- eS:v: m:hðÃ:r eS:v: m:hðÃ:r eS:v: m:hðÃ:r s:aI ram:
eS:v: m:hðÃ:r, eS:v: S:ökr, eS:v: m:hadðv:, s:aI ram:
kól:as: v:as: m:hðÃ:r
j:g:diÃ:r b:ab:a m:hadðv:
e*:B:Øv:n: p:al: b:ab:a s:aI dðv:
(Hail to Sai Baba, who is the great Lord Shiva; giver of
prosperity; who dwells on Kailas mountain; Lord of the universe,
Shiva, Sai Baba; Protector of the three worlds, Shiva, who is our God Sai.)