1. km:l: v:dn: s:aI rög: kóv:ly: p:aNRÙrög: (2) s:aI g::ðp:al: G:n: G:n: n:il: kÙeXl: kÙnt:l: e*:B:Øv:n: p:al: b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø m:hðÃ:r -p: (2) m:ay:a l::ðl:a b:ÒÉ sv:-p:
  2. (O! Lotus-faced Lord Sai Ranga, bestower of salvation; blue-hued Sai Gopaala, wearing a mass of curly hair, the Lord of Three Worlds, the embodiment of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara (Creation, Sustenance and Destruction), who enchants with Maya.)