:t: p:av:n: s:aIram:
p:جp:ret:p:ØriÃ:r Â:i s:aIram:
Â:i s:aIram: j:y: j:y: ram:
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r Â:i s:aIram:
din: j:n::ðö kñ )aN:
(Oh Lord with lotus petalled eyes, Oh Lord Sathya Sai! Thou art the very life breath of the miserable.
You are the most auspicious and holy, You are the Lord of Puttaparthi, victory to Thee, Sai Ram)
- km:l: n:y:n: hð kóv:ly: Rm:
k,N: s:ag:r Sy:am:
IÃ:ramb: n:ödn: s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
s:Ørdas: kñ Sy:am: m:n::ðhr
B:Vt::ð kñ t:Øm: s:aI m:n::ðhr
(O Lotus-Eyed Lord ! O Ocean of Compassion, Lord Shyaam ! Thou art
loved by Surdas (devotee) and are final goal.
O Beloved Son of Eeswaramma ! Devotees are enchanted by Thy Beauty.)
- km:l: n:y:n: )B:Ø km:l: p:t:ð
km:l:as:n: )B:Ø km:l: köt:
km:l: n:aT: )B:Ø km:l: rm:N:
km:l:ðÃ:r )B:Ø km:l: n:aT:
(Worship the Lotus-eyed Lord, Lord of laxmii, seated on a Lotus
in the Lotus posture, Who is Lotus-navelled.)
- km:l: v:dn: s:aI rög:
kóv:ly: p:aNRÙrög: (2)
s:aI g::ðp:al: G:n: G:n: n:il:
kÙeXl: kÙnt:l: e*:B:Øv:n: p:al:
b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø m:hðÃ:r -p: (2)
m:ay:a l::ðl:a b:ÒÉ sv:-p:
(O! Lotus-faced Lord Sai Ranga, bestower of salvation; blue-hued
Sai Gopaala, wearing a mass of curly hair, the Lord of Three
Worlds, the embodiment of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara
(Creation, Sustenance and Destruction), who enchants with Maya.)
- kanha knhòyy:a b:ns:i AD:ery:a b:àödav:n: G:n: ras: rc:òyy:a
g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: hð ec:¶: m::ðhn:
raD:a m:n::ðhr Sy:am:
m:an:s: c::ðr n:öd ekS::ðr
p:ret: ev:har s:aI g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Hey little Krishna, You played the flute and played Rasacreeda (water
sport) at Brindavan. You are the child of Gokula, You are the
enchanter of minds, You are Radha's consort, You are dark complexioned
and beautiful. Hey son of Nanda, You steal our minds. You are Sai Krishna, the one frequents Puttaparthi)
- knhòyy:a t:ðri b:ns:i B:j:ð m:ðrð l:al:
ej:s: edn: m:òö B:j:Üö t:ðr:ð n:am:
knhòyy:a t:ðri b:ns:i B:j:ð m:ðrð l:al:
hð n:ödl:al: g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
s:aI ká\N: s:aI ram:
(Hey Krishna, my child, let Your flute play.
Which day shall I sing Your name, Hey Gopala (Krishna),
Hey son of Nanda, Hey Govinda, Hey Gopala, Hey Sai Krishna, Hey Sai Ram)
- kst:Üri rög: kav:ðri rög: Â:i rög: rög: rög:
Â:i rög: rög: rög:
kly:aN: rög: k,N:aöt: rög:
Â:i rög: rög: rög:
g:,R g:m:n: rög: S:ð\: S:y:n: rög:
Â:i rög: rög: rög:
(Chant the Name of Narayana who wears the Tilaka of Kasthuri, who wears the ornament of compassion
He is auspicious and the Doer of good things He rides on Garuda and reclines on Sesha-Naga)
- kst:Üri et:l:kö l:l:aX Pl:kñ
v:x:sT:l:ð k:òst:ØB:ö
n:as:ag:Òð n:v: m::òeVt:kö
krt:l:ð v:ðN:Øö krð kökN:ö
s:v:aüög:ð herc:ödn:ö, c: kl:y:N:
köt:ð c: m:ØVt:av:l:i
g::ðp:s*:i p:erv:ðeÄt:ö ev:j:y:t:ð
g::ðp:al: c:Ü_am:N:i
(Hail to Thee, the crown jewel of the cowherd's race, who is
surrounded by the cowherd women (Gopis), who wears the sacred mark
of musk paste in His forehead, who wears the precious gem of
Kaustubha on His chest, who wears pearl nose ring, who has a
flute in His hand, bracelet around the wrist, who has sandal
paste all over the body and pearl garlands around the neck)
- kñS:v: m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
her b::ðl: her b::ðl: her her b::ðl:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd b::ðl:
(Chant the names of Lord Keshava, Madhava, Govinda, Gopaala and Hari)
- kñS:v: m:aD:v: her n:aray:N:
s:ty: n:aray:N: s:aI her !
s:ty: s:n:at:n: her n:aray:N:
j:y: n:aray:N: s:aI her m:..(kñS:v: m:aD:v:..)
s:ecc:dan:öd p:rm:an:öd n:rher ev:YÏYl: s:aI her !
her ! her ! her ! s:aI her !
her ! ! !, her ! ! !, her ! ! !, s:aI her !
(Chant the names of Keshava, Madhava, Hari, Narayana and Sathya
Sai Baba. Our Sai Baba is none other than all these Gods. He is
Truth eternal. He is that eternal primeval blissful God who is a
sachidananda (knowledge, existence and bliss).)
- kñS:v:a m:aD:v: j:y: dðv: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
n:ð*: km:l: dl: At:iv: m:n::ðhr
Aöt:y:aüem: )B:Ø p:rm:ðÃ:r
m:ay:a m:an:Ø\: v:ð\: l:il:aD:r
m:ay:a m:an:Ø\: v:ð\: l:il:aD:r
(Radiant Lord Krishna, master of maya, glory to God who destroys
harmful forces; With eyes like the petals of the lotus, he is
most enchanting to the mind; Inner motivator, sovereign Lord,
supreme and highest Lord; He appears clothed in human form to
move among men and uplift them. Thru the sport of His Divine Play
He assumes a disguise or vesture of a man; born in the world now as Sri Sathya Sai)
- ká\N: B:g:v:n: ram: B:g:v:n:
A:A:ð S:ökr s:aI B:g:v:n: (2)
j:n:n: m:rN: B:y: S::ðk ev:dÙr
A:A:ð ká\N: B:g:v:n:
din: dy:akr p:rm: káp:akr
A:A:ð s:ty: s:aI ram: (2)
A:A:ð n:aray:N: s:ökX m::ðc:n: A:A:ð s:aI B:g:v:n:
A:A:ð s:aI B:g:v:n:
(Hey Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, come hey Shankara (Shiva), Hey
Lord Sai. You dispel the fear of the cycle of birth and death.
Come Hey Lord Krishna, You are full of mercy and extreme compassion.
Come Hey Sathya Sai Ram, Come Narayana, the One who can redeem one
from sins. Come Hey Sai Bhagawaan, come Lord Sai)
- ká\N: B:j::ð ká\N: B:j::ð m:Ørl:i g::ðev:nd B:j::ð
s:aI g::ðev:nd B:j::ð s:aI g::ðp:al: B:j::ð
ká\N: B:j::ð ká\N: B:j::ð m:Ørl:i g::ðev:nd B:j::ð
eg:erD:ari Sy:am: B:j::ð s:aI g::ðev:nd B:j::ð
m:D:Øv:n: s:öc:ri Sy:am: g::ðp:al: B:j::ð (3)
(Sing/chant the name of Krishna, the One with flute.
Sing the name of Sai Krishna. Sing the name of blue complexioned
Krishna, who lifted the Govardhana mountain, who frequented the Madhuvana (a place in Mathura))
- ká\N: g::ðp:al: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
dS:ün: d:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r b:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:Øri kñ s:aI g::ðp:al:
dS:ün: d:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
(O Lord of Mira and Radha! of Parthipuri! Krishna, kindly present Thyself and grant us Darshan)
- ká\N: knhòyy:a b:ns:i b:j:òyy:a
p:r kr:ð m:ðrð j:iv:n: n:òyy:a
n:n:.dj:i kñ l:al: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
B:Vt::ðö kñ t:Øm: din: dy:al:
p:ar kr:ð m:ðrð j:iv:n: n:òyy:a
(O Merciful Lord Sai Krishna ! Kindly help me to cross the ocean of
life and death. Chant the name of beloved of Nanda - Lord Gopaala.)
- ká\N: ká\N: j:y: A:ed n:aray:N:
ká\N: ká\N: j:y: her n:aray:N:
v:ðd v:ðdaöt: v:rd n:aray:N:
n:ad sv:-p: her n:aray:N:
IÃ:ramb: s:Øt: s:aI n:aray:N:
s:ty: n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Chant the name of Shree Krishna who verily is the Primeval
Narayana. He is the basis of the Vedas. He is the Lord who gives
boons in plenty. He is the origin and form of Sound. He is also our Sai Baba, son of Eashwaramma.)
- ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: kñS:v:
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: m:aD:v:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: s:aI kñS:v:
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: kñS:v:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: s:aI kñS:v: s:aI kñS:v:
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: kñS:v:
(Glory to Krishna, The radiant One with the beautiful hair, Lord of Mother laxmii, You are our dear Lord)
- ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N:
raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: B:j::ð n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: B:j::ð n:aray:N:
(Worship Lord Narayana and chant the names of Lord Gopaala, Govinda, Narayana and Krishna)
- ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:ð g::ðev:nd s:aI g::ðev:nd
ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: raD:ð g::ðev:nd
ram: ram: ram: ram: s:aI ram:
hr hr hr m:hadðv: s:aI S:ökr s:ty: s:aI S:ökr
(Chant the names of Krishna, Rama and Shiva)
- ká\N: ká\N: m:n: m::ðhn:
ec:¶: c::ðr raD:a j:iv:n:
m:ðG: Sy:am: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
raD:a kaöt: y:dÙ n:ödn:
(Krishna, enchanter of the mind, Radha's very life, one who
steals the mind, of cloud-like blue colour, the slayer of the
demon Madhu, beloved Son of the Yadu Clan.)
- ká\N: ká\N: m:ØJ:ð drS: edK:aA:ð ká\N:
eg:erD:ari m:Ørari ká\N: G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari ká\N:
hð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari ká\N:
Ab: A:j:aA:ð ká\N: m:ØJ:ð drS: edK:aA:ð ká\N:
ká\N: ká\N: m:ØJ:ð drS: edK:aA:ð ká\N:
(Hey Krishna, please grant Your divine vision to me.
Oh Krishna, You lifted the Govardhana mountain, You enchant
everyone with Your flute, please come and grant me Your darshan.
Come, come Krishna, please come)
- ká\N: ká\N: raD:a ká\N: hð
g::ðkÙl: b:al:a, hð g::ðp:i l::ðl:a
n:öd kÙm:ar n:v:n:it: c::ðr hð n:öd l:al:a
ram: ram: dS:rT: ram: hð raj:a
ram:, hð s:aI ram:
rG:ØkÙl: B:Ü\:N: raj:iv: l::ðc:n: hð s:aI ram:
(Worship Lord Krishna, beloved of Gopis, son of Nanda and
stealer of hearts. Lotus-eyed Rama, jewel of Raghu dynasty,
beloved of Seetha, and son of Dasharatha. Pray to Lord Sai Rama).
- ká\N: ká\N: rm:N:iy: ká\N:
kal:iög: m:aD:v: Â:i ká\N:
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari m:Ørari
g::ðp:i m:n: s:öc:ari hð g::ðp:i m:n: s:öc:ari
(Hey Krishna, the One who fills everyone with joy,
Hey Madhava, Hey Krishna, You are the One who lifted the Govardhan
mountain, You are the indweller in the hearts of Gopis)
- ká\N: ká\N: y:dÙv:r ká\N:
m:Ørhr kñS:v: y:adv: m:aD:v:
ká\N: ká\N: y:dÙv:r ká\N:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
m:Ørhr kñS:v: y:adv: m:aD:v:
(Hey Krishna, Hey Yadava (Krishna of Yadu clan), Hey destroyer
of the demon Mura, Hey Keshava, Hey Madhava, Hey beautiful One
with flute, Hey blue colored One, Hey Sai Krishna, (we bow to You))
- (j:y:) ká\N: m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
m:T:Øra n:aT: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
ká\N: hrð j:y: ká\N: hrð
j:y: her g::ðev:nd ká\N: hrð
ká\N: hrð j:y: ká\N: hrð
j:y: her g::ðev:nd ká\N: hrð
(Victory to Lord Krishna, Madhava, Govinda, Gopaala Prince of Nanda and Hari.)
