- kól:as: p:t:ð s:aI k,N: en:D:ð
p:av:üt:i p:t:ð p:S:Ø p:t:ð
S:mB:Ü S:ökr eS:rRi p:t:ð
s:aI p:ret: p:t:ð
g:ög:a j:at: D:r g::òri p:t:ð
Â:i s:ty: s:aIÃ:r ev:Ã: p:t:ð
! n:m:H eS:v:ay: n:m:H eS:v:ay:
(O Lord Sai, residing in Kailas, You hold Ganges in Thy
matted Hair. You are the treasure of compassion. You are the
Lord of Shirdi and Parthi, Lord of entire creation.)