1. b::ðl:ð hn:Øm:an: j:y: es:y:a ram: j:y: j:y: hn:Øm:an: j:y: s:aI ram: b::ðl:ð hn:Øm:an: j:y: es:y:a ram: rG:Ø p:et: raG:v: raj: ram: p:et:t: p:av:n: s:it:a ram: j:an:ki v:ll:B: hð B:g:v:an: (3)
  2. (Chant (sing) - Victory to Hanuman, Victory to Lord Rama; Victory to Hanuman, Victory to Sai Ram; Chant the name of Raghu Pathi (Prince of Raghu clan), Raaghava (Rama), Raaja Ram (Prince Ram) Chant the name of Rama who bestows salvation to the fallen; Hey Lord, consort of Janaki (Seetha - daughter of King Janaka), Victory to Thee)