1. Â:i g:N:n:aT: p:aeh )B:Ø p:av:üt:i t:n:y: p:aeh ev:B::ð ev:Gn: ev:n:aS:k g:j:an:n: b:Øe¹ )day:k S:ØB:an:n: es:e¹ ev:n:ay:k eS:v: n:ödn: g::òri n:ödn: en:röj:n: p:ad n:m:st:ð g:j:an:n: (2)
  2. (Look after us, protect us, O Lord Ganesh. Thou art reputed to protect Thy devotees from impediments and give them a powerful intellect and spiritual enlightenment. We prostrate before Thee in humble surrender.)