Dedicated at the Lotus Feet
Of our Beloved
With Koti Pranams
Ghandikota V. Subba Rao
Guru Puurnima 1999
(based on a talk given in Thrayee Brindavan May 20, 1999)
Linkage with Cosmic Divine Forces
Divine Universal Love Principle
This Avathaar of Shri Sathya Sai has multiple dimensions, manifold powers, and multifarious manifestations. However, in this article attention is focused on three aspects of Sai consciousness culminating finally in the state of transcendental Consciousness (Thureeya). These three aspects are together termed SAITHREE.
Baba is the most Modern, Wondrous, Splendorous Manifestation of Divinity: He is the living, loving, lovely Lord right before us now. The question is how do we relate ourselves, on a daily basis, to this Fire of Spiritual Energy and Love-Incarnate, who is moving amidst us.
In Vedhik literature, there is a recurring theme of three types of forms:
These three forms can be viewed as
Linkage with Cosmic Divine Forces
Each individual conscious entity is also linked to the cosmic level: the collective macrocosmic level of all physical bodies (vishvas) is called Viraat; the sum total of all subtle bodies is called Hiranyagarbha, and the sum total of all causal bodies (Praajna) is called Eeshvara. The wakeful state (jagratha avastha) is the last state of evolution of the universe, but it is the first state in the order of involution. When we, as individual conscious entities, link ourselves with the cosmic Divine level of these three forms, we align ourselves with the respective causes and attain progressive emancipation from the endless cycle of birth and death (krama mukthi).
In the Rig-Vedha and Yajur-Vedha, we
find hymns about the processes of creation. At the Cosmic, Praajna,
level of deep sleep (the unmanifest or latent state), God is called Eeshvara.
When the ideational principle takes effect, we have the Hiranyagarbha
aspect. This is where the transcendental "waters" of creation become organized
into life-supportive forces. Eeshvara manifests itself from Parabrahman,
and Hiranyagarbha manifests itself from Eeshvara. Viraat
Manifests itself from Hiranyagarbha. Prakrithi
nature is the manifestation of Viraat. Prabrahman, the Supreme
Cosmic Divine Principle inheres as well as transcends Its three macrocosmic
states of Viraat (Cosmic Body), Hiranyagarbha (Cosmic Mind-Intellect)
and Eeshvara (Cosmic Life). Thaijas is the "shining effulgence"
corresponding, at the Cosmic level, to Hiranyagarbha. Hiranyagarbha
is the In-dweller, the Inner Controller, the Antharyaamin; It is
the thread that runs through all the flowers of the garland, the unifying
principle of the individual with the collective, the Divine-Love Principle,
the Suuthraathma.
Divine Universal Love Principle
The Brahma Suuthra is the cosmic divine thread of love, the cause of all causes of all manifestations. Here, there is no logic chopping; only the intellectuals are fond of that, as Bhagavaan Baba says. If you link the Self at the body level with the cosmos, you shall attain great expansion.
Through love, you multiply your power to the power of infinity. Such meditations are taught in the Upanishaths. First, link self with family; then, gradually, with friends, society, city, country, planet, solar systems, galaxy, universe (as in Jyothi/Light Meditation). Remember that the power of the microcosm is multiplied manifold as it links closer and deeper with the macrocosm.
The Purusha Suuktha of the Rig-Vedha tells us to link the individual with the cosmic at various levels, the physical level being the first. Then comes linkage at the mental level. In the super-conscious state, sages and yogis have had the vision of Hiranyagarbha (meaning golden self-shining seed force, from which are generated the universes). Consciousness persists through all the states of evolution/involution. At the Hiranyagarbha-Thaijas level is the spiritual heart, where one can meditate to foster the link-up with the divine cosmic energy.
All these forms relate to cosmic energies, which the individual links through meditation. This Hiranyagarbha or Supreme Love principle is the first manifestation from Parabrahman, the never-changing Supreme Being. As Bhagavaan Baba states, "I separated Myself from Myself in order to love Myself." From the Hiranyagarbha emanated the universes and, in the process, all the components of the cosmos. Macrocosm and microcosm have the same structure: The living cell (anda), human embryo (pinda), and cosmos (Brahmanda) are all egg shaped or linga shaped.
