- dS:ün: d:ð eS:v: S:ökr dðv:
dS:ün: d:ð s:aI S:ökr dðv: ..(dS:ün: R:ð..)
g:j: c:m:aüöb:r hð )l:y:ökr
hð )l:y:ökr, hð AB:y:ökr ..(g:j: c:m:aümn:r..)
hð e*:p:Ørari e*:n:ð*: D:ari
p:av:üt:i rm:N: p:at:k hrN:
hð B:Øv:n:ðÃ:r dy:a kr:ð
(Will You not come and reveal yourself to me, Sai Shankara?
I can visualize You dressed in an elephant skin. O Lord of
dissolution, You have inculcated fearlessness in us, devotees. O
Eashwara, destroyer of the three worlds, O three eyed One,
Parvati's consort, giver of salvation to sinners, Lord of the
universe will you not come and give me a glimpse of Your Form?)