1. j:y: j:y: j:y: j:y: p:Üjy: g:j:an:n: j:y: hð S:mB::ð N:ndn:..(j:y:) ev:Gn: ev:n:aS:k b:Øe¹ )dat:a s:Ør n:r v:öedt: hð S:ØB: dat:a m::ðdk e)y: )B:Ø b:al: g:j:an:n: n:m::ð n:m::ð hð j:g: v:ödn: (2)
  2. (Victory to Thee revered Ganesha! O son of Lord Shiva, dispeller of impediments, bestower of intellect, revered by mortals and immortals alike, O good and auspicious Ganesh, O world acclaimed One, our salutations to Thee.)