1. Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Vinaayaka Mahadeva Sudha Mangala Dhaayaka (Gaja Vadana) Veda Vidhyadhara Vighna Vinaashaka Dayaa Sindhu Hey Dhuritha Nivaaraka Sai Gajaanana Thribuvana Dhaaraka
  2. (Oh elephant faced Gajaanana (Ganesha), the chieftain of the ganas; You are the son of Mahadeva (Shiva), the bestower of auspiciousness; You are the One who blesses the study of Vedas, the destroyer of obstacles; Oh Lord, the merciful One, the One who dispels misery; You are Lord Sai Gajaaanana (Sai in the form of Gajaanana))