1. j:y: Â:i g:N:ðS: ev:Gn: n:aS: g:j:an:n: ev:½a b:Øe¹ s:v:ü es:e¹ p:Øröj:n: j:y: Â:i g:N:ðS: ev:Gn: n:aS: g:j:an:n: j:y: hð röB:a hð j:g:döb:a n:ödn: Ok döt: dy:av:öt: S:ØB:an:n: m:ög:l: day:k hð ev:n:ay:k v:ödn:
  2. (Victory to Lord Ganesh, destroyer of obstacles and grantor of good intelligence and success. Victory to beloved son of Mother of Universe, Mother Rambha. Worship Elephant-Faced Lord Vinaayaka, who has one tusk.)