Golden Linga emerges from Baba's mouth
On Mahaa Shivaraathri 1999, Bhagavaan Baba came to emit from His divine stomach an effulgent golden Linga, exemplifying the divine love principle. Hiranyagarbha is divine love. Baba refers to mother's love, which transforms blood into milk for the baby's sustenance. We experience this loving-mother principle from the first day of our existence. Similarly, divine love emerges from the navel and rises up from the spiritual heart, on our right side.
I witnessed the emission of this Golden Linga from Baba's mouth on the last Mahaa Shivaraathri day.
Baba smacked the Linga three times on the stone ground, saying that Divinity is unbreakable because it expresses "solid" love! He said that this Hiranyagarbha Linga bestows spiritual power to achieve liberation. Love is the bonding and organizing principle of the universe, and of the microcosm. It interpenetrates everything. Sathya Sai is the Hiranyagarbha in an embodied form.
The epithets of Prema (love) and Sathya (truth) that appear in the Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree are authenticated by the references to the Hiranyagarbha Principle in the Upanishaths, particularly Brihadha-aranyaka Upanishath. These are also authenticated in Baba's talks on Hiranyagarbha. The word "Sathya" is divided as Sa-Thi-Ya, Sa and Ya representing God and Thi symbolizing Prakrithi (nature). In other words, the Absolute Supreme covers the phenomenal middle; Nature is sandwiched between the Divine Principle or noumenon (the substratum of all phenomena) and the same Supreme Divinity.
1. Prema. It was in Delhi that I witnessed Baba as a great magnet of love power, drawing hundreds of thousands to Him. He is Love Incarnate. Hence, the first line of Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree reads, Premaathmanaaya Vidhmahe. This means that we have come to realize that this SAI is the embodiment of Divine Love.
2. Baba is also Hiranyagarbha, with the shining golden love principle emerging from Him as a solid Linga. Therefore, the second line of the Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree reads Hiranyagarbhaaya Dheemahi. This means that we meditate with all our heart on this golden-wombed divine Sathya Sai. In such a meditation, the feeling "I am linking with Sai Hiranyagarbha, the cosmic divine Mind and Intellect" should be evoked. Such a linkage is bound to greatly enhance our mental and intellectual energies.
3.The third line is the key to the Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree. This Avathaar's name is Sathya, and He also stands by the truth principle. He is the God of Truth. It is said in the Upanishaths that the second name of Hiranyagarbha is "Sathyam". Hence, the third line reads, Thannah Sathyah Prachodhayaath. This means "May this God of truth and love lead us on the path of liberation."
It is important to mention here that I was extremely thrilled when Baba Himself graciously filled in this third line when I was groping for the right words.
The taking out of the Hiranyagarbha Linga by Baba has twin benefits: at the individual level, those who witness (or deeply meditate on) its emergence are freed from rebirth and, at the Collective or World level the birth of the Linga from the Divine Stomach results in the spread of Saathvik Love at a time when the world is engulfed in mortal hatred and violence. That is why Baba recently declared that He would be taking out Hiranyagarbha Lingas in future years. Enlightenment and liberation through LOVE is the message of Baba for the New Millennium. Love is the emanation of Truth. "Truth is the current and Love is the bulb it illumines. Through Truth you can experience Love, through Love you can visualize Truth" says Baba.
The three Sai Gaayathrees, given below, are potent Manthras for facilitating the linkage of the individualized Self (Jeevaathma) with the Omni or Supreme Self (Paramaathma). Transformation through love must occur at all three levels --the waking, dream, and deep sleep stages. That is the Sai Vision for the new millennium. Take the example of a coconut. The hard outer shell is comparable to the waking or Vishva state; the soft kernel to the dreaming or Thaijas state; and the water, the innermost element, to the deep-sleep or Praajna state. Out of the water comes the kernel; out of the primeval waters arose the foremost or first principle, the Hiranyagarbha, who is called the first-born in the Vedhas.
Sathya Sai is also the Sai Suurya (Sun God). The Sun is the most impressive manifestation of self-effulgence in a physical form. Similarly, Sathya Sai Baba is the most powerful manifestation of divine energy in human form. That is why He rode the Golden Sun Chariot, symbolizing a historic event in the unfolding of the Sai Avathaar. As I watched that event on 22 September 1997, I was inspired to compose the Sai Suurya Gaayathree. This Manthra relates to the Viraat or body level in the Cosmic Form.
The Sai Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree Manthra flashed in my mind when I was contemplating on Sathya Sai emitting from His mouth the golden Linga on Mahaa Shivaraathri in 1999. This Manthra enables us to link with the Divine Cosmic Mind, i.e. Hiranyagarbha.