- ká\N: m:aD:v: m:aD:v: ká\N:a
ká\N: m:aD:v:a s:aI hrð
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ri Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
hð m:D:Øs:Üdn: j:y: n:ödl:al:
J:Ül:ðn:a J:Ül:ð m:ðrð s:aI n:ödl:al:
(Hey Krishna, Hey Madhava, Hey Sai, Hey blue colored one, who
frequented the Brindavan, victory to Thee. Hey son of Nanda,
the destoyer of the demon Madhu, oh my little son of Nanda, please sit and swing in the Jhoola)
- ká\N: m:ØkÙöd g::ðev:nd eg:erD:r
m:Ørl:i m::ðhn: n:aray:N:
p:ret:p:ØröD:r n:aray:N:
p:ج p:ret:p:ØröD:r n:aray:N:
m:aD:v: Â:iher m:ödar eg:erD:ari
g::ðev:nd m:Ørari n:aray:N: (her)
p:ret:p:ØröD:r n:aray:N:
m:Ørl:i m::ðhn: n:aray:N:
(Krishna, Mukunda, Govinda, Giridhara (different names for Krishna)
Narayana, - the enchanting One with the flute, hey Lord, Thou art
at Puttaparthi. You are the Lord who lifted the Govardhan mountain)
- ká\N: m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari knhòyy:a
v:n:m:al:i b:n:v:ari knhòyy:a
raD:a v:ll:B: rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl:
m:ira kñ eg:erD:ari knhòyy:a
(Krishna, Mukunda, Murari, Kanhaiya (alldifferent names for Krishna)!
Hey, consort of Radha (Krishna), Hey Vitthala (Krishna), consort of
Rukmani, Thou art Meera's. You are Giridhari (the One who lifted the Govardhan mountain))
- ká\N: m:Ørari B:v: B:y: hari hð eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
p:ret: ev:hari Ædy: ev:hari
B:Vt: s:K:a B:g:v:an:
hð B:Vt: s:K:a B:g:v:an:
hð B:Vt: s:K:a B:g:v:an:
(O Krishna, destroyer of ego and the fears of worldly existence,
the one who held aloft the mountain, Lord who sports in Parthi
and in the heart; You who are the friend and companion of your devotees.)
- ká\N: m:Ørari m:Ørl:iD:aer
g::ðp:i v:ll:B: eg:erD:ari
Ædy: ev:hari l:il:aD:ari
p:ret: ev:hari s:aI m:Ørari
(O Lord Sai Baba of Parthi! O Lord Krishna! Player of the
divine flute, slayer of demon Mura and destroyer of evil. Beloved of Gopis and indweller of hearts.)
- ká\N: m:Ørari s:aI eg:erD:ari
raD:ð Sy:am:, raD:ð Sy:am:, raD:ð g::ðev:nd
p:ret:p:Øri kñ s:aI ram: s:aI ram:
s:aI n:am: her n:am:, s:aI n:am: s:ty: n:am:
j:y: raD:ð g::ðev:nd n:am:
(Chant the name of Lord Sai Giridhari of Parthipuri, Lord Hari, Sai, Govinda, Krishna and Murari.)
- ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: her n:aray:N:
ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
Â:i v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al: ká\N:
m:aD:v: m:D:Ø s:ØD:n: n:aray:N:
ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
(Chant the various names of the Lord)
- ká\N:ay: c:rN:ö ká\N:ay: c:rN:ö
ká\N:y: c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
ká\N:ay: c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
eS:v:ay: c:rN:ö eS:v:ay: c:rN:ö
eS:v:ay: c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
eS:v:ay: c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
Â:i s:aI c:rN:ö Â:i s:aI c:rN:ö
Â:i s:aI c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
Â:i s:aI c:rN:ö n:m::ð n:m:H
(Offer obeisance and surrender at the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and Lord Shree Sai.)
- ká\N:ö v:ödð j:g:d g:Ø,ö
dðv:ki n:ödn: j:g:d g:Ø,ö
dðv: dðv: her j:g:d g:Ø,ö
p:ret: en:v:s:a j:g:d g:Ø,ö
ká\N:ö v:ödð j:g:d g:Ø,ö
(Salutations, Oh Krishna, the perceptor of the Universe! Son of Devaki, salutations to You!
Hey Hari, God of Gods, salutations to You! The One loving at Parthi, salutations to You! Hey Krishna, salutations to You!)
- ká\N:ö v:ödð n:öd kÙm:arö
raD:a v:ll:B: n:v:n:it: c::ðrö
ram:ö v:ödð dS:rT: t:n:y:ö
s:it:a v:ll:B: rG:ØkÙl: et:l:kö
(I bow to Thee, O Prince of Nanda! Stealer of our hearts and
beloved of Radha! O Prince of Dasaratha and beloved of Seetha)
- x:iraebD: S:y:n: n:aray:N:
Â:i l:xm:i rm:N: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:aT:j:n: p:erp:al: n:aray:N:
v:òkÙöY v:as: n:aray:N:
v:òdðhi m::ðhn: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:rher -p: n:aray:N:
(Lord who reclines on the ocean of milk, husband and Lord of
laxmii; Narayana, protector of destitute, Lord who resides
in heaven; Enchanter of Seetha's mind; Lord who incarnates in the form of man, Narayana.)
- m:aK:n: c::ðr n:öd ekS::ðr
y:S::ðda kñ b:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:
eS:rRip:Øri kñ Sy:am: knhòyy:a
p:ret:p:Øri kñ s:aI knhòyy:a
s:aI knhòyy:a s:aI knhòyy:a
(The Shree Krishna, who as a child stole butter from the kitchen
and ate it surreptitiously with his friends; The Shree Krishna who
was the darling child of Yashoda and Nanda; The Shree Krishna of
Shirdi. Our Sathya Sai Krishna is none other than all this Shree Krishna.)
- m:aD:v: hrð ká\N: m:D:Ør m::ðhn:
g::ðkÙl: p:al:n: dðv:ki n:ödn:
v:ðN:Ø ev:l::ðl:n: p:ap: ev:n:aS:n:
m:aD:v: hrð ká\N: m:D:Ør m::ðhn:
raeD:ka j:iv:n: raj:iv: n:y:n:
n:öd s:Øn:ödn: g::ðp:i rm:N:
(O Krishna, Enchanting flute player. Destroyer of sins. Life force of Radha (devotee). Chant the various names of God Krishna.)
- m:aD:v: hrð m:D:Øs:Üdn: hrð
y:adv: hrð y:dÙ n:ödn: hrð
kñS:v: hrð raD:a ká\N: hrð
j:n:adün: m:n: m::ðhn: hrð
s:aI s:ecc:dan:öd hrð
(Recite the names of the Lord who destroys the sins. Whose form is Truth and Bliss)
- m:aD:v: m:aD:v:
m:D:Øs:Üdn: her m:aD:v:
m:T:ØraeD: p:t:ð kñS:v:
m:aD:v: m:aD:v:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v:
p:av:n: p:ret: m:Ørhr m:aD:v:
j:y: j:y: j:y: hð j:y: her m:aD:v:
(Hey Madhava, Madhusoodana (the One who killed demon Madhu), Hey
Hari (different names for Krishna), Hey Keshava, Lord of Mathura,
You are the One with the beautiful flute, Hey Mukunda (Krishna),
You are the One living at Parthi, the One who destroyed the demon Mura, victory to You, victory to Thee, Krishna)
- m:aD:v: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:iD:r
m:Ørl:iD:r m:Ørl:iD:r
y:adv: s:aI n:aray:N:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:aray:N:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:aray:N:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:aray:N:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:aray:N:
(Worship Lord Madhava, Krishna, Sai Narayana and the One who steals devotees' hearts, Nanda's darling son, Mukunda.)
- m:aD:v: m:Ørhr m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
j:y: g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðp:al:
p:ret:p:ØröD:r p:rm: dy:av:an:
din: dy:av:an: s:aI g::ðp:al:
j:y: g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many names of Lord Sai Krishna, Madhava, Maurahara (destroyer of demon Mura), the One compassionate to His devotees
who resides in Parthi.)
- m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð m:Ørl:iD:aer
m:Ørhr S::òer hð eg:erD:ari
Ædy: ev:hari p:ret: ev:hari
her her Â:i her s:aI m:Ørari
(So sweet is Lord Krishna and the music of his flute, Brave
conqueror of demon Mura. Our Lord Sai Krishna dwells within the heart and in Puttaparti.)
- m:D:Ør m:D:Ør m:Ørl:i G:n:Sy:am:
m:T:ØraeD:p:t:ð raD:ðSy:am:
s:Ürdas: )B:Ø hð eg:erD:ari
m:ira kñ )B:Ø Ædy: ev:hari
(Sweet flute player of dark blue skin, Lord of Radha, Mathura,
Surdas, bearer of the mountain, Meera's Lord Krishna who plays in the heart.)
- m:D:Øs:Üdn: hrð m:aD:v:
Â:i v:as:Ødðv: j:n:adün:
hrð kñS:v: n:aray:N:
j:n:adün: j:g:t: p:al:n:
din:v:an: dÙK: B:öj:n:
Arev:öd l::ðc:n: A:n:ödn:
Â:i v:as:Ødðv: j:n:adün:
(Salutations to You, Krishna, protector of the world, friend of the
meek and the humble. You are the one who protects us from sorrow.
O lotus-eyed, blissful Krishna, our salutations to you.)
- m:D:Øs:Üdn: hð m:Ørl:iD:r
m:aD:v: kñS:v: dðv:aed dðv:
m:n: m::ðhn: hð n:aray:N:
B:Øv:n:a B:rN: v:öedt: c:rN:
(Chant the many names of Krishna,
You are the God of Gods. Oh enchanter of the mind, Your Lotus Feet are worshipped by devotees all over the world.)
- m:D:Øs:Üdn: hð m:Ørl:iD:r
m::ðhn: ká\N: j:g:n: m::ðhn: ká\N:
n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd (2)
g::ðp:al: hð m:aD:v: (2)
(Hey Madhusoodana (the destroyer of demon Madhu), Hey Muralidhara (the
One having the flute), beautiful Krishna, the One who bewitches
the whole Universe, Hey Narayana, Govinda, Gopala, Madhava (salutations to You))
- m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:r
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð eg:erD:r b:al:
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:r (1)
Ædy:aöt:rög: Â:i s:aI rög:
Â:i rög: rög: p:جp:ret: rög:
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(This is a namavali with Lord Krishna's names - Madhava, Muralidhara, Madhusoodana. Hey Giridhari (the One
who lifted the Govardhan mounatin), You are Sai in our hearts, You are the Krishna of Puttaparthy)
- m:D:Øv:n: kñ m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i b:j:òyy:a
eg:erD:ari n:öd kÙm:ar knhòyy:a
A:n:öd ram: b:l: ram:j:i kñ B:òyy:a
eg:erD:ari n:öd kÙm:ar knhòyy:a
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr rs: rc:òyy:a
eg:erD:ari n:öd kÙm:ar knhòyy:a
(Chant the name of Blissful Lord Giridhari, brother of Bala Rama.
Lord Giridhari enchants our hearts with Divine music on flute.)
- m:D:Øv:n: kñ m:Ørl:i b:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al:, n:ödl:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr g::ðp:al: b:al:
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r hð s:aI l:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
(Child who played the flute in the forest where the demon Madhu
lived; dance child, beloved son of Nanda, cowherd boy who
attracted the minds of devotees, who now lives in Puttaparti, our beloved Sai.)
- m:D:Øv:n: m:Ørl:i Sy:am: b:j::ð
m:D:Ør m:n::ðhr ká\N: b:j::ð
raD:a m:aD:v: Sy:am: b:j::ð
b:àödav:n: g::ðp:al: B:j::ð
(Sing the name of the dark-complexioned Lord who plays the flute
in the Madhu forest, who is sweet and captivating, the cowherd boy of Brindavan, Radha's Krishna.)
- m:D:Øv:n: s:öc:ri Sy:am: m:Ørari
hð m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:ari
m:D:Øv:n: s:öc:ari Sy:am: m:Ørari
m:aD:v: m::ðhn: m:y:Ør m:ØkÙX D:r
m:T:Øra n:aT: )B:Ø eg:erD:ari
m:T:Øra n:aT: s:aI eg:erD:ari
(Lord who roams through the forest, blue-complexioned Krishna;
Conqueror of the demon Madhu who plays upon the flute;
Enchanting Lord of laxmii with a peacock feather in his crown; Lord of Mathura, who held aloft the mountain.)
