1. ram: rG:Ø ram: rev:kÙl: k:ðm:l: ram: m:a,et: s:ðev:t: m:an:s: ram: m:Øen:j:n: v:öedt: m::ðhn: ram: s:Ørm:Øen: s:ðev:t: s:g:ØN: ram: s:Øödr ram: s:it:a ram: kly:aN: ram: k:ðdNR ram: p:¬aeB: ram: p:av:n: n:am: ram: rG:Ø ram:
  2. (Oh Lord Rama, You were born n the lineage of the Sun; You were served by Hanuman; You were worhipped by the saints; You are the charming Lord of Seetha; You are adorned with the Kodanda bow; Your name purifies all of us)