With regard to the Sai (Eeshvara) Gaayathree, which was revealed in 1977 by the revered Vedhik scholar Ghandikota Subrahmanya Shastriji, it serves as a bridge to the Divine Cosmic Life Principle of Eeshvara in SAI.
SAI (Eeshvara) Gaayathree
OM. Saayeeshvaraaya Vidmahe
Sathya-Dhevaaya Dheemahi
Thannah-Sarvah Prochodhayaath [Audio]
Best Chanting/Meditation Time: Dawn
Individual State Relating to Cosmic State: Praajna Eeshvara
SAI Suurya Gaayathree
OM. Bhaaskaraaya Vidhmahe
Sai-Dhevaaya Dheemahi
Tannah-Suuryah Prochodhayaath [Audio]
Best Chanting/Meditation Time: Noon
Individual State Relating to Cosmic State: Vishva Viraat
SAI Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree
OM. Premaathmanaaya Vidhmahe
Hiranyagarbhaaya Dheemahi
Tannah-Sathyah Prochodhayaath [Audio]
Best Chanting/Meditation Time: Dusk
Individual State Relating to Cosmic State: Thaijasa
Manthras are the bridges that enable us to cross from the individual to the collective and Divine Consciousness, so that we realize the totality of our Being. This is merging, or liberation (mukthi).
Brahma Muhuurtha, fresh from the deep sleep state of Praajna (early morning), is the best time to chant Saayeshvara Gaayathree, so that our causal body is linked with the cosmic life principle of Sai Eeshvara.
The waking state (jaagrath avastha), which is at its maximum at midday, is the appropriate time for chanting the Sai Suurya Gaayathree; and the right time for chanting the Hiranyagarbha Gaayathree is the evening, before we slip off into the "dream" state of Thaijas.
It may be noted that each of these three Manthras dedicated to the Lord Sathya Sai are in the holy Vedhik metre called Gaayathree ( the chanting of which leads to Liberation). Each Gaayathree Manthra consists of three parts, each part containing eight holy Vedhik letters, thus totaling in all twenty four letters (signifying the twenty four Cosmic life principles). The first part of each Gaayathree Manthra denotes adoration, the second part relates to meditation and the third part connotes prayer. Gaayathree stands for the Universal Mother Goddess principles of Life, Love and Learning.
The above three Gaayathrees constitute a single combined entity, which may be called SAITHREE, a term used by Bhagavaan Baba. This three-in-one sacred formula signifies the three Divine Glories of Shri Sathya Sai Baba as the Divine Governor at the gross level, at the subtle or psychosomatic level, and at the vital force or causal level.
SAITHREE, the triple Sai Gaayathree Manthras, which are dedicated to Bhagavaan Baba, are powerful aids to devotees in enabling them to live in Divine Sai Consciousness. Bhagavaan Sathya Sai, in accordance with His mission of making everyone realize their inherent divinity, multiplies the devotees’ capacities and faculties of perception, action, and response, and also energy levels, by purifying them and suffusing them through with Cosmic Divine Power through His unbounded Love and Absolute Eternal Bliss Form.
This is the five-lettered Panchaakshari Manthra, which identifies oneself as none other than Sai-Shiva, the modern and yet primordial ancient principle of Divinity.
The meditations on the Saithree Manthras lead the aspirant to total enlightenment at the non-dual stage of Sai Shivoham, signifying the identity of the individual Self with the Divine Cosmic Source and Force represented by Sai-Shiva.
A tabulated elaboration of Saithree Manthras, along
with their characteristics, appears in the following Appendix.
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OM. Sayeeshvaraaya Vidhmahe Sathya-Dhevaaya Dheemahi Thannah-Sarvah Prochodhayaath
Meaning: We know this Sai is Supreme Divinity incarnate. We meditate on this God of Truth. May this Almighty Personality lead us on the path of total liberation. |
(b) Sheath: Aanandhamaya (bliss)
(c) State: Deep sleep
(d) Aspect:
(i) Individual: Praajna (Latent/unmanifest State)
(ii) Cosmic: Svaraat/Eeshvara (Self-illuminating entity, reaching identity of the individual living being with the Cosmic Divine Self(e) Level of consciousness: Deepest consciousness, attaining Saaruupya or essential equality with the Cosmic Divine Self.