- m:n: m:öedr m:ðö A:A:ð eg:erD:ari
en:s: edn: b:rs:t: n:y:n: hm:arð
s:Ürdas: kñ Sy:am: m:Ørari
AöeK:y:aú t:ðri dS:ü ki py:as:i
(O Lord of Surdas (devotee), Lord Shyaam Murari! Our Eyes are
shedding tears for Thy Dharshan. Please present Thyself in our mind and heart.)
- m:n: m:öedr m:ðö A:A:ð m:aD:v:
m:aD:v: kñS:v:
A:ed n:aray:N: An:öt: s:aI
A:A:ð A:A:ð A:tm: en:v:as:i
m:n: m:öedr m:ðö A:A:ð m:aD:v:
raD:a l::ðl:a rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl:
rög: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: ev:YÏYl: p:ret: rög: ev:YÏYl:
(Welcome Lord Krishna to the temple of my heart. Worship Lord Narayana Sai, Lord of Radha, Lord Vitthala.)
- m:n: m::ðhn: G:n:Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:T:Øra n:aT: v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al:
n:öd ekS::ðr n:v:n:it: c::ðr
p:ret: ev:har s:aI g::ðp:al:
p:ret: ev:har s:aI g::ðp:al: (2)
m:T:Øra n:aT: v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many names of God. Gopaala, (holding the flute) who
captivates and steals our hearts and minds; who moves about with pleasure in Parthi.)
- m:n: m::ðhn: hð m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:D:Ør m:n::ðhr n:öd n:ödn:
raD:a rm:N: hð j:g:t: m::ðhn:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd s:aI j:g: v:ödn:
(Chant the name of Lord Sai who captivates our mind with His
beauty and majesty. Beloved of Radha! Whole universe is charmed by Thee.)
- m:n: m::ðhn: hð m:Ørl:iD:r
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð eg:erD:r b:al:
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
Ædy:aöt:rög: Â:i s:aI rög:
Â:i rög: rög: p:جp:ret: rög: (2)
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(Worship the Lord of Puttaparthi, Shree Sai Ram, Who captivates our minds and hearts.
Chant the many Names of the Lord: Madhava, Sai Deva, Giridhara, Muralidhara)
- m:n: m::ðhn: ká\N:, kÙöj: ev:hari
y:adv: m:aD:v: ká\N: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari (2)
G:n:Sy:am: s:Øödr hð eg:erD:ari (2)
y:adv: m:aD:v: ká\N: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari (2)
ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari j:y: j:y: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari
(Hey Krishna, the One who infuses joy in the mind,
the One sporting the peacock feather in His head,
Yaadava, Madhava, Vitthala, muraarii (all different names
for Krishna), You are the enchanting One, You are the dark
complexioned One, You are the One who lifted the Govardhan mountain)
- m:n: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
B:j::ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
p:NZern:aT: j:y: her ev:YÏYl:
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al:
(How charming and captivating our Shree Krishna is! Our Lord, the Vithala of Pandarpur, who
plays on the flute, who held the Govardhan mountain aloft
to protect the cows and cowherds from being destroyed
by the torrential rain sent by God Indra. Victory to You Krishna!)
- m:n: m::ðhn: m:Ørl:iD:r
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð eg:erD:r b:al:
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
Ædy:aöt:rög: Â:i s:aI dðv:
Â:i rög: rög:, p:جp:ret: rög:
(Hey Krishna, the One who infuses joy in our minds, the One
who holds the flute in His hands, You are sweet in name and form.
Hey Krishna, Hey Madhava, Hey Madhusoodana (destroyer of demon Madhu)
You are the One occupying our hearts. You are Lord Sai, You are
Ranga (Krishna) and You are the Lord of Puttaparthi)
- m:n: m::ðhn: n:ödl:al:
m:n: m::ðhn: m:D:Øs:Üdn: b:àödav:n: n:ödl:al:
m:n: m::ðhn: n:ödl:al: (2)
b:àödav:n: n:ödl:al:
m:n: m::ðhn: m:D:Øs:Üdn: b:àödav:n: n:ödl:al:
(Nanda's son, who enchants the mind, Krishna, who sports in the
Brindavan, slayer of the demon Madhu.)
- m:n: m::ðhn: Sy:am: m:Ørari
hð eg:erD:ari Ædy: ev:hari
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ari
m:n: m::ðhn: Sy:am: m:Ørari
g:an: ev:l::ðl: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
s:Øödr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
(Hey Krishna, You captivate our minds, You are the blue
complexioned One, You are the One holding the flute in Your hands,
You are the inhabitant of our hearts, the One who lifted the
mountain, You are the One who frequented the Brindavan, the One
who captivates us with Your music, You are beautiful Krishna!)
- m:n: rð t:Ü B:j: l:ð her k n:am:
)B:Ø c:rN::ð m:ðö t:ðra D:am:
m:n: rð t:Ü B:j: l:ð her k n:am:
m:öedr m:ðö m:òö S:öK: b:j:aUö
A:ðh b:ns:iv:al:ð A:ðh b:ns:iv:al:ð !
m:esj:d m:ðö All:ah k:ð b:Øl:aA:ð
All:ah h:ð Akb:r All:ah h:ð Akb:r
g:ierj:a m:ðö Os:Ø k:ð b:Øl:aA:ð
g:Ø,¾arð m:ðö eS:S: J:Øk:ð
v:ahð g:Ø, v:ahð g:Ø, n:an:k n:am:
v:ahð g:Ø, v:ahð g:Ø, s:aI n:am:
(O Mind ! Your place is at the Lotus Feet of Lord. Worship Lord Hari.
O Lord Krishna ! Thou art offered obeisance by blowing conch in the
Temple. In Masjid, Thou art prayed as Almighty Allah. In Church,
Thou art prayed as Christ and in Gurudwar (Sikh Temple) devotees
pray and bow their heads in reverence as Guru Nanak. Hail Guru Nanak; Hail Lord Sai.)
- m:nD:r eg:erD:r m:dn: m:n::ðhr
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
eg:erD:ari eg:erD:ari g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar eg:erD:ari (2)
m:aD:v: m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:Ørl:i g:an: ev:l::ðl:
(Chant the many names of the Lord Krishna.)
- m:öedr m:ðö A:A:ð m:aD:v:
m:aD:v: kñS:v: ... (m:öedr m:ðö)
A:ed n:aray:N: An:öt: s:aI
A:A:ð A:A:ð A:tm: en:v:as:i
raD:a l::ðl:a rK:Øm:aI ev:YÏYl:
rög: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
(Come, (Sai)Krishna, be enshrined in the temple of my heart! Thou
art the primeval Narayana, Thou art the limitless Sai. It is in
Your devotees' hearts where you dwell. Come and be enshrined in
my heart. As Krishna You were Radha's consort, and You were
Rukmini's Vitthala. You are also the Great Vishnu. Please come to me.)
- m:n:Øv:a b::ðl::ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð Sy:am: n:am:
ram: ram: ram: b::ðl::ð ram: s:it:a ram: n:am:
m:n:Øv:a b::ðl::ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð Sy:am: n:am:
rög: rög: rög: b::ðl::ð p:aNRÙrög: b:ab:a n:am:
p:ret: v:as: s:aI dðv: p:aNRÙrög: b:ab:a n:am:
t:Økaram: n:am:dðv: B:Vt: s:K:a b:ab:a n:am:
p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög: b:ab:a n:am:
(Everybody sing the names of Radha and Krishna; Ram and Seetha;
Panduranga; Our Lord Sai residing in Puttaparthi;
He is the eternal companion of Tukaram, Naamadeva and all devotees; Panduranga is a name for Krishna)
- m:at:a ep:t:a her b:öD:Ø s:K:a her
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N: (2)
All:ah t:Øm: h:ð y:ðS:Ø t:Øm: h:ð
b:ع z::ðra\XÕ m:hav:ir t:Øm: h:ð
s:b:ka m:ael:k Ok hð B:g:v:an:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N: (2)
(Hey Sai Thou art verily the supreme Lord Narayana (Vishnu).
You are Father, Mother and relative. Thou art Allah, Jesus
Buddha, Mahaveer and Zoraster. The Lord of all is One - Narayana, Sai Narayana)
- m:T:Øra n:aT: B:j::ð
m:aD:v: m:Ørhr Â:i s:aI ká\N: ..(m:T:Øra n:aT: ..)
m::ðhn: rög: Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
raD:a v:ll:B: ras: ev:l::ðl:
raj:iv: l::ðc:n: ev:j:y: g::ðp:al:
(Sing in praise of Shree Krishna. Sing in praise of our adored lotus-eyed Sai Krishna, the consort of Radha.)
- m:T:Øra n:aT: din: dy:al:
s:aI g::ðev:nd eg:erD:r b:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd n:Xv:r l:al:
(Worship the compassionate Lord of Mathrua.)
- m:ira n:aT: hrð eg:erD:ari
raD:a py:arð ká\N: m:Ørari
v:àödav:n: kñ ras: ev:hari
B:Vt::ðD:ari s:aI m:Ørari
(O Lord of Mira, Lord Giridhari! Consort of Radha! O Lord
Sai Murari ! Thou playest in the garden of our hearts and liberate and uplift us.)
- em:X esm:t: s:Øödr m:ØK:arev:öd n:ac::ð n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
n:ac::ð n:n:.dl:al: n:n:.dl:al: (3)
m:ira kñ )B:Ø l:al: n:ödl:al: (3)
(With beautiful, sweet smile and enchanting face like a lotus
flower, Dance, Krishna, the delight of Nanda; Beloved Lord of Meera, the delight of Nanda)
- m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i s:Øn:aA:ð eg:erD:ari
A:A:ð Ædy: m:ðö m:Ørl:iD:aer
hð eg:erD:ari ká\N: m:Ørari
hð m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:aer
m:ira kñ )B:Ø raD:a py:arð
(O Charming Lord Giridhari ! Kindly welcome in our hearts and enchant
us with playing Divine music on flute. Chant the name of Lord :
Madhu Sudan; Murlidhari; Lord of Mira and Beloved of Radha - Lord Krishna.)
- m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari m:Ørari g::ðp:al:
hð Aöt:rög: s:aI hð s:aI n:ödl:al:
m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari m:Ørari g::ðp:al:
hð p:ret: en:v:as:i n:ödl:al:
hð Aöt:ratm:a jy::ðet: hð jy::ðet: n:ödl:al:
(Chant the Names of the Lord Mukunda, Murari, Gopal, Sai Nandalal. O Resident of Prashanthi Nilayam,
Lord Sai Nandalal, Thou art the illuminator of Light in the heart. O charming Lord Sai Nandalala
Thy form is Truth, Beauty and Auspiciousness)
- m:Ørl:i ká\N: m:ØkÙöd ká\N: m::ðhn: ká\N: ká\N: ká\N:
g::ðp:i ká\N:, g::ðp:al: ká\N:, g::ðv:D:ün:D:r ká\N: ká\N:
raD:a ká\N:, b:al: ká\N:, ras: ev:l::ðl: ká\N: ká\N:
eS:rRi ká\N:, p:ret: ká\N:, Â:i s:ty: s:aI ká\N: ká\N:
(Hail Krishna, who enchants us, with a beautiful form, who holds the flute and
liberates us; cowherd boy who held the mountain, Radha's
Krishna, who danced ecstatically with the gopis; Krishna, who
lived as Shirdi Sai is now incarnated in Puttapari.)
- m:Ørl:i m:aD:v: Â:i her
m:ØkÙöd g::ðev:nd hrð eg:erD:ari
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹ar g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
raD:a kñ py:ar hð y:m:Øn:a ev:har
m:ØkÙöd g::ðev:nd hrð eg:erD:ari
(Chant the many names of Lord : Murli Madhava (Lord with Flute); Shree
Hari; Mukunda; Govinda; Giridhari; Gopaala; Govardhanodhara (uplifter
of Govardhan mountain). O Beloved of Radha ! Thou wander about with pleasure on the banks of the holy river Yamuna.)
- m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
p:جp:rt:iÃ:r s:aI B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
raD:ð ká\N: raD:ð ká\N: B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
eg:erD:r n:g:r B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
p:جp:rt:iÃ:r s:aI B:j::ð rð B:j::ð
(Worship Lord Sai of Parthi. Worship Lord Krishna, Charming Flute
Player, Lord of Radha and the One who lifted the Govardhana mountain.)
