- (hr) g:ög:a j:Xa D:r g::òri S:ökr eg:erj:a m:n: rm:N:
(j:y:) m:àty:Øöj:y: m:hadðv: m:hðÃ:r m:ög:l: S:ØB: c:rN:
n:öed v:ahn: n:ag: B:Ü\:N:
en:,p:m: g:ØN: s:dn:a
n:Xn: m:n::ðhr n:il: kaöt: s:aI
n:irj: dl: n:y:n:a (s:aI)
(Glory to the One who bears river Ganges in His hair; Glory to the One who is the husband of Parvati;
Glory to the One who is beyond death; Glory to the One whose Feet spell good for every one;
Glory to the One who rides the Nandi Glory to the One who has a cobra around His neck
Glory to the one who is the embodiment of unparalleled virtues;
Hail the enchanting dancer, the blue throated Sai, Whose eyes are like the petals of a Lotus flower)