1. B:j::ðrð m:an:s: s:aI c:rN: p:v:n: t:rk s:aI c:rN: en:m:ül: en:Á:l: en:,p:m: c:rN: A:ed An:öt: s:aI c:rN: B:eVt: m:ØeVt: )day:k c:rN: B:j::ðrð m:an:s: s:aI c:rN: p:v:n: t:rk s:aI c:rN:
  2. (Pay obeisance in your mind to the Lotus Feet of Sai, The most sacred Lotus Feet of the Lord, The pure unshakable incomparable Lotus Feet of the Lord, The one without a beginning and end, The Lotus Feet that bestows devotion and liberation. Pay obeisance to those most sacred Lotus Feet of Sai)