- m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr Sy:am: B:j::ð
m:Øen:j:n: s:ðev:t: s:aI B:j::ð
Sy:am: B:j::ð raD:ð Sy:am: B:j::ð
ram: ká\N: s:aI ká\N: B:j::ð
(Worship Lord Sai, object of meditation for saints, sages and good
people. Worship Lord Rama, Krishna, Sai, Radhey Shyaama.)
- m:Ørl:i m:Ørl:i m:Ørl:i G:n:Sy:am:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i s:aI Sy:am:
m:Ørl:i m:Ørl:i m:Ørl:i G:n:Sy:am:
kn:kaöb:r D:r k,N:a s:ag:r
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r n:ag:r
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r s:aI Sy:am:
(Hey Krishna, You are the dark complexioned One with the flute,
You are the captivating Sai Krishna, You are the One wearing
the golden colored dress, You are the ocean of mercy, the Lord
of Meera, the One who lifted the mountain, You are the Lord of Puttaparthi)
- m:Ørl:i ev:n::ðdn: m:Øen: m:n: m::ðhn:
n:Xn: m:n::ðhr g::ðp:al:
en:ty: en:röj:n: Ædy: s:öj:iv:n:
din: dy:a G:n: g::ðp:al: (2)
(Oh Krishna, You play the flute, You are charmer of the minds of sages,
Enchanting Dancer Krishna, Ever new and able to resurrect the heart,
Gopaala who is compassionate towards the afflicted)
- m:Ørl:iD:r g::ðp:al: m:D:Ør
m:ðG: -p: her m:an:s: c::ðr
m:Ørl:iD:r g::ðp:al: m:D:Ør
raD:a m:aD:v: b:àöd ev:har
A:n:öd G:n: -p: n:am: m:D:Ør
(Sweet cowherd boy who holds the flute, who steals our hearts, Radha's Krishna, who
dwells in Brindavan, His blissful infinite form and name are filled with sweetness.)
- m:Ørl:iD:r m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari m:Ørari
m:ay:a n:aXk s:Ø*: D:ari
m:ay:a m:an:Ø\: v:ð\: D:ari
s:aI m:Ørari s:ty: s:aI m:Ørari
(Worship Lord Sathya Sai Murari. Chant the name of Lord : Mukunda;
Murari and Giridhari. O Lord Sai ! Thou hast assumed the illusory
form of human Being for directing and guiding humanity.)
- m:Ørl:iD:r m:Ør hr n:Xv:r
g::ðp:ij:n:e)y: eg:erD:r
b:àödav:n: s:öc:ar j:g:d:ð¹ar
y:S::ðda b:al: n:n:.dkÙm:ar
(This is a description of Krishna as the following: the One with
the flute, the One who destroyed the demon Madhu, the great
dancer, the beloved of the Gopis (cowherd maids), the One
who lifted the mountain, the One who frequented Brindavan,
the One who uplifted the world, the darling son of Yashoda and Nanda)
- m:Ørl:iD:r Â:i her
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: Â:i her
m:Øen:j:n: s:ðev:t: Â:i her
m:Ørhr s:aI Â:i her
(O Player of Divine Flute, Lord Sai ! Thou art worshipped by saints,
sages and good people. Chant the many names of Lord : Sai, Shree Hari, Murahara, Madhava and Mukunda.)
- n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
n:rher -p: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
,ö J:Øm: ,ö J:Øm: p:ay:l: G:ØöG:- B:j:ð
G:ØöG:- B:j:ð s:aI m:Ørl:i B:j:ð
(O Prince of Nanda! Dance on. Lord Hari in human form, O Sai, let Your anklets tinkle and jingle
in harmony with the divine music of the flute.)
- n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
ká\N: g::ðp:al: n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
n:öd ekS::ðr n:v:n:it: c::ðr
n:ac::ð ká\N: g::ðp:al:
kÙöj: ev:hari ká\N: m:Ørari
n:ac::ð eg:erD:r l:al:
(Dance, dance oh Krishna, son of Nanda, the One who steals butter, the One adorned with a pecock feather. )
- n:am: B:j::ð her n:am: B:j::ð
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
n:öd A:n:öd m:ØkÙöd hrð
b:àödav:n: s:aI b:ab:a hrð
b:ab:a hrð s:aI b:ab:a hrð
(Chant the name of Hari (Vishnu), Narayana, Krishna. Chant the name of
Sai Narayana of Brindavana, chant the name of the Lord)
- n:m:H ! s:ty: s:aI ká\N: n:m:H !
g::ðp:ij:n: v:ll:B:ay: g::ðev:nd n:m:H !
m:aD:v:ay: kñS:v:ay: y:adv:ay: n:m:H !
raD:a ram:n: m:D:Øs:Üdn: m::ðhn:ay: n:m:H !
b:ns:iD:r m:Ørl:iD:r eg:erD:ray: n:m:H !
(Bow in reverence to Lord : Sathya Sai; Krishna; Govinda - beloved and
well-wisher of Gopis; Madhava; Keshava; Yadava and Madhu Sudana
Giridhari - beloved of Radha; Captivator of mind, by playing enchanting melodies of Flute.)
- n:m::ð n:m::ð her n:aray:N:
n:rher -p: n:aray:N:
n:adsv:-p: n:aray:N:
p:ret:p:ØriS: n:aray:N:
p:ap: ev:m::ðc:n: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Salutations to Thee, Hey Narayana, the One who came in the form of
man lion (Narasimha), the One with the form of sond (Om),
the Lord of Puttaparthi, the One who helps to free oneself from
sin. Hey Narayana, salutations to Thee)
- n:öd g::ðp:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
n:öd g::ðp:al: n:öd g::ðp:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
B:Vt::ð¹ar p:ret: g::ðp:al:
s:aI (s:ty:) s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Nanda's cowherd son Krishna, with the blue-complexion, giver of
liberation, uplifter of devotees, Sathya Sai is Krishna himself.)
- n:öd ekS::ðr n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:ac::ð g::ðp:al:
ras: ev:l::ðl: raD:ð g::ðp:al: hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
g::ðkÙl: b:al: g::ðp:i l::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n: g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n: p:al: hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
(Chant the many names of Lord Krishna: Nanda Kishora - Beloved
son of Nanda, Navaneetha Chora - Stealer of hearts, Rasa Vilola
Radhe Gopaala - Lord of Radha who loves folk or group dance,
Gokul Bala - resident of Gokul, Gopi Lola -Beloved of devotees,
Munijana Pala - Protector and sustainer of virtous persons,
Murali Lola - Enchanting flute player)
- n:öd kñ dÙl:arð y:S::ðda kñ py:arð
g::ðev:nd m:Ørarð din::ðö kñ s:harð
k,N: s:ag:r eg:erD:r n:ag:r
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr s:aI m:Ørarð
(Chant the name of darling son of Nanda and Yashoda - Lord Govinda.
O Lord Sai! You are the ocean of Mercy; slayer of demon Mura. You are the
support for destitute. Chant the name of charming flute player Lord Sai)
- n:öd kñ l:al: m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
eg:erD:ari g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð j:y: raD:ð j:y: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð raD:ð m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
raD:ð raD:ð s:aI g::ðp:al: (2)
(Son of nanda, Hey Gopala, with the flute, the One who lifted
the mountain, Hey Govinda, Hey Gopala, victory to Thee - hey consort of Radha, hey Krishna)
- n:öd ekS::ðr j:y: g::ðp:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ n:aT: )B:Ø eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
ras: ev:l::ðl: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Glory to Lord Krishna - the Prince of Nanda, who steals our hearts.
Chant the name of Lord of Radha, the blue complexioned Gopal, the Lord of Meera
and the one who lifted the Govardhana mountain)
- n:öd ekS::ðr n:ödl:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:ödl:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: n:ödl:al:
ras: ev:l::ðl: n:ödl:al:
(Chant the many name of Lord Krishna; Nanda Kishora; Nandalala;
Navaneetha Chora; Lord of Radha - Lord Madhava; Prince of Nanda - Lord
Krishna, who enjoys the folk-dance (Playing about in the Creation).)
- n:öd ekS::ðr n:v:n:it: c::ðr s:aI g::ðp:al:
ras: ev:l::ðl: raD:ð g::ðp:al: hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
g::ð p:erp:al: g::ðkÙl: b:al: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
hð eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
p:ret: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i l::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n: p:al: hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
(O Krishna, You are the One who steals butter, You are the One who loves Rasa Kreeda, You are Radha's consort, You take care
of the cowherd. You lifted the Govardhan mountain, You play on the flute, You are the sustainer of the virtuous and holy (saints)).
- n:öd ekS::ðr n:v:n:it: c::ðr s:aI g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari m:Ørari hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
g::ðkÙl:b:al: g::ðp:aerp:al: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
p:aeT:ü eg:erD:r g::ðp:al: s:aI eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:il::ðl:a m:Øen:j:n:p:al: hð n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
(Hey Sai Gopala, son of Nanda, You are the One who stole butter in
Mathura, You lifted the mountain. Hey Gopala, You tend to the cow
herds, You are Sai Gopal of Puttaparthi. You are the beautiful
One with the flute, the One who protects the Rishis (monks))
- n:öd m:ØkÙöd her g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:i j:n: e)y: g::ðp:aerp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd her g::ðp:al:
B:Vt: s:örx:k s:aI g::ðp:al:
n:öd A:n:öd m:ØkÙöd g::ðp:al:
n:öd A:n:öd g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of loving son of Nanda, Hari, beloved of Gopis and
sustainer of the whole Universe, Gopaala. Lord who is all bliss,
protects good and virtuous devotees. Chant the many names of Lord : Mukunda, Gopaala Govinda.)
- n:öd n:ödn: her g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
G:n:Sy:am: m:n: m::ðhn: (2)
g::ðp:i l::ðl:a g::ðp:al:
g::ðkÙl: b:al: g::ðp:al:
hð n:ödl:al: g::ðp:al:
G:n:Sy:am: m:n: m::ðhn: (2)
(Nanda's cowherd son Krishna, with the blue-complexion, God
incarnate, guardian of all, enchanter of the mind, delight of Gopis.)
- n:öd n:ödn: n:v:n:it: c::ðr v:àödav:n: ev:hari
Sy:am: s:Øödr m:dn: m::ðhn: v:àödav:n: ev:hari
k,N: s:ag:r km:l: n:y:n: v:àödav:n: ev:hari
c:ödÓ v:dn: s::òmy: -p: v:àödav:n: ev:hari
p:¼n:aB: p:ret:en:v:as: v:àödav:n: ev:hari
(Chant the many names of Lord Krishna, who moves about and plays in
the 'Vrindavan' garden, i.e. hearts of devotees. Nanda Nandana -
Beloved son of Nanda; Navaneet Chora - Stealer of hearts; Shyaama
Sundar Madan Mohana- Beautiful complexioned and captivating One;
Karuna Sagar - Ocean of Compassion; Kamal Nayana - Lotus-Eyed
One; Chandra Vadana Saumya Roopa - Auspicious pleasing Form;
Padma Nabha Partivas - Lord Vishnu, incarnated in Parthipuri.)
- n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: y:dÙ n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: n:v:n:it:c::ðr raD:a py:arð n:ödl:al:
m:aI m:ira m:an:s: c::ðr p:aeT:ü ev:har n:ödl:al:
(O Krishna, darling son of Nanda, Radha's beloved who steals butter, Dweller of the mind and heart of Mira,
You have now appeared in Parthi to delight Your devotees)
- n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al:
n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ac::ð n:ödl:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr hð b:al: g::ðp:al:
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr g::ðp:al: b:al:
(Darling son of Nanda, Dance on; Little Krishna, stealer of butter, child who enchants the gopis' minds.)
- n:ödl:al: n:ödl:al: dy:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
B:v: s:ag:r s:ð p:ar u¶:ar:ð
dy:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
m:ØJ:ð káp:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
t:Ømhari S:rN: eb:n: An:aT: hð hÚm:
dy:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
káp:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
(O Sai Krishna bestow Your Grace on us, lead us to our
salvation. Ferry us across the ocean of births and deaths so that
we can finally merge in You. Without Your shelter and tender care
we are just orphans. Show us Your Grace O Lord.)
