1. raeD:ka j:iv:n: ká\N: j:n:adün: raD:ð g::ðev:nd raD:ð g::ðp:al: dðv:ki n:ödn: raeD:ka j:iv:n: n:ödn:ödn: hð g::ðep:ka röj:n: m:Ørl:i m::ðhn: Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn: ká\N: ká\N: Â:i m:D:Øs:Üdn:
  2. (Hey Krishna, Janardhana, You are the life of Radha; You are Radha's Govinda, Gopala; You are the son of Devaki and the life breath of Radha; You are the darling child of Nanda and the enchanter of the Gopis; You are the One with the beautiful flute, the One who destroyed the demon Madhu)