- Darshana Do Shiva Shankara Deva
Darshana Do Sai Shankara Deva ..(Darshana Do..)
Gaja Charmaambara Hey Pralayankara
Hey Pralayankara, Hey Abhayankara ..(Gaja Charmaamnara..)
Hey Tripuraari Trinetra Dhaari
Parvathi Ramana Paataka Harana
Hey Bhuvaneshwara Dayaa Karo
(Will You not come and reveal yourself to me, Sai Shankara?
I can visualize You dressed in an elephant skin. O Lord of
dissolution, You have inculcated fearlessness in us, devotees. O
Eashwara, destroyer of the three worlds, O three eyed One,
Parvathi's consort, giver of salvation to sinners, Lord of the
universe will you not come and give me a glimpse of Your Form?)