- n:ödl:al: n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:Xv:r l:al: g::ðp:al:
dðv:ki v:as:Ødðv: kÙm:ar dðv: dðv: g::ðp:al:
n:ödl:al: n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:Xv:r l:al: g::ðp:al:
m::ðhn: m:Ørl:i G:n: ev:l::ðl: m::ðhn: her g::ðp:al:
(As Son of Nanda, You were mischievous in stealing the butter. Thou art the Dearest of Nanda, O Preserver of cows,
Gopaala, Thou art the Son of Devaki and Vasudeva, You are the Son of Nanda
When You play the eternal flute, the melody is rapturous and you send us into a trance, Nanda's dear Gopaala)
- n:ödl:al: y:dÙ n:ödl:al:
b:àödav:n: g::ðev:nd l:al:
raD:a l::ðl:a n:ödl:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: n:ödl:al:
(Beloved son of Nanda, Krishna of the Yadu family, Brindavan's darling cowherd boy; Radha's joy, Lord of Radha.)
- n:ödn: n:ödn: A:n:öd c:ödn:
A:n:öd c:ödn: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:n:
(O Darling son of Nanda ! O Nourisher of the entire Universe ! Thou
bring joy and bliss like the fragrance of sandalwood.)
- n:ödn: y:dÙ n:ödn: A:n:ödn: ec:¶: c:ödn:
v:ödn: g:Ø, v:ödn: Â:i ká\N: s:ecc:dan:ödn: (2)
hrð ram: hrð ram: ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð (2)
(Nandana (Son of Nanda) Who is our blissful Consciousness,
who is adored in the form of the Guru Krishna as the highest Knowledge,
Consciousness, and Bliss; Guard and protect me, O Rama, O Krishna)
- n:aray:N: n:aray:N: B:j: m:n: n:aray:N:
Â:i her m:aD:v: n:aray:N: B:j: m:n: n:aray:N:
m:Ørl:i Sy:am: m::ðhn: Sy:am: m:Ørl:i m::ðhn: Sy:am:
m:ðrð ram: hð G:n:Sy:am: s:aI s:·Û, n:am:
(Chant the sacred name of Narayana (Vishnu) in your mind.
Chant the name of Hari, Madhava, Narayana (different names
for Vishnu). He is the enchanting blue complexioned One with
the flute. He is my Lord Ram, he is Krishna, he is my perceptor Lord Sai)
- n:aray:N: B:j: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: B:j: n:aray:N: n:aray:N:
t:n: m:n: röj:n: B:v: B:y: B:öj:n: As:Ør en:ködn: n:aray:N:
j:b: j:b: p:iRa p:Rð B:Vt: p:r b:ar b:ar Av:t:ar el:y:a
p:ap: em:Xkr D:ir edK:kr m:an:v: k:ð A:ð¹r eky:a
kÙöj: ev:hari ká\N: m:Ørari p:ret: ev:hari n:aray:N:
m:tsy: kÝm:ü v:rah n:rher v:am:n: k:ð Av:t:ar el:y:a
p:rS:Øram: A:òr ram: ká\N: b:n: dÙÄ:ðö k:ð s:öhar eky:a
hð Av:t:ari l:il:aD:ari p:ret: ev:hari n:aray:N:
B:j:n: s:ð m:n: k:ð s:jj:n: b:n:kr B:eVt: m:ag:ü edK:l:aedy:a
s:aI B:j:n: s:ð B:v:s:ag:r k:ð p:arN: B:i es:K:l:aedy:a
p:et:t::ð¹ari p:ret: ev:hari s:aI m:Ørari n:aray:N:
(Chant the name of Lord Narayana. Lord Narayana destroys evils and
demons; removes fear and confers peace of mind. Again and again,
Lord Narayana has incarnated assuming various Forms, whenever
devotees are in trouble. Destroying sins and infusing courage and
patience, Lord Narayana saved the humanity. Chant the name of Lord
Sai Narayana, who resides in Puttaparthi and in devotees' heart.
Thou incarnated in all the Dasavataras. Chant the name of Lord of
Puttaparthi, the up-lifter of fallen one - Lord Sai Narayana.)
- n:aray:N: her n:am: B:j::ðrð n:aray:N: v:ðd p:aray:N:
k,N: B:rN: B:v: B:y: hrN:
p:av:n: c:rN: p:et:t: j:n:av:n:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Chant the name of Narayana (Hari) who is described in the Vedas,
who wears the ornament of compassion, who destroys worldly fears
and whose feet purify, who uplifts the fallen, Sathya Sai is Narayana himself.)
- n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd n:aray:N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: Â:im:n:Î n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
B:j::ð n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:.
(Chant the various names of Shree Krishna, our Sai Krishna.)
- n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:rher -p: n:m::ð n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
n:irj: n:y:n: x:iraebD: S:y:n:
n:ard s:ÀØt: n:m::ð n:aray:N:
(Hail to Narayana, God who comes in the form of man, bow to
Narayana with the lotus eyes, who rests on the ocean of milk, whom Narada
- n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: B:j::ð
n:aray:N: n:m::ð n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: B:j::ð
n:aray:N: n:m::ð n:aray:N:
! ! ! n:m::ð n:aray:N:
(Worship Lord Narayan. Bow to Lord Narayana, whose form is Om.)
- n:aray:N: her ! her ! her !
s:aI n:aray:N: her ! her ! her !
S:aöt:akar B:Øj:ög: S:y:n:
p:¼n:aB: her !
s:aI n:aray:N: her !
(Hail to Narayana, reclines on a recoiled serpent and is the
embodiment of peace; He is Vishnu who has a lotus rising from his navel (where Brahma resides).)
- n:aray:N: n:aray:N: j:y: g::ðev:nd hrð
n:aray:N: n:aray:N: j:y: g::ðp:al: hrð
n:aray:N: n:aray:N: j:y: g::ðev:nd hrð
n:aray:N: n:aray:N: j:y: g::ðp:al: hrð
(Glory to Narayana, who took the form of Krishna.)
- n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: hrð n:aray:N:
Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
raD:a s:Øem:t: Â:i n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: n:aray:N: n:aray:N: hrð n:aray:N:
rG:Ø kÙl: b:al: n:aray:N:
s:it:a s:Øem:t: Â:i n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Chant the Name of Narayana who is also known as Krishna and Govinda;
He is the dearest Friend of Radha. Chant the name of Narayan who is the beloved Son of the Raghu clan,
the dearest friend of Seetha (Lord Rama))
- n:t: n:ödn: G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari
Sy:am: m:n::ðhr b:ns:i D:ari
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: hð eg:erD:ari
ras: ev:l::ðl: kÙöj: ev:hari
s:aúv:ri s:Ørt: p:r j::ò b:el:hari
(Chant the many names of Lord Krishna: Nata Nandana; Ghanashyaama
Murari; Blue complexioned Lord Krishna, who destroyed demon Mura;
Shyaama Manohar Bansi Dhari. Mukunda; Madhava; Giridhari; Rasa
Vilola Kunj Vihari - moving and playing about in the hearts of
devotees. O Lord ! Thy beautiful complexion captivates and enchants us.)
- n:Xv:r ká\N: n:Xv:r ká\N: y:adv: g::ðp:al:
her her m:aD:v: her g::ðep:ka l::ðl:a
hð ká\N: G:n: G:n: n:il: her ká\N: g::ðkÙl: b:al:
her her m:aD:v: her g::ðep:ka l::ðl:a
(Krishna, great dancer of the Yadu Clan; Lord Hari, Lord of
laxmii and joy of the gopis; Krishna of dark blue complexion, the child of Gokul.)
- n:Xv:r l:al: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
m:ira )B:Ø G:n:Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
n:Xv:r l:al: eg:erD:r g::ðp:al:
v:ðd s:ar j:iv:n: k D:ar
g::ðp:i m:n::ðhr Ædy: ev:har
(Krishna, great dancer, the child who lifted the mountain, Lord
of Meera who is of dark blue complexion, who is the Vedas, the
essence of one's life and soul and joy of the heart of devotees)
- n:Xv:r n:ag:r n:öd m:ØkÙöd
v:àödav:n: G:n:Sy:am: g::ðev:nd
raD:a m:aD:v: A:n:öd n:öd
p:aeh m:Ørari s:ecc:dan:öd
(Protect, O Lord Govind ! Lord of Radha, Lord Ghanashyaam of
Vrindavana, slayer of demon Mura. O Lord Madhava ! Thy real form is Truth, Bliss and Knowledge.)
- n:v:n:it: c::ðr b:al: g::ðp:al:
y:S::ðda n:ödn: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðp:al: s:ty: s:aI g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðp:al: B:j::ð m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
(Stealer of butter, the child Gopal, son of Yashoda, Sathya Sai is Gopal, sing the name of Sai Gopal who plays the flute.)
- n:v:n:it: c::ðr b:al: g::ðp:al:
y:S::ðda n:ödn: ká\N: g::ðp:al: ..(n:v:n:it: c::ðr..)
ras: v::ðl::ðl: raD:ð g::ðp:al: (2)
p:ret:p:Øri kñ s:aI g::ðp:al:
s:aI g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(This is a namavali or string of divine names. )
- n:y:n: m:ðö A:A:ð n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
n:y:n: m:ðö A:A:ð n:aray:N:
n:rher -p: n:aray:N:
n:y:n: m:ðö A:A:ð n:aray:N:
m:n: m:öedr m:ðö dip: j:l:aA:ð
(Come into my sight, grant me Your Darshan, Lord incarnate, Lord Sai; Come into my eyes, my vision, Lord;
Lord who has come in the form of man; Bless me with the sight of You, Lord
Light the Lamp in the temple of my mind)
- en:ty: en:röj:n: B:v: B:y: B:öj:n:
n:aray:N: her s:aI her ! (2)
p:rm: p:ev:*: p:av:n: n:am:
p:¼n:aB: her !
p:rm:an:öd m:ög:l: c:rN:
n:am: ! n:am: ! Â:i s:aI n:am: !
(I bow to that eternal, pure and blemishless God, Sai Krishna.
Verily He is Lord Narayana himself. I chant that most auspicious
and Divine Name, Sai Narayana. I surrender to the Lotus Feet of that ever blissful ever auspicious Sai Baba.)
- en:ty:an:ödö s:ecc:dan:ödö
her her her ! n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:aI n:aray:N:
her her her ! n:aray:N:
)ðm:sv:-p: )ðm:an:öd (2)
her her her ! n:aray:N:
(Perpetual bliss, Glory to Sai Vishnu who is God, Embodiment of love and bliss.)
- ! her ! her n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: s:ty: n:aray:N:
her ! s:aI her !
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: her n:aray:N:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: s:ty: n:aray:N: (2)
her ! s:aI her !
(Chant the name of Hari, Narayana, the names of Mdhusoodana, Keshava, Madhava and Narayana)
- ! n:m::ð B:g:v:t:ð v:as:Ødðv:ay:
! n:m:H eS:v:ay: ! n:m::ð n:aray:N: (2)
! n:m::ð B:g:v:t:ð v:as:Ødðv:ay:
(Adoration to the Lord Vishnu, Shiva, who abides and shines in all beings and is one with Om (Vishnu))
- p:aNRÙrög: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: p:ahð
din: n:aT: k,N: n:aT:, s:aI n:aT: hð
p:NZri n:aT: p:aöRÙrög:, ev:YÏYl: p:ahð
(Protect me. Protect me, O Lord Paanduranga ! O Lord Sai Naathha ! O
Lord of Pandharpura ! Thou art the supporter of those who are destitute)
- p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
her n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
her n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
her n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
(Chant the name of Lord : Paanduranga; Vitthala; Hari; Narayana and Govinda.)
- p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
ev:YÏYl:ð her ev:YÏYl:ð (3)
(Chant the name of Lord Vitthala, Hari and Narayana.)
- p:¼n:aB: p:aNRÙrög: p:ret:p:Øri ev:YÏYl:
kam: #:ðD: l::ðB: m::ðh
p:ar kr:ð ev:YÏYl:
s:ty: D:m:ü S:aöet: )ðm: dij::ð m:ØJ:ð ev:YÏYl:
dij::ð m:ØJ:ð ev:YÏYl:
(Sai Nath of Puttaparthi, Thou verily art Lord Vishnu Himself.
Thou art Paanduranga, Shree Krishna. Please remove from my mind
lust, anger, covetousness and attachment and fill my mind with
Truth, correct and ethical code of conduct, blissful peace and selfless love.)
- p:NZri en:v:as: hð p:aNRÙrög:a
hð p:aeT:üv:as: s:aIÃ:ra
An:aT: v:ts:l: din: v:ts:l:
B:Vt: v:ts:l: hð s:aIÃ:r
(Hey Paanduranga (Krishna), living at Pandharpur, Hey Lord Sai
whose abode is at Puttaparthi, You are the One who protects
the meek and those without support. Hey Lord Sai, You are the protector of the devotees)
- p:NZri n:aT: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
ká\N: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
p:NZri n:aT: ká\N: g::ðp:al:
hð rG:Øn:aT: din: dy:al:
din: dy:al: s:aI káp:al:
(Chant the many names of graceful and merciful Lord : Sai; Pandhari Naathha; Krishna; Gopaala and Raghu Naathha.)
