1. kst:Üri et:l:kö l:l:aX Pl:kñ v:x:sT:l:ð k:òst:ØB:ö n:as:ag:Òð n:v: m::òeVt:kö krt:l:ð v:ðN:Øö krð kökN:ö s:v:aüög:ð herc:ödn:ö, c: kl:y:N: köt:ð c: m:ØVt:av:l:i g::ðp:s*:i p:erv:ðeÄt:ö ev:j:y:t:ð g::ðp:al: c:Ü_am:N:i
  2. (Hail to Thee, the crown jewel of the cowherd's race, who is surrounded by the cowherd women (Gopis), who wears the sacred mark of musk paste in His forehead, who wears the precious gem of Kaustubha on His chest, who wears pearl nose ring, who has a flute in His hand, bracelet around the wrist, who has sandal paste all over the body and pearl garlands around the neck)