(f) Manifest aspect of Divinity: Sai Eeshvara ( Sai as Supreme Divinity)
(g) Faculty/energy level: jnaana-shakthi (power of spiritual knowledge)
(h)Operational Value: Egolessness through self surrender
Ideally, 4 AM - 10 AM (morning, on getting up)
Form of Meditation
Sathya Sai, visualized at the heart of the five-faced Vedha Maatha Gaayathree,
whose idol was installed by Baba in Prasanthinilayam.
Benefits/ Powers
Super-conscious illumination, culminating in bliss; Saaruupya (living in Sai consciousness
at the deepest level or totality of personality). Aanandhamaya:
Bliss-filled form.
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Manthra OM. Bhaaskaraaya Vidhmahe Sai-Dhevaaya Dheemahi Thannah-Suuryah Prochodhayaath Meaning We know this Self-shining Being. We meditate on this Divinity as Sai Suurya. May this Divine Light enlighten us on the path of liberation.
(b) Sheath: Physical/Food
(c) State: Waking
(d) Aspect:
(i) Individual: Vishva (Embodied self in the Waking State)(e) Level of consciousness: Consciousness of the outer world
(ii) Cosmic: Viraat (Macro Cosmic Form: the Lord as the Manifested Cosmos.
(f) Manifest aspect of Divinity: Sai Suurya (Sun God)
(g) Faculty/energy level: Kriyaa-shakthi (Power of action)
(h)Operational Value: Self-sacrifice through service to others.
Time: 7:00 AM, September 22, 1997
Occasion: Sathya Sai riding the Golden Chariot
Place: Sai Kulvanth Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam
Chanting time
Ideally, 10 AM - 4 PM
Form of Meditation
Visualize Sathya Sai as riding the resplendent Golden Chariot
drawn by seven gold horses ( as in the picture)
Benefits/ Powers
Health, strength, skill, stamina, culminating in Saalokya
(Living in Sai consciousness at the Waking state)
Sanmaya: filled with existential reality.
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OM. Premaathmanaaya Vidhmahe Hiranyagarbhaaya Dheemahi Thannah-Sathyah Prochodhayaath Meaning We know this Embodiment of Divine Love, Sathya Sai. We meditate on this Golden-Wombed
May Truth-incarnate, Sathya Sai,
(d) Aspect:
(i) Individual: Thaijas (Embodied self-shining entity in the dream state)(e) Level of consciousness: Subconscious-psychosomatic Conscience.
(ii) Cosmic: Samraat/ Hiranyagarbha (sovereign or centrally-shining entity)
(f) Manifest aspect of Divinity Sai Hiranya Garbha Lingam (Golden-wombed Divinity)
(g) Faculty/energy level Ichhaa-shakthi (Will power)
(h) Operational Value: Inner self awareness through Control of senses.
Time: 6:15 AM, February 15, 1999
Occasion: Lingodbhavam (Emergence of the Linga)
Place: Sai Kulvanth Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam
Chanting time
Ideally, 4 PM - 10 PM
(Evening until sleep overtakes)
Form of Meditation
Visualize Sathya Sai as emitting the Hiranyagarbha Linga from His mouth)
Benefits/ Powers
Love and Truth, culminating in Saameepya (Living in Sai consciousness
at the inner, Heart level) Chinmaya: filled with God awareness.
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Manthra Sai Shivoham
Meaning I am the Supreme Cosmic Divine Self (Sai Shiva)
(b) Sheath: Beyond senses
(c) State: Transcendental (thureeya)
(d) Aspect:
(i) Individual: Jeevanmuktha (one who is liberated while living)(e) Level of consciousness: Constant integrated awareness of identity of Jeevanmuktha with Paramaathma
(ii) Cosmic: Sarvaraat: Universally Self-shining Supreme Eternal Entity
Time: 6:15 AM, February 15, 1999
Occasion: Maha Shivaraathri
Place: Sai Kulvanth Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam
Chanting time
For inner contemplation at any time.
Form of Meditation
Visualize Sathya Sai at the heart of Shiva Linga and gradually
trancending Name and Form.
(the picture above was materialized by Baba for Ghandikota Subrahmanya
Shastriji, saying "This is my true form")
Benefits/ Powers
Kaivalya/Saayujya (merging/living in total identity with
the Supreme Cosmic Divine Self, i.e. Sai Shiva.
Om That Sath