- p:Ørödr rög: hrð ev:YÏYl:
p:NZri rög: hrð ev:YÏYl:
p:Ørödr rög: hrð ev:YÏYl:
m:Ørari rög: hrð ev:YÏYl: (2)
(Chant the many names of Lord: Purandhara Ranga, Harey Vitthala, Murahari Ranga.)
- py:arð n:ödl:al: drS:n: dij::ð
y:S::ðda kñ b:al: drS:n: dij::ð
n:Xv:r l:al: drS:n: dij::ð
eg:erD:r b:al: drS:n: dij::ð
(Dear son of Nanda, give us darshan, Child of Yashoda, give us
Your darshan; You are a grat dancer, who held aloft the mountain; give us Your darshan.)
- raD:a kñ n:Xv:rl:al: knhòyy:a
g::ðkÙl:b:al: g::ðp:aerp:l:
eg:erD:ari )B:Ø n:ödl:al: knhòyy:a
(Hey Radha's consort, Hey Krishna, the child of Gokula,
the tender of cows, the Lord who lifted the Govardhan mountain, the son of Nanda, Krishna, salutations to You)
- raD:a ká\N: k,N: l::ðl:a raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:ð g::ðev:öd, m:Ørl:i g::ðev:nd
raD:ð raD:ð g::ðev:öd, m:Ørl:i g::ðev:nd
(Krishna, Radha's Lord, who gives compassion to all and tends the cows and plays the flute.)
- raD:a m:aD:v: g::ðp:al:n:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N: (3)
(Krishna, the cowherd boy, Radha's Lord; all-pervading Narayana as Krishna)
- raD:a m:aD:v: ká\N: m:Ørari
g::ðp:i v:ll:B: k:òst:ØB: hari
m:an:s: s:öc:ari )B:Ø eg:erD:ari
p:aeh )B:Ø m:aú p:ret: ev:hari
(Chant the name of Lord Krishna who wears the Kaustabha gem,
Lord of Radha, Lord Madhava, dear to Gopis, devotees and Lord
Giridhari, who resides in the hearts of devotees. We pray Thee to protect us.)
- raD:a py:arð j:y: g::ðp:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: j:y: g::ðp:al:
v:àödav:n: kñ j:y: g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr j:y: g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Lord Gopaala, beloved of Radha, the One who roamed about in Brindavan, player of Divine flute.)
- raD:a raD:a g::ðkÙl: b:al:
n:öd A:n:öd m:ØkÙöd g::ðp:al:
raD:a raD:a g::ðkÙl: b:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: ras: ev:l::ðl:
(Chant the name of Lord Gopaala, Lord of Radha, Lord Mukunda,
Lord Gopaala and Lord Madhava, who captures the hearts of devotees and who is fond of folk-dancing.)
- raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: hð n:ödl:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
m:ira kñ n:aT: )B:Ø m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
g::ðv:D:ün::ð¹r g::ðp:al: b:al:
raD:ð g::ðp:al: g::ðp:i g::ðp:al:
(Gopaala, Krishna's Name; Go means cows or souls; Pal is the One Who guards and fosters
Govinda, the One Who controls the animal nature in man; He is
the Lord of Mira Who plays the flute and held aloft the mountain Govardhan)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al: B:j::ð
m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al: B:j::ð s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
s:aI G:n:Sy:am: s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
(Worship Lord Govinda, Chant the name of Lord Sai Ghanashyaama, the Divine Flute-player)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:a rm:N: her raD:ð g::ðev:nd
ram: g::ðev:nd B:j::ð ram: g::ðev:nd (2)
raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
eg:erD:r b:al: B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd (2)
raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
(Worship Lord Govinda, Giridhari, Rama and Lord of Radha, the One who lifted the mountain Govardhan, Lord Hari.)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd eg:erD:r b:al:
m:ira kñ )B:Ø s:aI g::ðp:al:
raD:ð g::ðev:nd eg:erD:r b:al:
hð ec:¶: c::ðr Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
m:D:Ør m:D:Ør hð m:Ørl:i v:al:a
(Hey consort of Radha, You are Govinda, You are the One who lifted
the Govardhan mountain; You are Meera's Lord, You are Sai Gopala;
You encahant the minds of Your devotees, You play sweet music with Your flute)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
(s:aI) g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
raD:ð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn:a, m:D:Øs:Üdn: ká\N:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
(s:aI) g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:al:
(Chant the different names of Lord Krishna - Consort of Radha, Govinda, Gopala, Gopala, Madhusoodana. Victory to You!)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:n:
Sy:am: m:ØkÙöd m:D:Øs:Üdn:
m:ØK:arev:öd m:n:m::ðhn:
A:n:öd c:öd y:dÙ n:ödn:
(Hey Radha's Lord Govinda, Gopaala, Shyaam (Krishna's Names),
Mukunda (Krishna's Name meaning Giver of moxa or
liberation from the ocean of birth and death), the blissful Son of the Yadu clan, Madhusoodana (the One who killed demon Madhu), Your
beautiful countenance charms the mind)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd hrð m:Ørarð
Sy:am: m:ØkÙöd hrð m:Ørarð
raD:ð g::ðev:nd hrð m:Ørarð
ká\N: m:ØkÙöd hrð m:Ørarð
s:aI m:ØkÙöd hrð m:Ørarð
(Chant the sacred name of Krishna, the dark complexioned One, Radhas's consort)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd j:y: j:y: raD:ð g::ðp:al:
din: n:aT: g::ðev:nd An:aT: n:aT: g::ðp:al:
raD:a l::ðl:a g::ðev:nd ras: ev:l::ðl: g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Lord Gopaala, Lord of Radha. Chant the name of Govinda.
Thou art the Lord of those who are destitute and those who have no
support. Thou art fond of folk-dancing. Victory to Lord Govinda. Victory to Lord Gopaala.)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd ká\N: m:Ørari
j:y: s:aI m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
raD:ð g::ðev:nd ká\N: m:Ørari
n:öd A:n:öd raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:ð g::ðev:nd s:aI m:ØkÙöd
s:aI m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
(O Lord of Radha, Krishna Who destroyed demon Mura. Glory to Sai Mukunda, who grants liberation
Blissful Child, cowherd Companion of Radha)
- raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
en:ty:an:öd )B:Ø s:aI g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Govinda, Gopaala, Lord of Radha - the ever blissful and enchanting Flute Player.)
- raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd b::ðl: m:an:v:
m:ØkÙöd m:aD:v: kñS:v: b::ðl:
raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd b::ðl: m:an:v:
her n:aray:N: her her b::ðl:
n:Xv:r n:g:r eg:erD:ari b::ðl:
raD:ð ká\N: g::ðev:nd b::ðl: m:an:v:
(O Mind ! Chant the many names of Lord; Govinda , Krishna, Mukunda, Madhava, Keshava, Hari, Narayana, Natawara and Giridhari.)
- raD:ð ká\N: raD:ð ká\N:
j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
raD:ð ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
s:aI ká\N: s:aI ká\N:
j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
p:aeT:ü ká\N: p:aeT:ü ká\N:
p:aeT:ü ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
eS:rRi ká\N: eS:rRi ká\N:
j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
(Chant the sweet name of Krishna of Radha, Krishna of Parthi, Krishna of Shirdi, Krishna of Parthi)
- raD:ð m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd A:n:öd (3)
raD:ð m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari g::ðev:nd
eg:erD:ari eg:erD:ari A:n:öd (3)
(Hey Krishna, Lord of Radha, Mukunda, Murari, Govinda, You are the ever blissful One, who lifted the mountain (Govardhan))
- raD:ð raD:ð b:àödav:n: raD:ð
g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: n:ac::ð raD:ð
raD:ð raD:ð m:Ørl:i B:j:ð
n:öd ekS::ðr kñ p:ay:l: b:aj:ð
hÚüm: j:Øm: hÚüm: j:Øm: p:ay:l: b:aj:ð
(Radha, who lived in Brindavan, who danced with Krishna, son of
Nanda's child, Sing of the sound of Krishna's anklets as He dances.)
- raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al: (2)
raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr g::ðev:nd hð, m:aD:v: m:Ørhr g::ðev:nd (2)
hð raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al:
(Let us sing in praise of Radha and Krishna. Praised be Krishna who frees us (from bondage),
whose flute music enchants us)
- raD:ð raD:ð g::ðev:nd
raD:ð raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð g::ðev:nd B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al:
raD:ð m:ØkÙöd hrð
hð raD:ð m:ØkÙöd hrð (3)
(Chant the name of Krishna, Govinda, Radha's consort (Krishna))
- raD:ð raD:ð raD:ðSy:am:
ká\N: m:Ørari raD:ðSy:am:
kÙöj: ev:hari raD:ðSy:am:
m:Ørl:i D:ari raD:ðSy:am:
Â:i m:Ørari raD:ðSy:am:
(Chant the name of the blue-complexioned, Krishna who destroyed
the demon Mura, who plays in and charms the heart of His devotees.)
- raD:ð Sy:am: hð G:n:Sy:am:
raD:a m:aD:v: m:ög:l: D:am:
n:öd n:ödn: g::ðev:nd
n:v:n:it: c::ðr g::ðev:nd
n:arde)y: g::ðev:nd
n:Xj:n:p:al: g::ðev:nd
n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: g::ðev:nd
raD:ð Sy:am: hð G:n:Sy:am:
B:Vt: v:ts:l: g::ðev:nd
B:ag:v:t: e)y: g::ðev:nd
s:aI ká\N: g::ðev:nd
p:ap: ev:m::ðc:n: g::ðev:nd
n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd g::ðkÙl: n:ödn: g::ðev:nd
(Hey Krishna, You are the dark complexioned One;
You are the son of Nanda; You are the One who stole the butter;
You are the One liked by Narada Rishi. You are the potector of
the people; You are Govinda, who is fond of His devotees,
who is fond of Bhagavatha; You are Sai Krishna, the destroyer of all sins)
- raD:ð Sy:am: hð G:n:Sy:am:
raD:a m:aD:v: m:ög:l: D:am:
j:y: j:y: j:y: hð m:ðG: Sy:am:
m:ðG: Sy:am: m:ðG: Sy:am:
j:y: j:y: b:àödav:n: D:am:
(Chant the name of Lord of Radha - auspicious Lord Madhava.
Ever blissful Prince of Nanda steals our hearts. Chant the name of Lord Govinda of Gokula and Brindavana)
- raD:ð Sy:am: m:Ørari j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al: j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
m:D:Ø m:Ørl:i g:ØWj:n: ká\N:
A:ðh g::ðp:i röj:n: ká\N:
hð ras: röj:n: ká\N:
j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:, j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:,j:y: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Murari, Govinda, Gopaala, Lord of Radha -
Shyaam, Krishna - the Divine Flute Player. Victory to Lord Govinda, the captivator of our hearts.)
- raD:ð Sy:am: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð rK:Øm:aI
p:aNRÙrög: p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl:ð rK:Øm:aI
raD:ð Sy:am: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð rK:Øm:aI
p:aNRÙrög: p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl:ð rK:Øm:aI
(Chant the name of Lord Paanduranga, Vitthala and Radhey Shyaam.)
- raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am:
raD:a rm:N: Â:i rög: rög:
raD:a rm:N: Â:i rög:
j:y: y:dÙ n:ödn: p:rm: en:röj:n:
ram: rm:N: g::ðev:nd m:ØkÙöd
raD:a rm:N: Â:i rög: rög:
raD:a rm:N: Â:i rög:
(Chant the name of Lord Shyaam, Lord of Radha. Victory to supreme Lord and Leader of Yady Dynasty, Lord Govinda.)
- raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am:
raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am: raD:ð Sy:am:
s:aI ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram:
s:aI ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram: s:aI ram:
(Chant the auspicious name of Lord of Radha - Lord Shyaama and Lord Sai Ram.)
