1. p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r Â:i s:aI ram: p:rm: dy:al: B:g:v:an: s:it:a ram: j:y: ram: din::ð¹arN: B:v: B:y: n:aS:k j:an:ki j:iv:n: ram: Al:K: en:röj:n: As:Ør en:ködn: s:Øödr n:y:n:B:i ram: s:it:a ram: j:y: ram:
  2. (O Lord of Parthi! Lord Sai Ram! Thou art extremely merciful. Victory to Lord Rama - Lord of Seetha. O Lord Rama! Thou art saviour of afflicted and miserables and destroyer of fear of bondage of birth and death and demons. Victory to Lotus-Faced Lord of Seetha - Lord Rama, who is infinite purity.)