1. hð p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r ram: p:rm: dy:akr ram: )S:aöet: en:l:y:a p:ap: s:öhar p:et:t: p:av:n: ram: p:et:t: p:av:n: ram: B:Vt: j:n: e)y: ram: B:Xka s:örx:k ram: din: j:n:av:n: dÙert: en:v:arN: dy:a s:ag:r ram: (2) dy:a s:ag:r ram:
  2. (O Lord of Puttaparthi, embodiment of kindness, You bring salvation to the fallen. You are the darling of Your devotees. You are their protector. You are the friend of the meek. You remove their sins. You are an ocean of kindness.)