- ev:Ã:n:aT: hð g::òrin:aT: hð s:aIn:aT: B:g:v:an:
dy:a kr:ð dy:a kr:ð dy:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
ev:Ã:n:aT: hð g::òrin:aT: hð s:aIn:aT: B:g:v:an:
din: dy:al: s:aI G:n:Sy:am:
p:et:t: p:av:n: hð s:aIram:
dy:a kr:ð káp:a kr:ð rx:a kr:ð B:g:v:an:
(Hey Divine Lord Sai, Lord of Gauri (Parvati), Lord of the Universe,
be merciful. Oh Sai, You are the blue complexioned Lord, Uou are
compassionate to the humble and weak, You are Sai Ram who uplifts
those who have fallen. Be merciful, be compassionate and protect us oh Lord)