- raeD:ka j:iv:n:
ká\N: j:n:adün:
raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al:
dðv:ki n:ödn:
raeD:ka j:iv:n:
n:ödn:ödn: hð g::ðep:ka röj:n:
m:Ørl:i m::ðhn:
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn:
ká\N: ká\N: Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn:
(Hey Krishna, Janardhana, You are the life of Radha; You are Radha's
Govinda, Gopala; You are the son of Devaki and the life breath of
Radha; You are the darling child of Nanda and the enchanter of
the Gopis; You are the One with the beautiful flute, the One who
destroyed the demon Madhu)
- raeD:ka m:n::ðhr m:dn: g::ðp:al:
din: v:ts:l: hð raj:a g::ðp:al:
B:Vt: j:n: m:ödar v:ðN:Ø g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:iD:r hð g:an: ev:l::ðl:
(O Lord Gopaala, thou art beloved of Radha and kinsman and relation of
those who are miserables and afflicted. O Lord Gopaala! You are the darling of devotees.
Thou enchants devotees with singing and playing divine melodies on flute.)
- raeD:ka rm:N: m:aD:v:
j:y: rög: dðv: raeD:ka rm:N: m:aD:v:
hrð ram: hrð ká\N: raj:a ram: raG:v: (2)
raeD:ka rm:N: m:aD:v: j:y: rög: dðv: (2)
hrð ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N: kñS:v: (2)
j:y: rög: dðv:
hrð ram: hrð ká\N: (4)
j:y: rög: dðv:
(Chant the name of : Belove Lord of Radha - Lord Madhava; Lord of Seetha
- Lord Rama; Krishna; Govinda; Narayana; Keshava and Ranga. Victory to Lord Paanduranga.)
- ram: ká\N: b::ðl::ð ká\N: ram: b::ðl:
kñS:v: m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd b::ðl: (2)
ram: ká\N: b::ðl::ð ká\N: ram: b::ðl:
eS:v: eS:v: S:ökr eS:rRi s:aI b::ðl:
hr hr S:ökr s:ty: s:aI b::ðl:
p:rt:iÃ:r s:aI S:ökr
(Chant the names of Rama, Krishna, Keshava, Madhava and Govinda.
Chant the names of Sirdi Sai, Shiva and Shankara. Chant the names of the Lord of Puttaparthi)
- ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: her n:aray:N:
ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N:
Â:i l:xm:i rm:N: n:aray:N:
her ! An:öt: n:aray:N:
! An:öt: n:aray:N:
her n:aray:N:
s:aI n:aray:N:
s:ty: n:aray:N:
! An:öt: n:aray:N:
her ! An:öt: n:aray:N:
(Chant the many names of the Lord - Rama, Krishna, Narayana, Govinda, Hari, Lord of laxmii,
Lord who is infinite (without beginning or end), Sai Narayana, Sathya Narayana)
- ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd n:aray:N: kñS:v:
raeD:ka rm:N: m:aD:v: j:y: rög: dðv:
hrð ram: hrð ká\N: s:it:a ram: raG:v:
s:aI ram: raG:v:
raeD:ka rm:N: m:aD:v: j:y: rög: dðv:
ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd
(Chant the name of Lord: Rama, Krishna, Narayana, Keshava and Madhava)
- ram: ká\N: her her her b::ðl:
raD:a rm:N: her g::ðev:nd b::ðl:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðev:nd b::ðl:
g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð her g::ðp:al: b::ðl:
g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð her g::ðp:al: b::ðl:
g::ðev:nd b::ðl::ð her s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the many names of Lord: Rama; Krishna; Hari; Govinda; Gopaal and beloved of Radha - Lord Govinda and Lord Sai.)
- ram: ká\N: her m:ØkÙöd m:Ørari
p:aNRÙrög: her p:aNRÙrög: her
dðv: dðv: dðv: m:hadðv: dðv:
A:ed dðv: dðv: b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø dðv:
A:ed dðv: dðv: s:ty: s:aI dðv:
p:aNRÙrög: her j:y: j:y: p:aNRÙrög: her (4)
p:aNRÙrög: her (2)
p:aNRÙrög: her j:y: j:y: p:aNRÙrög: her
(Chant the names of the Lord: Rama, Krishna, Hari,
Mukunda, Murari, Paanduranga, Deva, Mahaadeva, Sathya Sai, Victory to Lord Paanduranga Hari)
- ram: ká\N: her n:aray:N:
din: j:n:av:n: her n:aray:N:
din: S:rNy: n:aray:N:
B:v: B:y: hrN: s:aI n:aray:N:
(Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Narayana and Hari. Lord Sai
Narayana protects and liberates from bondage of life and death.)
- ram: ká\N: j:y: b::ðl::ð (B:j:m:n:)
ram: ká\N: j:y: s:aI ká\N: j:y:
ram: ká\N: j:y: b::ðl::ð (B:j:m:n:)
rG:ØkÙl: B:Ü\:N: ram: ram: ram:
raD:a m:aD:v: Sy:am: Sy:am: Sy:am:
hrð ram: hrð ram: hrð ká\N: hrð ram:
(Let the mind worship and sing the glory of Rama and Krishna; Victory to Rama, Krishna and Sai Baba, Ram, the jewel of the
Raghu family, Krishna, Radha's Lord of dark blue complexion; Glory to Ram, glory to Krishna.)
- ram: ká\N: ram: ká\N: ram: ká\N: B:j::ðrð
p:NZri n:aT: g::ðev:nd kñS:v:
n:öd A:n:öd ram: g::ðev:nd
p:NZri n:aT: p:aNRÙrög: B:j::ðrð
(Worship and chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Keshava and Lord of Pandhari.)
- ram: ká\N: v:as:Ødðv: Acy:Øt: An:öt:
p:ret: v:as: s:aI dðv: Â:iD:r An:öt:
g::ðp:i j:n::ð¹ar raD:a l::ðl:a
B:Vt: j:n::ð¹ar B:eVt: g:an: l::ðl:a
(Chant the name of Lord: Rama, Krishna and Vaasudeva. O Resident of
Parthi! O Lord Sai Deva! O Ever Infinite One! O Beloved of Radha!
Thou art saviour of resident of Gokul and uplifter of devotees and lover of devotional hymns.)
- ram: ká\N: v:as:Ødðv: n:aray:N: her her
ev:Ã: -p: s:aI dðv: n:aray:N: her her
n:aray:N: her her ! n:aray:N: her her
ev:Ã: -p: s:aI dðv: n:aray:N: her her
(Sing the names of Rama, Krishna, Narayana, who resides in all beings,
and Hari, another name for Krishna.)
- rög: rög: p:aNRÙrög: rög: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: rög: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
p:ØNRrik v:ð\: p:NZri n:aT:
p:ret: rög: ev:YÏYl: din: b:öD:Ø ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: s:aI ev:YÏYl:
(Chant the name of Lord Paanduranga, Vitthala and Sai.)
- rs:ev:l::ðl: n:n:.dl:al:
raD:a m:aD:v: n:ödl:al:
ras:ev:l::ðl: n:ödl:al:
n:öd ekS::ðr n:ödl:al:
n:v:n:it: c::ðr n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: s:aI n:ödl:al:
n:ödl:al: s:aI n:ödl:al:
(Radha's Krishna, darling son of Nanda, stealer of butter,
who danced with the gopis)
- hÚüm: j:Øm: n:ac::ð n:öd dÙl:ara
m:aD:v: m:Ørhr m:dn: g::ðp:al:
hÚüm: j:Øm: n:ac::ð n:öd dÙl:ara
raD:a m:n::ðhr n:Xv:r l:al:
g::ðev:nd eg:erD:r m:Ørl:i g::ðp:al:
(Dance, son and delight of Nanda, Lord who killed the demon
Mura, God of love, Radha's Krishna who lifted the mountain and plays the flute.)
- s:av:ery:a s:aI s:av:ery:a
eg:erD:r n:ag:r n:Xn: m:n::ðhr Sy:am:l: n:Xv:ery:a
s:av:ery:a s:aI s:av:ery:a
dðv:ki kñ Cay:a b:l:ram:j:i kñ B:yy:a
v:as:Ødðv: kñ kÙm:ar knhòyy:a
(Oh my beloved Sai, You are Giridhara (the One who lifted the
Govardhan mountain), You are the beautiful dancer, You are the
darling son of Devaki, You are the dear brother of Balarama, You are the little son of Vasudeva)
- s:aI ká\N: s:aI ká\N: j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
s:aI ká\N: s:aI ká\N: j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
eS:rRi ká\N:, eS:rRi ká\N: j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
p:ret: ká\N:, p:ret: ká\N: j:y: Â:i ká\N: raD:ð raD:ð
(Chant the name of Lord Sai, Shirdi Krishna and Parthi Krishna)
- s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd m:aD:v:
s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd kñS:v:
s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd m:aD:v:
hrð ram: hrð ram: hrð ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N: hrð hrð
(Chant the name of Sai, Narayana, Govinda, Madhava (different names for Krishna), Rama and Keshava)
- s:ökX hrN: g::ðev:nd
p:ökj: c:rN: g::ðev:nd
s:ty: s:aI dðv: g::ðev:nd
s:pt: eg:erv:as: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd hrð g::ðev:nd (2)
g::ðev:nd s:aI g::ðev:nd
(Chant the name of Govinda who removes every pain from your
heart. Meditate on the Lotus Feet of Sai Krishna. He is none
other than Lord Venkateshwara of Tirupati of the seven hills.)
- s:p:n:ð m:ðö A:A:ð Sy:am: m:Ørari
s:aúv:ri s:Ørt: m:Ørl:iD:aer
s:b: kñ s:jj:n: )B:Ø eg:erD:ari
s:d g:Ø, s:aI p:ret: ev:hari
(O Lord Shyaam Murari, welcome and kindly present Thy-Self in my
dream. O Charming-Complexioned One, with flute, thou art beloved
of all. O Lord Giridhari, thou art Noble Teacher Lord Sai of Parthi.)
- s:ty: n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd m:aD:v: s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd kñS:v:
s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd m:aD:v:, s:aI n:aray:N: g::ðev:nd kñS:v:
hrð ram:, hrð ram:, ram: ram: hrð hrð
hrð ká\N:, hrð ká\N:, ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð
(Sai is Krishna come again, Laxmi's Lord, the one with the
beautiful hair. Hail to Thee Lord Vishnu, who incarnates as Rama and Krishna and now as Sathya Sai.)
- S:ökr n:aray:N: her b::ðl:
s:d g:Ø, n:aray:N: her b::ðl:
s:aI n:aray:N: her b::ðl:
s:d g:Ø, n:aray:N: her b::ðl:
(Chant the name of Lord Shankara, Sai Narayana and Hari.)
- S:ð\: S:òl: v:as: n:aray:N:
B:Vt: p:aerj:at: n:aray:N:
S:ð\: S:òl: v:as: n:aray:N:
s:v:ü j:iv: v:as: n:aray:N:
s:am: g:an: l::ðl:a n:aray:N:
s:ty: s:aI -p: n:aray:N: (2)
(Chant the name of Lord Narayana, who is reclining on serpent coil;
guardian and protector of devotees; indweller of all beings;
giver of the Sama Veda (one of the four Vedas) which is the basis
of knowledge of art relating to rhythm, tunes and melodies (Ragas).
Worship and chant the name of Lord Sathya Sai, who is the very embodiment of Lord Narayana)
- Â:i g::ðp:al: g::ðkÙl: b:al:
t:Øl:s:i m:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
raD:a v:ll:B: ras: ev:l::ðl:
t:Øl:s:i m:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Chant the name of Lord Sai Gopaala of Gokula, who is beloved of Radha , who is the boy of Gokula, who was fond of Rasa leela
and who wears necklace made from Tulasi beads.)
- Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd hrð m:Ørarð
hð n:aT: n:aray:N: v:as:Ødðv:
Â:i ká\N: g::ðev:nd hrð m:Ørarð
hð n:aT: n:aray:N: v:as:Ødðv:
(Worship Lord: Krishna, Govinda, Murarey, Narayana and Vasudeva.)
