1. eS:rRi s:aI p:ret: s:aI her ! Ædy: Aöt:r jy::ðet: s:aI s:ty: D:m:ü s:aI S:öet: )ðm: s:aI eS:v: s:v:ðüS:ay: S:ökray: s:aI y::ðg:ðÃ:r B:Vt:j:n: s:aI At:it:ay: s:v:ü )B:Ø s:aI (2) s:ty: s:aI s:ty: s:aI (her) ! n:m:H eS:v:ay: s:aI [End the bhajan on this line]
  2. (O Sai of Shirdi, Sai of Puttapathi, O great god dwelling in our hearts You are the inner Light of all. Sai of Divine Truth, Virtue, Peace and L ove O auspicisous Sai, You are all-manifesting, Sai, You are Lord of yogis a nd devotees Sai, Lord of all beings, You transcend all. Sathya Sai (we sing Your Nam e) all Glory and Obeisance to Lord Shiva, Sathya Sai!)

  3. eS:rRi s:aI p:ret: s:aI hm:k:ð dij::ð )ðm:am:àt: D:ar, )ðm:am:àt: D:ar t:v: s:ðv:a ki Av:s:r dij::ð, s:ty: s:aI m:hadðv: g:N:am:àt: m:ðö B:av: B:i dij::ð, )ðm: s:aI B:g:v:an:, )ðm: s:aI B:g:v:an:
  4. (Sai Baba of Shirdi, of Parthi, give us your love like an everflowing stream of nectar; Give us the chance to serve you Lord Sai, In the sweetness of singing, give us also pure devotion to you, Prema Sai.)