- B:sm: B:ÜeS:t:aög: s:aI c:ödÓ S:ðK:ra
B:al: n:ð*: S:Ül: D:ari s:aI S:ökr
B:sm: B:Üe\:t:aög: s:aI c:ödÓ S:ðK:ra
s:am: g:an: e)y:kra s:aI s:Øödra
hr hr hr eS:v: S:mB::ð n:Xn: S:ðK:ra
p:ret: v:as: s:aI dðv: s:aI S:ökra
s:aI S:ökr s:ty: s:aI S:ökr
(Worship the charming Lord Sai: Who wears sacred holy ashes all
over Him; Who is decorated with Moon on Head; Who has third
spiritual eye on forehead; and Who holds Trident (representing
three phases each of, time, space and attributes). O King among
the dancers! O Charming One! Virtuous persons adore and
worship Thee. Chant the name of Lord Sathya Sai Shankar, Resident of Parthipuri and Lord of Lords.)