- eD:ö eD:ö eD:em: eD:em: n:Xn: eS:v:
t:aNRv: kñel: ev:l:as: eS:v:
eD:ö eD:ö eD:em: eD:em: n:Xn: eS:v:
l:il:a m:an:Ø\: v:ð\: eS:v:
el:ög::ð»v: kr s:aI eS:v:
s:aI eS:v: hr b:al: eS:v:
(O Lord Shiva, the lover of the rhythmical dance, The performer of cosmic Dance, Tandava
Who has taken the human form as if for sport (lila)
O Sai Shiva, the Lord who brings up the Lingam by His Divine Will
O Sai, the Young (Bala) Shiva)