1. j:y: j:y: s:aI m:aú j:y: s:aI s:rsv:t:i m:aú v:iN:a v:aedn:i m:aú ev:½a daey:n:i m:aú j:y: j:y: s:aI m:aú j:y: s:aI s:rsv:t:i m:aú m:ØeVt: )daey:n:i m:aú S:eVt: )daey:n:i m:aú v:iN:a v:aedn:i m:aú ev:½a daey:n:i m:aú
  2. (Victory to Mother Sai Saraswati: Player of (heart soothing music on string instrument) Veena; Bestower of wisdom; Grantor of energy (life) and liberation.)