- Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahaadeva
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Sadaa Shiva
Om Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahaadeva
Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya
Brahma Vishnu Surarchithaaya Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya
Uma Ganesha Sharavana Sevita Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya
Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaaya
(Glory to the great God Shiva! Chant the auspicious name "Shiva"
You are worshipped by all the other aspects of God - Brahma and Vishnu worship You
You are served by Your consort, the Divine Mother Uma
and by Your sons, Ganesha and Sharavana (Subramaniam)
All praise, glory and homage to Shiva!)