- Â:i ká\N: m:aD:v: g::ðev:nd g::ðp:al:
m:T:Øra n:aT: m:dn: g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd Sy:am: g::ðp:al:
n:öd m:ØkÙöd s:aI g::ðp:al:
ká\N: hrð j:y: ká\N: hrð
j:y: her g::ðev:nd ká\N: hrð (2)
(Victory to Thee, Hey Krishna, Lord of Mathura, Madhava, Govinda,
Gopala, Mukunda, Shyama, Nanda Mukunda (different names for Krishna))
- Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m: Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m:a
Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m:a, Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m:a
Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m:a, Â:i ká\N: S:rN:ö m:m:a
Â:i ká\N: en: p:ðr Ont::ð m:D:Ø ram:Øl:a
n:öd l:al: en: p:ðr Ont::ð m:D:Ø ram:Øl:a
b:àödav:n: c:ndÓ, Â:i ká\N: t:ðra py:ara n:am: hð
raD:ð g::ðev:öd, Â:i ká\N: t:ðra py:ara n:am: hð
raD:ð g::ðev:nd j:y:, raD:ð g::ðp:al:
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd g::ðp:aer p:al:
k:ðI khð v:as:Ødðv: ki n:ödn:, k:ðI khð n:öd l:al:
k:ðI khð n:öd l:al:,
y:m:Øn:a ekn:arð ká\N: knhòyy:a, m:Ørl:i m:D:Ør B:j:rð
Â:i ká\N: t:ðra py:ar n:am: hð
(Shree Krishna is my refuge! I bow to Him, O Krishna, O Son of Nanda, how sweet is Your Name,
O shining moon of Brindavan, Shree Krishna is a Name so dear, Praise to Govinda-Gopaala Krishna
Beloved of Radha, Protector of the cows (and devotees), Some say that You are the Son of Vasudeva
Others call You the Son of Nanda. On the bank of the river Yamuna,
the child Krishna plays His flute so sweetly!)
- Â:i l:xm:i rm:N: n:aray:N:
n:aray:N: v:ðd p:aray:N:
Â:i l:xm:i rm:N: n:aray:N:
B:v: B:y: hrN: v:öedt:c:rN:
Al:ka en:röj:n: n:aray:N:
v:òdðhi m::ðhn: n:aray:N:
(Chant the Name of Lord Narayana, the Lord of laxmii, the Lord described in the Vedas.
Chant the Name of (Rama) the Lord of Seetha, who is the supremely unattached Lord Narayana (Vishnu),
the Destroyer of all fear whose Feet are eternally worshipped by all)
- Â:i ram: rG:Ø n:ödn:
G:n:Sy:am: y:dÙ n:ödn:
Â:i rög: n:öd n:ödn: (2)
A:n:öd n:öd g::ðp:i röj:n: en:röj:n:
(O Lord Rama, son of the Raghus, blue complexioned child of the
Yadus, Nanda's child, Lord Krishna, enchanter of the Gopis)
- Â:i rög: hrð ev:YÏYl: s:aI rög: hrð ev:YÏYl:
hð dy:a en:D:ð ev:YÏYl:
hð káp:a en:D:ð ev:YÏYl:
hð s:aI )B:Ø ev:YÏYl:
(Lord Krishna, Lord Sai Vittala, of unlimited compassion and grace)
- Â:i s:aI n:aT: g:Ø, g::ðev:nd
p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r j:y: g::ðev:nd
)S:aöet: en:l:y:a raD:ð g::ðev:nd
Â:i g:Ø, j:y: g:Ø, ev:YÏYl: g::ðev:nd
(Lord Sai, guru and guide, Glory to the Lord of Parthi and Krishna)
- Sy:am: B:j::ð B:j::ð raD:ð g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: m:n::ðhr hð n:ödl:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr g::ðp:i l::ðl:a
m:ira kñ )B:Ø eg:erD:r b:al:
(Worship Lord of Radha - Lord Gopaala. Chant many names of Lord:
Shyaama; Nandalala; Murli Manohar - Enchanting Flute Player; Gopi
Lola - Beloved of Gopis; Lord of Mira (devotee)- Lord Giridhari.)
- Sy:am: s:Øödr her ká\N: g::ðp:al:
Sy:am: m:n::ðhr raD:ð g::ðp:al:
m:Ørl:i m:n::ðhr ká\N: g::ðp:al:
m:Ørhr s:Øödr b:al: g::ðp:al:
p:rm: dy:aG:n: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(This is a namaavali or a string of Shree Krishna's names.)
- Â:ien:v:as: g::ðev:nd Â:i v:ðökXðS: g::ðev:nd
p:ØraN: p:Ø,\: g::ðev:nd p:ØNRrikax: g::ðev:nd
dS:a ev:D: -p: g::ðev:nd ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd
ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd ram: ká\N: g::ðev:nd
s:aI ram: g::ðev:nd s:aI ká\N: g::ðev:nd
dS:a ev:D: -p: g::ðev:nd ká\N: ram: g::ðev:nd
(Chant the name of Lord: Srinivasa; Shree Venkatesha; Krishna; Rama;
Sai and beginingless infinite and eternal Lord Govinda, who has
assumed ten different form of Incarnation such as Rama, Krishna, etc.)
- Â:ien:v:as: v:ðökXðS:
s:àt:j:n: p:erp:al: s:aIS:
Â:ien:v:as:, v:ðökXðS:
et:,p:et: eg:erv:as: g::ðev:nd
g:,R v:ahn: g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd Â:ien:v:as: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd eS:rRiv:as: g::ðev:nd
g::ðev:nd g::ðev:öd p:ret: v:as: g::ðev:nd
(Chant the names of Venkatesha, Srinivasa. You are Sai, the protector
of the good and holy. Hey Govinda, Your abode is at Tirupathi and
You have garuda (eagle) as Your vehicle. You are the One at Shirdi and You are the One at Parthi)
- Â:ien:v:as: Â:i v:ðökXðS:
b:al:aj:i g::ðev:nd s:aIS:
p:rm: dy:al: et:,m:l: v:as:
p:¼ l:xm:i v:ll:B: IS:
p:ØNRrikax: p:ap: ev:n:aS:
(Hey Lord Sreenivasa, Balaji (different names for Venkatesha)
Govinda, Lord Sai, You are the embodiment of supreme compassion,
whose abode is Thirumala (Thirupathi). Hey Lord, You are the
consort of laxmii. You are the destroyer of sins, Hey Lord with beautiful eyes)
- s:Øödr Sy:am: m:Ørari s:aI
g::ðp:al: Â:i her Â:i her
p:rm: en:röj:n: m:aD:v: s:aI
s:kl: c:rac:r y:adv: s:aI
g::ðp:al: Â:i her Â:i her
(Chant the many names of all-pervading Lord Sai Gopaala, Hari and Madhava)
- s:Øödr s:Øödr n:ac:ð s:Øödr
s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
n:ac:ð s:aI s:Øödr Sy:am:
J:Øm:k J:Øm:k J:Øm: G:Øög:- b:aj:ð
n:ac:ð G:n:Sy:am:
n:ac:ð n:Xv:r s:aI s:Øödr
m:ðrð s:aI ram:
n:ac:ð n:ac:ð m:n: m:öedr m:ðö
m:ðrð s:aI ram:
n:ac:ð s:aI s:Øödr Sy:am:
(This song describes young Krishna dancing and bringing joy to
our minds. The meaning of the song is: Behold our beloved Shree
Krishna dancing! Oh, He is so divinely beautiful! His anklets are
jingling with joy! He is our Sai Ram. He is dancing in our mind
and bringing us great joy and bliss.)
- sv:ag:t:ö ká\N: s:Øsv:ag:t:ö ká\N:
sv:ag:t:ö s:Øsv:ag:t:ö S:raN:g:t:ö ká\N:
m:T:Ørap:Øer ká\N: m:D:Øs:ÜD:n: ká\N:
sv:ag:t:ö s:Øsv:ag:t:ö S:rN:ag:t:ö ká\N:
(Hey Krishna welcome to Thee! Welcome to the One who is the
object of surrender for all. Welcome to Krishna, the Lord of Mathura, the destroyer of demon Madhu)
- t:ðrð dS:ün: k:ð m:ðra m:n: t:rs:ð
g::ðp:al: dS:ün: dð n:öd l:al:
n:irj: l::ðc:n: hð g:ØN: D:am:
p:it:aöb:rD:ar hð G:n:Sy:am:
dS:ün: dð dS:ün: dð n:öd l:al:
g::ðp:al: dS:ün: dð n:öd l:al:
(My mind is pining for Your darshan, hey son of Nanda, hey Gopala!
You are the Lord with beautiful eyes, You are the repository
of all virtues. Oh the blue complexioned One, the One wearing
yellow dress, hey Gopala, please grant me Thy vision)
- t:Øm: hi m:ðra ram: h:ð t:Øm: hi m:ðra Sy:am: h:ð
t:Øm: hi m:ðra )aN: h:ð j:n:m: j:n:m: s:aT: h:ð
(You are my Rama, my Shyaama, my life, from birth to birth)
- t:Øm: h:ð ram: t:Øm: h:ð Sy:am:
B:Vt::ð kñ )aN: B:g:v:an: s:aI ram:
s:it:a ram: raD:ð Sy:am:
Ok )B:Ø s:aI ram: B:g:v:an:
B:Vt::ð kñ )aN: B:g:v:an: s:aI ram:
(O Lord Sai Ram! Thou art none other than Lord Rama and Lord Krishna,
and life-breath of devotees. Chant, 'Seetha Rama, Radhey Shyaam'.)
- ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð
ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð s:aI ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð
p:NZrin:aT: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð
p:aeT:üv:as: s:aI dðv: ev:YÏYl: B:j::ð
(Chant the name of Vitthala, our Sai Vitthala. He is the Krishna
of Pandarapur. He is our Paanduranga. He is the dweller of Puttaparthi)
- ev:YÏYl: her ev:YÏYl:
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl:ð her n:aray:N:
her n:aray:N:, j:y: n:aray:N:
s:aI n:aray:N:, s:ty: n:aray:N:
(Pray and worship Lord Vitthala, Hari, Narayana and Lord Sai.)
- ev:YÏYl: j:y: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl:
ev:YÏYl: j:y: ev:YÏYl: p:aNRÙrög: ev:YÏYl: (2)
p:Ørödr ev:YÏYl: j:y: p:ØNRrikax: ev:YÏYl:
(Victory to Vittala, the Panduranga (Krishna))
- v:àödav:n: G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari
Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:aer
v:àödav:n: G:n:Sy:am: m:Ørari
raD:a m:aD:v: kÙöj: ev:hari
hð eg:erD:ari s:aI eg:erD:ari
(Chant the namy names of Krishna, who moved about in Vrindavana
garden, who destroyed demon Mura, who lifted Govardhan mountain and Lord Sai.)
- v:òj:y:öet:D:r v:n:m:al:aD:r
S:öK: c:#D:r p:it:aöb:rD:rö
Â:ikr p:Ørödr eg:erD:r n:ag:r
m:Ørl:iD:r G:n:Sy:am: m:n::ðhr
(Oh Lord, You are wearing a garland of wild flowers. You are the One
dressed in yellow robes and You are holding the conch and chakra in
Your hands. Oh Lord, You lifted the (Govardhan) mountain. You are
the blue colored Krishna who played on His beautiful flute)
- y:dÙ n:ödn: g::ðp:al: j:y: b:àödav:n: p:al:
j:y: m:Ørl:i g:an: ev:l::ðl:, g::ðp:al: g::ðp:al: s:aI g::ðp:al:
(Victory to Lord Gopaala! son of Nanda of Yadava clan, who
enchants our hearts with divine music on the flute.)
- y:dÙ n:ödn: raG:v: ram: hrð s:it:a ram: hrð
raj:iv: l::ðc:n: ram: hrð, s:it:a ram: hrð
j:an:ki j:iv:n: ram: hrð
(Chant the names of Rama, Seetha's consort, the lotus eyed One)
- y:dÙ n:ödn: y:S::ðda b:al:
m:aD:v: kñS:v:
y:dÙ n:ödn: y:S::ðda b:al:
m:T:Øra n:aT: m:m: s:aI n:aT:
(Beloved son of Nanda and Yashoda of the Yadu family, Lord of Divine Mother laxmii,
O Keshava, Lord of Mathura, You are my Lord Sai)
- y:m:Øn:a t:ir ev:hari v:àödav:n: s:öc:ari
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al: ká\N: m:Ørari
ec:*:av:t:i t:ir v:as:i ec:Ài ká\N: m:Ørari
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al: ká\N: m:Ørari
)ðm: Ædy: s:öc:ari p:ret:p:Øri Â:i s:aI
g::ðv:D:ün: eg:erD:ari g::ðp:al: ká\N: m:Ørari
(Sing the glory of Lord Krishna, moving on the banks of Yamuna,
walking in the Vrindavan garden, bearer of Govardhana mountain,
destroyer of demon Mura, residing on the banks of Chitravati
river, resident of Parthi, Lord Shree Sai, Indweller of our hearts.)
- y:S::ðda n:ödn: g::ðep:ka röj:n:
IÃ:rmm: n:ödn: j:y:
hð kñS:v: hð m:aD:v:
hð m:aD:v: hð kñS:v:
j:y: Â:i ram: s:aI ram:
(O Loving son of Mother Yasoda! Thou art the joy of devotees.
Victory to the son of Eeswaramma, Sai Ram, Madhava and Keshawa.)